woke culture vs weebs

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Group Leader
Apr 20, 2019
what is woke
Imagine this: you live in a country where everyone you know tells you that it's the greatest country in the world, complete perfection, and is Buddha's gift to mankind. And you believe it. But then, you learn about its dark history, its flaws, you see poor people struggling to live, people being beaten or harassed for loving someone of the same sex, and so on. You realize it's not as great as what you've been told. So now, you become aware of so many issues in society. You tell other people that, only for them to call you "woke".

That's because you know more than they do. And you hurt their feelings by pointing out their ignorance. And they refuse to either admit the issues, or are supporting the status quo.
Group Leader
Apr 20, 2019
OP: I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt and think you are asking in good faith. But given how many of these videos you've posted, I think it's too late to pull you out of the incel pipeline. I'm not going to argue with you and waste my free time.

As the other posters have told you, Rev is a drama Youtuber. Undoubtedly, he goes to look for troubles, anything that could be exaggerated or amplified to make content. It's low-effort, and yet, it gets views from people who love drama. He's like a worse version of Hero Hei, who at least tries to keep a sense of balance by poking right-wingers as well. I don't know how HH is now, though, he could be worse. It wouldn't be too bad if they just stick with criticizing SJWs, but it was never enough. They have to take it further and make you feel like you are a victim of something to keep you coming back. These drama Youtubers have basically the same schtick: find a tweet from some idiot, then make a video about it, making you think there's some sort of political agenda being pushed on to you - the viewers. And as you know, Twitter is a paradise for crazy idiots. Stupid trans people, stupid cis people, stupid liberals, stupid conservatives, nearly everyone on that site is some kind of insane maniac. That explains why Kamiya blocks everyone on there. It's not hard to go find a tweet by a moronic liberal or conservative, make a video about, to consolidate a narrative you're trying to push. These drama Youtubers are not even creative with their video title. Every time I come across their new video, it's always going to be something like "woke company something loses for whatever reason I made up" or "woke person on twitter said this". It's low-effort content made for ignorant people. And the people who watch these videos, they think they are some kind of victims by the terrifying "woke agenda". It's their new victim card.

I can make videos like that, too. It's easy. I can go on a Youtube comment section, or a reddit sub, find a hateful comment, and make a video about it. Let's say I want to push the idea that men are horrible creatures. My god, I will never run out of materials. You think those tweets they made videos about are big issues? Enough to hurt your feelings? You haven't seen anything yet. Wait until you come across comments that cheer for the death of someone, or suggestion to jail someone, of a certain group (can you guess? It's June.).These people will dismiss whatever concerns minority groups have, but they waste no time, save no energy, to make it loud and clear how unsatisfied they are about something. Hypocrites much?

What I notice is that western video games don't design their characters as attractive to the eyes as Japanese developers. It's not just female characters. Many male characters, I find to be at best average looking, but no one ever complained about them. Take GTA 3,4,5, for example. No way would I describe the MCs as handsome or attractive. The games still sold well. Red Dead Redemption? Don't care much for the MC's look, either. So, male characters get away with being unattractive, at least for me, but female characters are judged harsher by many male gamers. On one hand, I think developers should strive to create good-looking characters to be memorable. On the other hand, I cannot take seriously gamers who bitch and moan about female characters not looking like instagram model for them to jerk off to.

Funny how these people's mantra is "get woke, go broke", while the man they worship so much, Elon Musk, is losing money because advertisers pulled out of his site. He paid 44 billions for that site, then caused its value to drop, and it's still dropping. Dude even cried about woke companies like Disney and Apple leaving. When his wife left him for a trans woman, he never recovered from it, and went on full anti-trans. And then his trans daughter left him, too. All the money he has can't buy him love. Turns out you can still be broke, if you become anti-woke.

Today, you watch videos dissing "woke agenda". Tomorrow, you get recommended videos about progressivism destroying society. The next day, anti-LGBT videos, and why women need to stay at home. Next week, conservatism and religion. Next month, Trump is the savior the world needs. Won't take long to reach the incel ending.

And why waste time watching them? Maybe you spend an hour, maybe a half, watching those videos. Or, you can use those precious time to learn about the world, learn how to cook, learn Japanese, learn history - actual history, read news report, LGBT facts, watch documentary, ect. The more educated you are about the state of the world, the more you realize how stupid those drama videos are.

You can either continue to waste time watching these drama Youtubers. Or you can find something else to read or watch that benefits your knowledge. Your choice.

