weight loss

Dex-chan lover
May 29, 2019
There are 2 surefire ways for anyone to lose weight: eat less food and exercise more.

"But I don't want to eat less or move around more", you might be thinking. No one does. But either you accept you'll always remain a fat bastard or you do what you gotta do.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2018
Best way that combines eat less and exercise more that reduces weight almost immediately and makes it easy to keep off:


Lose a leg and you lose all the fat that goes with it! Immediate weight loss!

Did you know amputees also use way more energy than full limbed people? Hit those exercise goals way more easily.

You can also do it without proper medical attention? The only way to be honest cause no proper doctor would perform this procedure! This drastically increases chance of infection which your body will spend extra eneegy to fight off.

Last but not least! No waste, more spend.
Eat the leg you cut off, don't worry if you can't finish it in one setting, most people can't. But don't worry about putting it in the fridge. The more pathogens live on it the better! Food poisoning! Extra energy expended! Also eating decaying meat over several days is sure to turn you into vegetarian or connoisseur of red meat! Cultured! Then you will more likely adhere to a healthy diet!

*The above advice was not written by a credited dietician, and will not assume any legal responsibilities brought on by the reader's stupidity or compromised mental state

Get a exercise buddy, best to be someone near your exercise level and keep each other accountable. Consult a Exercise Physiologist or your local GP to ascertain what goals you are trying to attain and what barriers are there to break them down. Weight loss should be mainly cardio (work your way to 150mins/week at 70% of your Heart Rate Reserve [220-(Age+Resting Heart Rate]), however resistance exercise is also recommended by ACSM atleast 2/week. Depending on your resistance training type you can improve strength,power,endurance or muscle volume. Consult qualified Gym junkies on what types of sets you should do. Rule of thumb biceps curls(or any isolated muscle exercises) are useless; do large muscle group exercises as much as possible to improve motor control (beginners get super gains in a short time because of this, so it becomes easier to lift your weight around and boost in confidence)
Aggregator gang
Nov 3, 2019
"how to lose weight effectively"
know your goals and realize youre going to have to suffer to make it happen. it wont be easy. hunger isnt always easy at first. but in time you get used to it and when you start seeing progress, it becomes justified. just dont become anorexic alright?

also the gym is probably ff limits rn due to corona but immediately it comes back id recommend muscle training if you hate cardio. its what i did. i hate cardio to death and only did muscle training and im 17% body fat.
Aggregator gang
Nov 3, 2019
DONT DO ANY OF THAT "today was a good workout i'll reward myself with an ice cream bar"
OR "i'll eat all these junk today its just a cheat day"
the whole cheat day mindset is so unnecessary and only reduces progress. don't fool yourself. remain at a calorie deficit.
Apr 30, 2018
Pretty much what everyone else here has said, especially the sugar and cheat day stuff. I've never gone on a diet, but I know what it's like to be addicted to sweets. My current shameful record is 16 cavities at one time. It was so bad, my dentist took pictures for teaching purposes. Good side(?) though, never had to have a tooth pulled or needed root canal. My teeth are fighters, they are.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 13, 2018
Nah i've got an extremely easy way out ...

I was 159 kg and currently with this method i've lost 34kg for 5 month , my blood sugar level and bad-cholesterol level is also down drastically . I am currently on 6th month . This method required no eating prohibition (you can eat anything) , extreme-hardcore++ level of discipline and or patience though . While i said that bad food is bad food , simple sugar like instant noodles and snacks (potato chip , biscuits) is still okay but since it turns into bad-fat i advise no more than 1 portion per week . Avoid eating that shyt if possible .

The core of this method is sleep-time . Sleep at 8~11PM and wake up at 2~3AM everyday no cheating except on emergency only . This has been proven scientifically to rise the testosterone level which burn fat and for man exclusively make your metabolism up to 200% times faster thus burn down bad-fat like you cut them off . If you're muslim you already done this since it is required for us to do this daily . Start with shower then do your daily thing . When i said emergency it means you require to sleep later or all-nighter , if you sleep make sure wake up at that time period .

Now just do this , fast day , cheat day , fast day , cheat day , and so on without exception . On cheat day you can eat whatever you want but i advise avoid eating simple sugar (potato-starch-based) if possible or make it lesser than usual , and no alcohol f*ck that shyt . Drinking alcoholic beverage messes up your metabolism since your liver needs to focus on breaking down the shyt . Fast from daybreak until dusk . On fast you don't eat or drink anything . After dusk you can eat anything you want but please no alcohol .

