What game do you regret purchasing?

Dec 26, 2018
@Greenfrost Man, today is a day of firsts for me because I never thought I would hear the name Forever Kingdom show up here either. I actually quite enjoyed Forever Kingdom, though; the combo system it had was weirdly satisfying to pull off once you got it down, though the shared life bar did make things messy from time to time.
Active member
Mar 1, 2018
I've never really regretted buying any game since I do get my enjoyment out of the ones I buy and never really say I "hate" or wholly dislike one. Except for Frogger the Great Quest, but that was a gift. But I guess if I had to pick a game I probably didn't need to buy despite enjoying it, I would say Stanley Parable. The game's really short, there's not really any replay value, and you can get the same experience from a youtube video.
Jan 19, 2018
Boy do I feel old now. My hated game is... E.T The Extraterestrial...

IF only we knew what we found out the hard way....
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2018
-GTA5 (sucks. not fun.)
-BFV (complete annihilation of faith in DICE followed by going into the negatives in terms of faith)
-Dynasty Warriors 9 (i'm a DW fan, but DW9's quality control is non-existent)
-Agents of Mayhem (like being given half a game)
-Conan Exiles
-Fallout 4 (only played for the CBBE)
-Day of Defeat Source (bought on the pre-refund era so i'm stuck with this)
-Landmark (SOE assholes)
-Kingdom of Amalur Reckoning
-Mafia 2
-Quake Champions
-Blockland (still one of my worst decisions)
-Splatoon 2 (mostly because of how unused i am to playing shooters with the switch's gyro controls.)

so yeah, quite a hefty list. pretty sure there's more that i missed, but actually buying the Wii and Switch is still a mistake for me
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
@GreyouTT As someone else who received Frogger the Great Quest as a gift, I never put more than a couple hours in that game because of how garbage it was. It was being compared to other platformers like the Jak series that I played alongside it so it never stood a chance.

@Wolvenworks Curious what your taste in games is because a few of those are fairly well regarded. Not questioning your opinion. It's just quite the grab bag of games you've listed.
May 23, 2019
mother effing fire emblem awakening, even bought dlc, great game waifu simulator, all until the end where it hits you on the face for hoping for anything close to a real ending, instead you get a hollow text that makes me wanna break the cartridge.
Feb 11, 2018
I regret buying xenoblade chronicles x. I only had fun playing it for about a day or 2. Then I got lost trying to find out how to reach a area. I ended up getting there by swimming across the map and going through a way I wasn’t supposed to enter it. I also didn’t know how to make money quickly so it took me forever to wait and earn the credits to buy better skells. My character also always felt extremely weak during the entire game. I gave up on the game when I had to grind a enemy to reach level 60 because even if I got to level 60 I would have to wait even longer to earn the credits for the new skill. I also didn’t find the story interesting after a while and just ended up skipping tons of dialog.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 3, 2018
Thief. The remake. I've never been so mad at a game before. But really, that's more because they completely ruined the franchise. The game wasn't good, but it wasn't mind numbingly bad.

oh my fucking god EVERGRACE
somone else knows the pain

are you sure we aren't the same person? I also played all these terrible games way too much. Evergrace, Crimson Tears, etc.
Dec 26, 2018
@nobaka Crimson Tears too?! We might actually be the same person, because Crimson Tears is one of the few games I ever actually traded back to GameStop. (I kinda wish I had kept it just to like...have it and acknowledge its existence). If you say you played the PS2 remake of Baroque as well, I think we'll reach the singularity.
Dec 26, 2018
@nobaka I've seen Event Horizon; it's for the best that we didn't, in fact, reach the singularity.

That said, I don't think Baroque would've fit with the theme of this thread anyway--if you actually roguelikes, Baroque was pretty good once you got used to its admittedly bizarre internal logic. And that's not just the side of me that likes bad video games talking.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
Empire - Total War
It's a buggy mess and probably unfinished (the stitched together or rather cut up map may be an indication). Some of the issues: tl;dr. of the spoiler: Bugfest.

