@mommunism Yep, we dont know if you need to get the kill or only be involved in it to get a share. About the Stasis, reverting the One in Stasis may "break" the Stasis itself, we dont know the exact conditions, but both abilitys are "Time"-abilitys, right? Stasis stops it and Restoration reverts it, so if a Target in Stasis gets reverted it would be logical for the Stasis to "break", since the time doesnt stand still anymore when its get reversed :3
So the time is standing still for her since the second the Stasis was cast, but he reverses her time, which would bring her instantly ins the state she was before the Stasis was cast, since it was technically cast in this very moment for her. It does make sense if the Stasis is a "Timestop" and Restoration a "Time Reverse"
@cor3zone Ah, you're right, no feeding, but yeah, i had 10 per day in my Head, that would be hard, but it was per Hour, so Ammunition would be a possible use in a connected System maybe, wouldnt work with something like a bow though.