I come across nasty people on social media often. My block list has no limit.
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Dex-chan lover
Apr 28, 2023

can you please tell me why he isn't anymore? I wants to know
he bitches like a right winger lmao and cries the same bullshit at them, also how is he a liberal NOW? 😭 😭 😭 😭
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Jan 19, 2018
he bitches like a right winger lmao and cries the same bullshit at them, also how is he a liberal NOW? 😭 😭 😭 😭
:facepalm:That's the stupidest take I've heard yet so because he bitches and doesn't agree with everything on his side of the political spectrum he's no longer a liberal? 🤣 grow up you don't have to mindlessly follow everything just because the mob says so
Dex-chan lover
Apr 28, 2023
:facepalm:That's the stupidest take I've heard yet so because he bitches and doesn't agree with everything on his side of the political spectrum he's no longer a liberal? 🤣 grow up you don't have to mindlessly follow everything just because the mob says so
how unintelligent can you be lmao, READ my son READ, "Bitches like a right winger" = Spews Right wing rhetoric. also you didnt answer what makes him a liberal (now)? and follows what? i just said im not a liberal idgaf if he doesnt agree with me but he cries like a right winger screaming woke!! at some obviously none important stuff, literally a old man screaming at the clouds while being in such a privileged position lmao (so privileged he's crying about cancel culture) and what mob? literally what mob? because that sounds like you dont support anything you just want to be contrarian

that man hasn't been a liberal for a long time now, i didnt say that was bad lmao im just correcting them
Jan 19, 2018
how unintelligent can you be lmao, READ my son READ, "Bitches like a right winger" = Spews Right wing rhetoric. also you didnt answer what makes him a liberal (now)? and follows what? i just said im not a liberal idgaf if he doesnt agree with me but he cries like a right winger screaming woke!! at some obviously none important stuff, literally a old man screaming at the clouds while being in such a privileged position lmao (so privileged he's crying about cancel culture) and what mob? literally what mob? because that sounds like you dont support anything you just want to be contrarian

that man hasn't been a liberal for a long time now, i didnt say that was bad lmao im just correcting them
lol I did read it you said he bitches like a right winger, okay and? So just cause he has right wing points he's no longer a liberal? That's stupid. Also why should I answer what makes him a liberal? You're the one who claimed he isn't and your so called proof is some bullshit about how he makes right wing points and cries about cancel culture. I don't care if you're a liberal I never called you one never asked if you are one so why bring it up to me? To make a point? Or to make your opinions some how more valid? Who gives a shit what you are or what you believe in. lol honestly that statement about me being a contrarian is pure projection.

I don't think so either I simply wanted to know what made you say he wasn't one and you had the dumbest take I've ever heard.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 28, 2023
lol I did read it you said he bitches like a right winger, okay and? So just cause he has right wing points he's no longer a liberal? That's stupid. Also why should I answer what makes him a liberal? You're the one who claimed he isn't and your so called proof is some bullshit about how he makes right wing points and cries about cancel culture. I don't care if you're a liberal I never called you one never asked if you are one so why bring it up to me? To make a point? Or to make your opinions some how more valid? Who gives a shit what you are or what you believe in. lol honestly that statement about me being a contrarian is pure projection.

I don't think so either I simply wanted to know what made you say he wasn't one and you had the dumbest take I've ever heard.
how is that projection? you are contradicting yourself, I am following the mob or being contrarian right now??? i dont think you know much in general or about "politics" lmao that's why you cannot answer whether he's a liberal or not that's the entire point i'm making about him... he rarely ever speaks on issue that liberals agree with nowadays, and dumbest take you heard LMAO you haven't heard much then which makes much more sense, yeah after a while of speaking/acting/associating yourself with right-wingers i dont think you're a liberal at that point

here are articles that "prove" he is a right winger lol or at least coming more right wing... thought calling him a liberal in the beginning was generous enough ngl


its fine to have your opinion tho im kinda getting lazy at doing going back and forth
May 8, 2024
Imagine this: you live in a country where everyone you know tells you that it's the greatest country in the world, complete perfection, and is Buddha's gift to mankind. And you believe it. But then, you learn about its dark history, its flaws, you see poor people struggling to live, people being beaten or harassed for loving someone of the same sex, and so on. You realize it's not as great as what you've been told. So now, you become aware of so many issues in society. You tell other people that, only for them to call you "woke".

