- AI shitty and bugged (gets stuck, walks into canons with shotgun/shrapnel like ammunition with infantry and gets slaughtered, reforms lines and walks back from the very front line under heavy fire if some hidden unit gets revealed like hidden artillery located in shrub/bushes/forest, cavalry charges early without support into your lines against pikes or line infantry aaaaaand so on, naval AI is potato tier)
- naval fights bugged (ships entering the battlefield randomly lose canons and/or man just by entering it aka moving into the battlefield boundary and many other bugs like texture flicker, men boarding another smaller ship ALL breaking their legs aka dying and so on)
- sieges bugged (including utter lag of death/need for a super computer once parts of the fort are destroyed/burning, AI getting stuck and not properly defending)
- sieges suck and once again: the AI sucks
- rarely: sometimes reinforcements enter from another side which is not the actual position of your reinforcements on the campaign map
- (some) (light) cavalry may be (slightly) to weak -> debatable I guess
- ports stopping town growth aka fucking the economy
- campaign movement bugged, causing lag, crashes and sometimes killing whole campaigns
- font optimized for certain resolutions, more or less eye cancer below FHD aka 1920x1080
- often annoying to find the approximate price for transactions with other countries
- agents cannot be recruited and spawn randomly (or just don't bother to spawn at all), sometimes on the other end of the world
- diplomacy partly bugged (selling military access and instantly cancelling it can be done over and over again to gain money, selling military access prevents factions from actively attacking you unless you declare war on them or their allies and they decide to honour their alliance and some other stuff)
- the real time battlefield engine is kinda meh (soldier x becomes slide-slidey man instead of getting knocked down by a cavalry charge

- general stability is so-so AT BEST (it is shit)
- unit stat cards only display accurate values once the RTS mode is entered (not thaaat much of an issue)
- another balance point: normal artillery canon balls suck against infantry but rip cavalry to shreds

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand so on, but some changes compared to older titles are actually pretty damn good but overall it's just an unfinished beta version at best and actually it's a steaming pile of crap, all the potential wasted, yeah yeah there is Napoleon - Total War which I never played