1st off, I woud like to tell all of you the happy news: a grp of guys contacted me saying that they would like to pick this series up and we said we were happy to drop this. our aim when starting this was to revive this series and advertise it so that a group which is better, has more experience and time, all of which we dont, picks this up and continues this. starting from, hopefully ch32, the new guys will continue. so ch 31 is our last one. 2nd, we nuked ch29, cause we got a better one. 3rd, we decided to start a group to scanlate other isekai and romcoms that we like and that have been in limbo for a long long time, after we finish our xams and the job hunting, probaby sometime in the 4-5 months, so we decided to move all these chapters to our grp and we would also like a few recommendations on what u guys would like. we personally wanted to do rikeikoi but we couldnt get the raws, yet.
so this is us signing off. thanks for everything