When the Villainess Is in Love

Fed-Kun's army
Jan 3, 2021
I am 100% convinced that by the end of this, she really WILL have her life be in danger. She's only acting carefree and chill because she's not worried at all about dying. She's imagining herself just leaving the palace.

Also, what the hell is with the father showing up just once in the story and then never again after that? So he starts to feel guilt over being a shitty father, but doesn't bother to follow it up by spending time with her?
Dec 13, 2019
The chapters are fun, but the tl'ers comment is gooooold!!! Ty for the chapterss xDD
Nov 30, 2020
To be honest ....I don't want all of them to fall in love with her...
I want
• Herrance as her best friend who always play with her and agrees with her unreasonable wishes.
•Cain as a strict and caring father type best friend.
•Eugene as a drinking buddy and narcissistic best friend

[although we/I don't know anything about DANIEL's real personality but according to small appearances in the manga I want him to....]
•Daniel as a overprotective brother like bestfriend (If the author intends for his route and LITIA'S interactions)

•Even though it's clear that currently as a Harem since Eungene,Cain and Herrance all seem to like her...But I want them to realise that it was just a momentary infutation,interest or admiration... I want all of them to find someone they love (My fujoshi thoughts: Eeeek!!!! Just let Cain & Daniel and Herrance & Eugene be together ...that would be awesome!!!!) ..Because I don't want any of them to compete over her for romantic feelings and get hurt

•To be honest, I've been reading novels and comics for a long time span..and this time span is long enough for me to connect to their feelings even though I know they are not real
•I just feel an attachment with the emotions in the manga..if Litia seduce someone jokingly I would feel embarrassed too...I would most likely close my website and open another app or website to momentary divert my attention then open the manga again then read it with my heard red and my smile being creepy enough to have people around me think if I am watching R-18 stuff ,whether I am mental or I just have too much effect because of staring at my screen
Nov 30, 2020
@omegaxis1 I know right? He doesn't even try to have details of her health and Confine her for 1 year thinking that....
'(Emperor's POV):eek:h my!!now I have no regrets I cared for her for 1 year'

He clearly thought that she had been just a child drowning in loneliness but now he don't even care ...even when Litia coughed up a serious amount of blood and cried..he didn't even ask about her mental state currently...I know if he asks then it would cause a misunderstanding but still....he thought that him confining unnie in her palace for another 1 year is Him generously giving Unnie a favour

Like what the hell is wrong with his brain..she's also his Flesh and Blood..can't he atleast send a few comforting words....I fell hella sorry for Our original Litia Unnie ;-;
Nov 30, 2020
I also wonder if our Unnie feel lonely ...cuz she is not in her original world rather she is at a world that is full of strangers with nothing but a few description about them through the book
Nov 12, 2020
I enjoy the story but I'm LIVING for the translators notes and their shenanigans. I can't be the only one that feels this way???
Aug 17, 2019
I'm still so confused as to how her inner thoughts and personality don't reflect themselves in her actions, because clearly what the audience sees and what the characters see are two completely different things 😅They're building up their ideals about her and their pity and sympathy isn't doing anything to help the situation, I can't really say that what their feeling is romantic at all because they don't even KNOW her. Nonetheless I enjoy the read, it is super simple and a great way to pass time.
Apr 4, 2020
@LastGlance I think it is really normal that they as her friends don’t know everything going in her head. (plus to keep then protected) . And word the friends should be emphasized. Because I don’t want Cain Eugene and Herrace to compete for her. So at the end when Daniel shows up, he, as Ml, will know her true sides and love her regardless pf her weaknesses.
Also there is another speculation. She might really end up suffering, even if she is carefree now. Like her health is clearly deteriorating, but she isn’t paying any attention or giving it any significance. Whereas the doctor and others are desperately looking for a cure, it might really help after awhile. So the issue that lies here is while gathering shattered memories of the soul’s remnants, Litia’s body might not endure it(or at least there would be this threat, though we all now that FL Won’t Die)
P.S. sorry for my mistakes
Aug 17, 2019
Don't worry, your english and grammar is amazing!
And in NO WAY am I trying to start an argument or disagree, simply further specify my thoughts.
So what I was saying is that usually, someone as expressive as Litia (at least in inner personality) will show that with their body language. A peppy, optimistic, and ignorant person can usually be spotted with their body language and what they express.

The male leads who are supposed to be among the most powerful and knowledgeable all hold positions where recognizing body language of others is important, so ergo, they should be good at it.

But for some reason, every movement Litia does is pertained(viewed upon) as graceful, elegant, kind, and selfless. I'm not going to into ethics and morals because she has every right to be selfish and owes no one anything, but that's besides the point. Litia's actions aren't viewed as is (doing what she wants to do as a fan of the novel and handsome guys) and it's almost as if her airhead self combined with her pitiful situation seem to block the male leads from being able to see anything more, which I find extremely curious.

I do like that you imply that this leads an open pathway for Daniel to understand her on a profound level, different from the other leads, certainly ups the romance. Of course, I look forward to seeing how such a ditzy main character has to deal with such a fragile body, as well as all of the misunderstandings created during these beginning chapters.

Also, (this has gotten long but oh well!) I truly hope the male leads care for her platonically, I don't desire any broken hearts, they all seem like good people (Herrace and Daniel are..... nice enough... I guess 😅) so I also agree with you on that front(point/topic).

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