That's because you know more than they do. And you hurt their feelings by pointing out their ignorance. And they refuse to either admit the issues, or are supporting the status quo.
idk if thats right.
On the political left, wokeness sometimes drifts into wokeism—a system of thought and behavior characterized by intolerance, policing the speech of others, and proving one’s own superiority by denouncing others.
In 2019, in an interview for the Obama Foundation on youth activism, President Obama expressed strong concerns about wokism and the call out/cancel culture that is emerging. “This idea of purity and you’re never compromised and you’re always politically ‘woke’ and all that stuff,” Obama said. “You should get over that quickly." He went on to explain, “The world is messy; there are ambiguities. People who do really good stuff have flaws. People who you are fighting may love their kids, and share certain things with you.”

Dex-chan lover
Jan 8, 2023


OP: I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt and think you are asking in good faith. But given how many of these videos you've posted, I think it's too late to pull you out of the incel pipeline. I'm not going to argue with you and waste my free time.

As the other posters have told you, Rev is a drama Youtuber. Undoubtedly, he goes to look for troubles, anything that could be exaggerated or amplified to make content. It's low-effort, and yet, it gets views from people who love drama. He's like a worse version of Hero Hei, who at least tries to keep a sense of balance by poking right-wingers as well. I don't know how HH is now, though, he could be worse. It wouldn't be too bad if they just stick with criticizing SJWs, but it was never enough. They have to take it further and make you feel like you are a victim of something to keep you coming back. These drama Youtubers have basically the same schtick: find a tweet from some idiot, then make a video about it, making you think there's some sort of political agenda being pushed on to you - the viewers. And as you know, Twitter is a paradise for crazy idiots. Stupid trans people, stupid cis people, stupid liberals, stupid conservatives, nearly everyone on that site is some kind of insane maniac. That explains why Kamiya blocks everyone on there. It's not hard to go find a tweet by a moronic liberal or conservative, make a video about, to consolidate a narrative you're trying to push. These drama Youtubers are not even creative with their video title. Every time I come across their new video, it's always going to be something like "woke company something loses for whatever reason I made up" or "woke person on twitter said this". It's low-effort content made for ignorant people. And the people who watch these videos, they think they are some kind of victims by the terrifying "woke agenda". It's their new victim card.
brother first of all I'm not anti-trans, homophobic,anti-feminist. I don't think that I have any right to dictate to others what they should do. I know that rev's a dramatuber and i have pointed it out .All i wanted to share was brittany venty calling out iron mouse and gawr gura and calling vtubing as a gateway to of and the same person has one thirst baiting kind of thing with minors.
I can make videos like that, too. It's easy. I can go on a Youtube comment section, or a reddit sub, find a hateful comment, and make a video about it. Let's say I want to push the idea that men are horrible creatures. My god, I will never run out of materials. You think those tweets they made videos about are big issues? Enough to hurt your feelings? You haven't seen anything yet. Wait until you come across comments that cheer for the death of someone, or suggestion to jail someone, of a certain group (can you guess? It's June.).These people will dismiss whatever concerns minority groups have, but they waste no time, save no energy, to make it loud and clear how unsatisfied they are about something. Hypocrites much?
the narrative that men are horrible creatures really exist and i had posted before how it drove my friend into suicide
What I notice is that western video games don't design their characters as attractive to the eyes as Japanese developers. It's not just female characters. Many male characters, I find to be at best average looking, but no one ever complained about them. Take GTA 3,4,5, for example. No way would I describe the MCs as handsome or attractive. The games still sold well. Red Dead Redemption? Don't care much for the MC's look, either. So, male characters get away with being unattractive, at least for me, but female characters are judged harsher by many male gamers. On one hand, I think developers should strive to create good-looking characters to be memorable. On the other hand, I cannot take seriously gamers who bitch and moan about female characters not looking like instagram model for them to jerk off to.

Funny how these people's mantra is "get woke, go broke", while the man they worship so much, Elon Musk, is losing money because advertisers pulled out of his site. He paid 44 billions for that site, then caused its value to drop, and it's still dropping. Dude even cried about woke companies like Disney and Apple leaving. When his wife left him for a trans woman, he never recovered from it, and went on full anti-trans. And then his trans daughter left him, too. All the money he has can't buy him love. Turns out you can still be broke, if you become anti-woke.
I don't subscribe to elon's views i dont follow any politicians on twitter or any social platforms.
Today, you watch videos dissing "woke agenda". Tomorrow, you get recommended videos about progressivism destroying society. The next day, anti-LGBT videos, and why women need to stay at home. Next week, conservatism and religion. Next month, Trump is the savior the world needs. Won't take long to reach the incel ending.
i don't subscribe to any political ideology.I may be semi-conservative person and I could assure you that i'm not a person to say dumb stuff like that.
And why waste time watching them? Maybe you spend an hour, maybe a half, watching those videos. Or, you can use those precious time to learn about the world, learn how to cook, learn Japanese, learn history - actual history, read news report, LGBT facts, watch documentary, ect. The more educated you are about the state of the world, the more you realize how stupid those drama videos are.

