Yasei no Last Boss ga Arawareta! - Vol. 3 Ch. 15 - Spy

Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
"No, it is I who has betrayed you through ruses and lies because I am indeed the one using you for my nefarious goals! Also I was hiding my obnoxiously cheat-y powerlevel and skills!"

I know there was intimation that Diina wasn't all that she seems from the very beginning, but even this chapter as a "reveal" scenario seems really, really rushed and fast. It's like there was no real significance to it overall other than to get Diina's "mystery" out of the way for other plot hooks.

Poor Diina/Venus didn't even qualify for a mini-mystery arc like the demon who was stirring up racial strife among the winged people.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 29, 2018
@Solipsist Remember that testers usually have a deep knowledge about game mechanics which help them to find if something is strong or weak (and even so they CAN miss), but that doesnt include min-maxing a character, know the best possible combos, how to counter other classes or just simple experience to react quickly against other players

Thats why on most games certain players manage to "break" the game by finding things that testers either missed or didnt see that could become game breaking on certain circunstances and need to be constantly rebalancing

Even with a certain degree of "cheat mode" it would be unlikely that Dina would be able to beat anything above mid class pvp player. On LoL term with her cheats she might have reached Gold or even Plat with some luck , but nothing above that
Jan 21, 2018

Thinking stuff which might be true:
So judging by your phrasing, you say to question everything, putting a strange emphasis on the premise. I'm under the idea that the premise was an Isekai. However, as evidenced, Lufasu has her own memories and all of her subordinates have distinct memories associated with her. So from my understanding is that she didn't go to a different world but was a part of this one to begin with, and the...

Hmmm. But that wouldn't explain the presence of Diina... so what if it was a simulation!

I'm going with simulation.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 27, 2018
Sorry for the late response - just got back from dinner. Btw, all of this info is from my reading of the Korean raws, which are WAY ahead of both the manga and the English translations. So buyer beware!

@Doopington lol, if only you knew...

@Kisato you're REALLY close. Great job figuring out the first part (the second part is incorrect). If you want the full details, read the spoiler below.

It's actually the other way around - Lufasu (the one who thinks she is a male player) has always been a resident of "this" world - the memories of the "player" was simply copied from another world. If you want to learn more, look at my response to nene and leo.

@nene, @Leo80221 Here comes the BIG one - you've been WARNED!
First big spoiler: this story has *always* been about "this world", not the "player's world". Lufasu wasn't transported from another world - it's just that the memories of the "player" was simply copied from his world (the one with games) into hers (the "game world"). There has *always* been only one Lufasu. She's always been a woman - no gender bender here!

The player is just living his life normally in his world, and it's the *game* that's been modeled like this world, NOT the other way around!! And that also explains why Lufasu couldn't find any "players" in this world.

So who copied the player's memories and why? Why *him* in particular? Who *is* Diina? And who created the game? (Okay well I can't answer that last question since the Korean raws didn't go *that* far but I can tell you the *role* the game played in this story)

To answer that question, we need the second big spoiler: that Goddess that is referred to a few times from time to time? That's the REAL bad guy - trying to control pieces to create her ideal/perfect world. The Demon King? Set up. Lufasu? Same. (these two fellas got too strong/dominant for the Goddess' liking, who wanted a more "balanced" world)

And Diina? She is to the Goddess what Jesus is to the Christian God. Seriously. (she is also really a half-elf, which is why she even lived for 200 years in the first place. She can also change appearances - one of her class skills, iirc). She is supposed to carry out the Goddess' tasks, including controlling pieces. And 200 years ago, she was tasked with dealing with Lufasu, which entailed making her "die" and "wiping" her memories by copying someone *else*'s memories onto her if/when she comes back so that she would not be as dominant as before and in hopes that she would not be challenging the Goddess with a different memory/personality.

The thing is, though, long before Lufasu's "defeat" 200 years ago, Diina (who got sick of the Goddess' bullshit by that point) was *already* aligned with Lufasu - her true identity is, in fact, the secret, 13th star of heaven! And this means that Diina and Lufasu was conspiring to overcome this Goddess' plan.

So while Lufasu did have to "die" for the sake of this world (otherwise Goddess-sama would notice), the Goddess left Diina to do the all-too-important actual copying of memories onto Lufasu. So long before Lufasu's defeat, she had Diina copy Lufasu's personality into a newborn kid (yes, this is the "player") in another world (his world), so that when the time comes for Lufasu to resurrect, Diina would copy his memories onto Lufasu, so that Lufasu, even with her memory overwritten, would still act the same as before. That is why he played as Lufasu in the game (which was set up to model Lufasu's world), why he did all the same things as the actual Lufasu did, and why it was so crucial that it was *him* that was copied over!

