Winning an argument even if you are wrong (feat bigtiddyoneesan)

Winning an argument even if you are wrong (feat bigtiddyoneesan)

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Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
Step 1. Keep repeating your lie until it becomes true.

Look at how Bigtiddyoneesan keeps repeating that I have admitted being LLG.



So what is this “confession” he keeps talking about?


Unless you are completely brain dead, this was obviously a joke.
So why does he keep pretending the contrary?
1/He really is brain dead.
2/He perfectly know what he is doing.

Step 2.Ridiculing your enemy

“You don't need me to ridicule you, you already do it well enough yourself.”
I know you are typing this. Stop it.

I trial is nothing more than a popularity contest, make of your enemy a laughing stock and everybody will be against him.


So I don't know for you, but I think “I hate you all” is a comprehensible response to a bunch of fuckers accusing you of something you didn't do.
No the best response I will admit but well, I was pretty pissed of at the moment.

What did he do here.
1/He turned my totally reasonable reaction to “It was a bait.” implying that I am just a low effort troll.
2/He painted himself as the good guy. No seriously look at his 2nd message, it makes me sick.


Yes, actually I am not angry about being wrongly accused but because they find out something that I have supposedly “admitted” ...yep.

Their is also all the surnames he gives me, but whatever...

Step 3.Pretend to by the nice guy and put everybody on your side.
Once again, a trial is a popularity contest, make yourself the most lovable possible, be funny, interact with the jury...
Because people are obviously more susceptible to believe the funny guy that nice to them.


I think that the first part of this post talk for itself.

About this part “@BlackGeneral , there is still a place for you here. We aren't people who are incapable of seeing past past disputes, and we know that you aren't either. Take your time, brother. ”
I call this the “Shooting a guys in the legs and then asking him if he need help to walk.”
If you tell him to go fuck himself(what is the only realistic responses to that) others will think
that you are jerk who refuse the help of this good guy.
If you accept, you can't accept the "help” of the guy who shot you in the legs.

It a pretty good technique, because it will piss off your victim to no End.
And an angry man makes mistakes.

Anyway that was some techniques to by an evil motherfucker, if you want to learn more about group manipulation I recommend you the “Criminal Minds” course on Skillshare. .. bvjhkggggggggggggggggggggggggg

sight I can believe I spend 3 hours writing this, and I don't want to spend anymore second.
I don't really like some part of it, and there might be some typos but whatever.

This forum was the only “nice” place I had and now it's gone so, hey.

Not that anybody give a fuck I know,but you know, stuff

I know I shouldn't expect internet shitposters to spend any time of their days to worry about me but,
I'm kinda sad nobody tried to defend me.

Oh and he will probably find a way to turn me into “the guy who rage quit because he got found out.” or maybe he gonna play innocent...

We could had ask the mod to compare our IP
Oh but he would say that I was using a VPN
SO I would respond there is a old thread about VPN where I say that I think VPN are a scam
Well maybe it was just a proxy
And now I'm fuck

I could argue that LLG was using Imgur when I use IMGbox
And he would respond; you just used Imgur with LLG to cover the tracks...
Can't deny it.

I could say that I would Never use something else than a Gao as my PFP
He doesn't prove anything
That's true.

I could say that I haven't read hentai or any manga(excepted Kengan,Kaguya, D frag, watamote ) since what, 1.5 years(I talk about it in 100days without internet 2 or 3.... how wait I haven't posted goddamn lazy ass)... so I can't have posted the image on the LLG 18+ but once again can't prove it.

Mhe,that was a pretty long second. Hum,
Thank Eotfofyl for giving me a passion for haiku
Thank Garakuta for being the nearest thing I could call a friend.
Thanks Pika for doing this story with me on The person above you thread.
Thank Alraisen for being Alraisen.
I think that all.
...something funny...ha!
bigtiddyoneesan is so unimportant that his name doesn't take a capital letter even at the start of a sentence.
Most powerful member of the GFG
Super Moderator
Feb 16, 2020
Bro, don't leave us ;_; I like your comments a lot!
I didn't believe bigtiddyoneesan.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018

How many times do we have to go over this man? You're not LLG fine let it go stop being such an attention whore already.
Dex-chan lover
Sep 10, 2019
thus toll the end of Shitpost Saga Arc.
See you in the next issue of Mangadex Legend!
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
well at least this farce is over congrats you played us all.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2019
EDITERINO: This post was written prior to knowing who LLG is. To anyone that doesn't like drama (understandable, myself included lol), there's no need to read this post if you don't want to.

Alright, since the original post in this thread is a lengthy one, I'll just respond to each part as it goes down.
Look at how Bigtiddyoneesan keeps repeating that I have admitted being LLG.
So what is this “confession” he keeps talking about?
Unless you are completely brain dead, this was obviously a joke.
I'll let you know my thought process in this matter. Some of this may seem obvious to all of you, but I'll write it out regardless so you get the full picture.