You can either continue to waste time watching these drama Youtubers. Or you can find something else to read or watch that benefits your knowledge. Your choice.

I come across nasty people on social media often. My block list has no limit.
all i wanted to discuss was the rising censorship with otaku media and people dissing on stuff they don't enjoy and calling out others for no reason whatsoever.
Anime and manga becoming global has also gathered a lot of people who want to change the quirks that makes it what it is. I don't understand how it turned 100% political and i'm genuinely surprised by it
Jan 19, 2018
how is that projection? you are contradicting yourself, I am following the mob or being contrarian right now??? i dont think you know much in general or about "politics" lmao that's why you cannot answer whether he's a liberal or not that's the entire point i'm making about him... he rarely ever speaks on issue that liberals agree with nowadays, and dumbest take you heard LMAO you haven't heard much then which makes much more sense, yeah after a while of speaking/acting/associating yourself with right-wingers i dont think you're a liberal at that point

here are articles that "prove" he is a right winger lol or at least coming more right wing... thought calling him a liberal in the beginning was generous enough ngl


its fine to have your opinion tho im kinda getting lazy at doing going back and forth
lol when did I say you follow the mob? I said you don't have to follow everything the mob says that was in reference to bill voicing his opinions and still being able to call himself a liberal the only part in that last sentence about you was the part to grow up cause you obviously need to. So yeah I do think you're just being a contrarian not like I mind I got time to kill anyways. Do I know much about politics? Wouldnt call myself an expert but it doesn't take much knowledge of the subject to able to identify who belongs to a particular side. lol again I don't have to prove that he is one you're the one who said he wasn't the burden of proof falls on you my guy after all if your gonna say something you might want to be able to back it up but sure link me an article to do the speaking for you lol.

I agree everyone is entitled to their own opinion irregardless of how stupid it may be. Catch you later then big boy.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 28, 2023
lol when did I say you follow the mob? I said you don't have to follow everything the mob says that was in reference to bill voicing his opinions and still being able to call himself a liberal the only part in that last sentence about you was the part to grow up cause you obviously need to. So yeah I do think you're just being a contrarian not like I mind I got time to kill anyways. Do I know much about politics? Wouldnt call myself an expert but it doesn't take much knowledge of the subject to able to identify who belongs to a particular side. lol again I don't have to prove that he is one you're the one who said he wasn't the burden of proof falls on you my guy after all if your gonna say something you might want to be able to back it up but sure link me an article to do the speaking for you lol.

I agree everyone is entitled to their own opinion irregardless of how stupid it may be. Catch you later then big boy.
bruh you're a dumbass lol just mixing up your own words lmao and legit can't form a coherent opinion, i know you have time to kill LMAO its kinda sad do something productive also there is no "sides" this proves you don't know enough yeah... the articles sums up my argument but i know reading is a little hard for u (also the weird ass weeb who made this thread, seriously this dude would believe anything if a V-Tuber said it)
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Jan 19, 2018
bruh you're a dumbass lol just mixing up your own words lmao and legit can't form a coherent opinion, i know you have time to kill LMAO its kinda sad do something productive also there is no "sides" this proves you don't know enough yeah... the articles sums up my argument but i know reading is a little hard for u (also the weird ass weeb who made this thread, seriously this dude would believe anything if a V-Tuber said it)
lmao why are you getting so heated little bro? no need to get so aggressive my guy. ive been saying the same shit since the beginning so I don't understand how im mixing up my words maybe if you stopped trying to put words in my mouth you could comprehend what im trying to say. what's so difficult about me saying that bill having 'some' different opinions doesn't necessarily not make him a liberal? lol at doing something productive you should do that yourself my guy instead of trying to start arguments cause honestly that's the whole reason you're here. i can read the article but like i said I want to hear why YOU think he's not a liberal from your own words not from another person if the article but you can't seem to say much besides he bitches like a right winger a cries about cancel culture which like a said from the beginning is just so fucking stupid.

i wants the popcorn with a large coke plz

also god i miss the politcs thread that shit was like gods gift to these forums
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