For daily routine do this each morning cheat 1 day a week (preferably sunday) :
1 minute plank
20 push up
20 sit up
20 squat
and choose one : walk 2km , marathon 1km , or swim 20lap .

on cheat day you do none of above but resume the next day .

and no more .

after 1 month add extra 1 to each routine . so 2 minute plank 21 push up sit up squat walk 3km and so on .

and enjoy .
May 7, 2018
Git gud lmao.
For real, you're gonna get a ton of advice from different people. Make your decisions based on what suits your lifestyle the best. Consult a dietician before attempting any abnormal diet. In cases like veganism, vegetarianism and pescetarianism, you probably wont need outside help. But keto diets do need planning with a dietician. You dont need to do any of that and just be restrictive in what and how much you eat. But that diet is more volatile. Calorie counting must account for error and inaccuracies in caloric intake. Calories on food labels arent accurate. Supplement if you're doing a weird diet. Vegetables are good for you. Cut down on sugary products. The american diet is designed to make you fat, so avoid it as best you can. You do not need this much sugar. Use diets that dont give you too many cravings or leave you in long states of hunger if you are weak willed. Fat isnt bad for you, surprisingly enough. Eat lots of fibre and drink lots of water.

Get tons of excercise. Some diets might make you weak or tired when you undergo them, in that case do simpler exercise like walking. Excericse is hyper important for keeping your body healthy. Cardio is recommended for losing weight. Push-pull-legs is better for gaining muscle. Ppl aint a perfect muscle building regimen, but it gets you there fast. Later on, you can use regimens that focus on specific muscle groups. Biceps, triceps, shoulders, abdomen, and everything else. Playing sports is a great way to exercise too. Though they arent good at building muscles and dont focus on cutting down your fat.

The most important thing is dont feel demoralized by insults or fatshaming. Use them as motivation or ignore them. Dont be a pussy who cries about it online.
Aggregator gang
Jan 6, 2020
Cook more, eat fast and convenient foods less. Switch from sodas/milkshakes/alcohol to tea or coffee. Work out everyday. Go easy on the sugar, but don't swear it off altogether. Understand that diet assorted foods and drinks can only help you so much, and in some cases will only make it worse. Don't be an all-or-nothing person. If you feel inadequate or things aren't going the way you want, stay in the game. There are no failures, only quitters. With enough good daily habits and the right foods you shouldn't have to worry about how much you're eating.

This is my workout routine. Sometimes I go beyond it. Sometimes I don't. If you're not used to working out everyday I'd advise you to start small.
Pushups: 25
Situps: 20
Crunches: 20-25
Pushups: 25
Repeat 1 hour after every meal.
Remember to listen to your body. If an injury or soreness is making one exercise painful do more of a different one.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2018
Why are there so many health fanatics in the weeb community? Shouldn't we be scrawny or obese? Are y'all all cosplayers?
Aug 26, 2019
just remember to pace yourself properly and develop a routine for your workout and diet
workout needs to vary in target areas and intensity or else you'll stagnate and/or hurt yourself
good luck!

edit: also if you have the money, it'd be good to get a nutritionist and a trainer. you don't have to keep at it forever tho. ask them questions and learn what best suits your body & then work with that.
Aggregator gang
Jan 6, 2020
@Teddy You're thinking of them nasty anime weebs, not us manga emperors, who are superior in every way to them, of which fitness is not an exception
Dex-chan lover
Sep 1, 2019
how to lose weight effectively?

Go to space! Microgravity means you weigh less and so technically you no longer will have to deal with all those extra pounds.

Now, if you want to lose pounds, there's no way around diet and exercise. It depends which part of the body you want to reduce the amount of adipose and non-muscle tissue from.

Say you want a thinner waist. Running, push-ups, pull-ups, crunches, and even just walking or hiking can do it effectively. Additionally, a good diet with low-carbs and low-fats when used in tandem. (Don't starve yourself, though. Whilst less calories-in compared to more calories-out always works, it will lose effectiveness as your body's metabolism will break down less and store more in case of emergency as it thinks you're starving)

It's very basic health advice.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2018
Tbh I think OP wasn't actually expecting advice, neither did it expect this onslaught from a manga community let alone the SPANISH INQUISITION
Mar 9, 2020
I think that the most important thing is to eat well and conduct an active review of life. Exercising on a regular basis would be a huge plus.
May 7, 2018
Sex is a good weight loss tool. Totally not a myth by the way, i have tons of sex and never work out. That's how I got my eight pack and biceps the size of a log of wood. Man I get laid so fucking much.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2018
Hows everybody's quarantine workout routine. Missing butterfly lats and can't find any good objects around the house for it. Neither can I find any good subsitutes for biceps brachilas /pull up workouts.

Get ready for your quarantine end debuts
Nov 9, 2020
In my opinion, the topic of weight loss will be relevant for a long time. As long as society does not accept a person with any figure and stops putting itself in the framework. In order for society to accept me and for me to look at myself without thinking that I was terribly fat, I had to ask for help from link removedand proper nutrition. This is basically the main rules in weight loss. You need to limit not the portion, but the diet that you chose for yourself earlier

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