All of this so that Lufasu would one day regain all of her memories and fight the true enemy - the Goddess; because after all, if Lufasu would've done something, then so would the player. So Diina's role is to basically guide the amnesic Lufasu into "this world" and set her on the path to the aforementioned goals. That's why she's been manipulating the demons behind the scenes. That's why she's been lying to the Goddess, and even Lufasu herself - at least until she recovers all of her memories. All for the sake of Lufasu (imagine what kind of shitshow Lufasu would have if Diina dumped ALL of the info onto Lufasu the moment she resurrected - in fact, in later arcs, Lufasu has lots, and I mean LOTS of trouble digesting/coming to terms with just *bits* of the memories!)

And I am informed that Lufasu *does* indeed recover all of her memories (the recovery will really start to ramp up starting with next arc) by the end, conquers the Demon King and makes him her subordinate, and sets out to defeat the Goddess. The End.

Phew. That was long.

May 7, 2018
Is it just me or is Venus talking like there's still patches coming out soon? Seems she's acting like this is still the "game".
Dex-chan lover
Jan 23, 2018

um yeah sorry for my wording but what you had written was what I meant
was not expecting the um "multi-world fucking" pulled my let's call them "X" but yeah

so weird question does that mean that technically there are 2 Lufasu's alive right now?
Dex-chan lover
Jun 27, 2018
@Tych did you read the BIG spoilers or just the little one? If you don't want to read the big one, your understanding is still incorrect:
There has always only been ONE Lufasu. The player is just living normally in his world. The two worlds are separate. It's just that the player's memories has been copied onto Lufasu's

Also you might want to spoiler tag your comment!
Jan 18, 2018
Pet peeve of mine. She's not a rear guard, she's a back liner. Rear guard would imply they're tough and capable of defending the rear if the army needs to retreat. Someone strong and tough, essentially. Your generic mage does not fit that definition at all and is more appropriately called a back liner in modern English.

Yes, I know the raw directly translates to rear guard. Yes, sometimes it can certainly translate to rear guard. No, that doesn't mean you use dictionary translations in all cases. Certainly not when it's supposed to imply that said back liner is frail and not good at physical combat, the exact opposite of what a rear guard is supposed to be. Context matters.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 23, 2018

actually I read both and no it seems your misunderstanding me again first let me clarify my weird question first basically the player is in actuality Lafasu right or more accurate a copy of her personality in another world it doesn't do anything surface wise so it is just like a back OS or Memory file by that logic the Lafasu in the other world and the one in the player's world are both Lafasu and by that logic she is actually living in anther world at the same time.

As to my first response at the very beginning I should have put "is it that the Player is really Lafasu" not the other way around I realized that after the fact but decided not to go back and correct it
Dex-chan lover
Jun 27, 2018
The player is living in another world. Even though his memories were copied onto Lufasu, he still lives on without a care in the world *because nothing happened to him*. He's NOT Lufasu.

The Lufasu we see IS the one and only Lufasu. She's not "living in another world." Only her *personality* was copied onto the player, so that the player would act just like she does - but again, he's NOT her, and she's NOT the player.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 3, 2018
@JaneJeon ok so if i got it right it went like this:
- The game world actually exists
- the Goddess of that world wanted to make a ''balanced'' world
- Lufasu and demon king grew too powerful so the goddess wanted to erase them
- Goddess sent her representative Diina to act on her commands
- Ordered Diina to copy someone else memory into Lufase's body so she could be more manageable
- Diina secretly betrayed the goddess and became the 13 star of Lufasu
- Before Lufase's defeat, Diina copied Lufasu's memories onto a newborn child in another world, that baby is the Player
- He went and played the game that was modeled after the actual goddess world
- Went it was time, Diina copied the Player memories into Lufasu's body fulfilling the order of the goddess
- This also copied Lufasu's back up into her body
- So now the Player mind + Lufasu's full memory backup are in Lufasu's body
- Now Diina has to wait till the player gets full access of lufasu's memories

I hope i got most of it right
Dex-chan lover
Jun 27, 2018
@Hollow7F some of what you listed is out of order
the demon king got screwed before lufasu
, and you seem to be misunderstanding the relationship between Lufasu and the player:
Diina only copied the *personality* of Lufasu onto the player. The player is NOT Lufasu - he just acts/thinks like her. The original Lufasu still remains in her world (just sealed away), and when Diina copies player's memories onto Lufasu (overwriting her memories in the process), Lufasu loses her memories but is still herself. Lufasu and the player do not cross worlds. Ever. It's just memories and personalities that are copied over.
Jun 30, 2018
That face, was like "I'm fucked". Like that was literal representation of a lady in an h-manga.?

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