When BlackGeneral posted his 'joke confession', I saw it as an actual confession to being LLG. As to the reason I perceived it as such:

[ul]Sarcasm does not translate well in text form. By observing the 'mood' of a thread, yeah, you can kinda tell when people are being sarcastic and throwing out joke "It was me all along!" comments, but I honestly didn't read the sarcasm from Black's 'confession' comment; most certainly due to the fact that I already was biased in favor of him being LLG, so any 'confession', even fake, was more likely to be read as real to me.[/ul]
So why does he keep pretending the contrary?
1/He really is brain dead.
2/He perfectly know what he is doing.
To correct this quote, I was not "pretending". As I stated previously in this post, I believed with 90% certainty that Black was LLG (due to my misinterpretation of his 'confession'). And as I've commented before in other threads, I was willing to admit to being wrong about him being LLG if evidence were to surface that proved the contrary. (As a side note, I'll make clear that I do in fact read the animosity from the "brain dead" comment, and I'll address it at the bottom.)
“You don't need me to ridicule you, you already do it well enough yourself.”
I know you are typing this. Stop it.
If it makes any difference to you @BlackGeneral, typing something like this didn't even cross my mind while reading your post. It's obvious that you're serious here, so I'll respond in kind.
[A] trial is nothing more than a popularity contest, make of your enemy a laughing stock and everybody will be against him.
A 'trial' like the one that occurred, admittedly, isn't a legit trial. You're correct in that public opinion is, by nature, usually a popularity contest. However, tying into my previous explanation, I assure you that I did not intend to make a "laughing stock" out of you (or anyone else on this site); regardless of whether or not you believe me when I say this, I comprehended everyone's comments, including yours, BlackGeneral, as banter which was in good faith.
So I don't know for you, but I think “I hate you all” is a comprehensible response to a bunch of fuckers accusing you of something you didn't do.
No the best response I will admit but well, I was pretty pissed of at the moment.
I'll address this at the bottom as well, just thought I should address that I would address it at the bottom lmao.
1/He turned my totally reasonable reaction to “It was a bait.” implying that I am just a low effort troll.
I will further reiterate what I said before; I understood your reactions as means of 'continuing the investigation' of who LLG was, and this was another oversight on my part due to my cognitive bias (I'm not entirely fond of that term but it applies here lol).
2/He painted himself as the good guy. No seriously look at his 2nd message, it makes me sick.
Step 3.Pretend to by the nice guy and put everybody on your side.
At this point, after the "I hate you all" and the like, I was mostly aware that you were legitimately irritated by the entire situation.
I figured the truth was one of two options. Either:

[ul]1. You were annoyed that you had been outed as LLG and that nobody seemed to accept your repeated denial of being LLG.
2. You were not, in fact, the user behind LLG, and were annoyed that people still believed you were. (To expand on this, I was leaning heavily towards this scenario.)[/ul]
As for the "nice guy" thing—I guarantee you that I did not post that comment to make myself look better; rather, as silly as it may sound, I was concerned that tensions were rising, and I aimed to say something positive to counter that. (Admittedly, I'm not the best with those sorts of things lol.) I am not a "nice guy", nor do I aim to be seen as one; I am simply a guy.
Oh and he will probably find a way to turn me into “the guy who rage quit because he got found out.” or maybe he gonna play innocent...
Not true, I'm now going to go into my final point.

I already apologized to you, BlackGeneral, from an alt account I made (and the only one I've ever made) after you blocked me on this one. I'll post screencaps for anyone who wants to see:



Basically, sorry for repeatedly accusing you of something you didn't do. As I explained, I wasn't aware how much it irritated you, and if I had been, I would have ceased bulli. I've read the antagonistic dialogue you've used towards me, and no, I don't feel any animosity in response, as I get where you're coming from. I'll own up to my actions. That's pretty much it. Take as much time off from the site as you want, it's up to you.
Dex-chan lover
May 10, 2018
Why can't I see the images of first post?

Before you go, pls link sources of your avatar (for fapcave). Too lazy to convert gif to single images.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2019
My last ditch effort (which I will now thankfully never have to execute) was a plan to DM you, @sterven, and @BlackGeneral.

Each DM would say something like "I DM'd the other two users I suspect, here's screencaps of what I DM'd them".

Each screencap would be altered, however, and my messages in the altered screencaps would contain false information.

The altered info would be what I had told the other users that I had told the other user. And it would concern what @LLG would post.

As an example, if the screencap I gave 'user A' said something that lead to 'user B' being guilty if LLG posted the word 'tomato' and 'user C' being guilty if LLG posted the word 'apple', then LLG did post the word 'tomato' or 'apple', I would know that 'user A' was LLG all along.

This sounds very autistic, I know. Glad I didn't have to do it.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
the fact that I was a suspect astounds me for the simple fact that I only became a suspect due to a lewd gif like I own the rights to them or something.
I'm not gonna lie @Halo blind sighted me it never occured to me that he might be the culprit, just goes to show how convinced I was that it was @BlackGeneral
for that I guess I owe him an apology

still think you're an attention whore though.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2019
the fact that I was a suspect astounds me for the simple fact that I only became a suspect due to a lewd gif like I own the rights to them or something.
Well, Halo got me good too, I fell right into the trap he set. Also, I wouldn't blame anyone for seeing a lewd gif like that and thinking "huh, looks like something sterven would use for a pfp" lol.

Now it's time to request my throwaway account be deleted I guess. Sorry you guys didn't ever get the pleasure of meeting @throwaway832020.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 15, 2019
A wild dev member
escaping from seclusion,
a rare sight indeed.

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