- AI shitty and bugged (gets stuck, walks into canons with shotgun/shrapnel like ammunition with infantry and gets slaughtered, reforms lines and walks back from the very front line under heavy fire if some hidden unit gets revealed like hidden artillery located in shrub/bushes/forest, cavalry charges early without support into your lines against pikes or line infantry aaaaaand so on, naval AI is potato tier)
- naval fights bugged (ships entering the battlefield randomly lose canons and/or man just by entering it aka moving into the battlefield boundary and many other bugs like texture flicker, men boarding another smaller ship ALL breaking their legs aka dying and so on)

- sieges bugged (including utter lag of death/need for a super computer once parts of the fort are destroyed/burning, AI getting stuck and not properly defending)
- sieges suck and once again: the AI sucks
- rarely: sometimes reinforcements enter from another side which is not the actual position of your reinforcements on the campaign map
- (some) (light) cavalry may be (slightly) to weak -> debatable I guess
- ports stopping town growth aka fucking the economy

- campaign movement bugged, causing lag, crashes and sometimes killing whole campaigns
- font optimized for certain resolutions, more or less eye cancer below FHD aka 1920x1080
- often annoying to find the approximate price for transactions with other countries
- agents cannot be recruited and spawn randomly (or just don't bother to spawn at all), sometimes on the other end of the world
- diplomacy partly bugged (selling military access and instantly cancelling it can be done over and over again to gain money, selling military access prevents factions from actively attacking you unless you declare war on them or their allies and they decide to honour their alliance and some other stuff)

- the real time battlefield engine is kinda meh (soldier x becomes slide-slidey man instead of getting knocked down by a cavalry charge o_O)
- general stability is so-so AT BEST (it is shit)
- unit stat cards only display accurate values once the RTS mode is entered (not thaaat much of an issue)
- another balance point: normal artillery canon balls suck against infantry but rip cavalry to shreds o_O
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand so on, but some changes compared to older titles are actually pretty damn good but overall it's just an unfinished beta version at best and actually it's a steaming pile of crap, all the potential wasted, yeah yeah there is Napoleon - Total War which I never played

4/10 thanks to all the issues, could've easily been a 9/10 despite my preference for proper melee Total War games and not line infantry shootouts.

Unreal Tournament 3 (aka Unreal tournament 2008 or 7?) - solid but kinda sucks compared to its predecessors, never played that one online or finished the campaign, played it 20h at max - I probably played Unreal Tournament 2004 for thousands of hours

Star Trek Legacy - Lack of content and mediocre gameplay, meh

Some old city builder games I bought recently - I am kinda done with the city building and eco sim games

Witcher Games - Great games but I just was not so fond of the first witchers battle/combat system/mechanics...

X2 - Space Sim / Space Ship Ego thingy (battle, eco and so on), 2 dated 4 me (says someone who used to play ASCII Roguelikes o_O)
Sep 9, 2019
Grand Theft Auto V, i bought it because of the discounts on steam but my potato pc couldn't make it run how it should and i can't do anything about it
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 28, 2018
I regret spending $40 on outward.

Hyped it too much in my own head when I heard it's "dark souls with splitscreen".

Worth like $10 at most imo
Double-page supporter
May 14, 2019
Tyranny (2016). It had good graphics and slick character visuals. Overall, a professional work that I really wanted to get into. I just could not abide the dialogue, however. It felt way too contrived and overblown. I'm not especially picky when it comes to amateurish or unrealistic character interactions. Heck, here I am on a website for (primarily) fan-translated manga -- my tolerance will be fairly high! I suspect I would have enjoyed it more as a teenager. I could have gotten a refund, but, like a fool, I paused it to go do something else, and exceeded the Steam two hour playtime window. D'oh!

EDIT: To head off any comments that I was denigrating the efforts of scanlators, let me say that that isn't the case. I'm in actuality often impressed by their work, to the extent of preferring theirs over official translations. Rather, I was referring to the source materials: manga, in general.
Fed-Kun's army
Jun 8, 2018
Final Fantasy XV
as FF player since childhood
i was super hype Finally NEW FF in PS4
but it was trashbag
empty weird story
with chop up content
Because of this i lost faith in FF
Dex-chan lover
Aug 10, 2018

I’m a big FF fan as well, ended up purchasing the High end FFXV collectors edition. Barely played 15. Looking forward to FF7 Remake. Currently enjoying FFXIV.

IDK why but something about 15 was different. I’m in agreement with you as the pacing and content.

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