1. wut? Just cuz Athy has never asked anything about you doesn't mean shes not your friend. You've been there for each other in the hard times and she's understood what your feeling without having to ask.
2. If that's your definition of a family... THEN WHY TF ARE YOU BOTHERING CLAUDE AND ATHY, like I understand Athy, she supports you... but Claude? that block of ice ain't ever gonna fit your definition of "family"
3. So you think some dude is sus, so you tell him the biggest most dangerous secret ever? Smort
4. Yeah, I know you really want love, but... you want both Claude and Athy, but you're taking advantage of Athy's absence from Caludes side to get closer to him? And you have no sense of guilt when you see Athy on the run, with no place to go because the father that she loves has forgotten her?
5. WHO RAISED YOU, like the whole white family is cunning... and then... there's you... I mean I know they're using you, but did they not teach you common sense
6. I'm sorry for hating you lmao, thats what your character is there for.