Yoku Wakaranai Keredo Isekai ni Tensei Shiteita You Desu - Vol. 3 Ch. 12 - I Don't Really Get It, But It Looks Like I've Triggered Some Sort Of Flag

Fed-Kun's army
Jun 18, 2020
The author is clearly having fun drawing this, so I am in full support of this manga. I don't care if it's bad, if they're having fun, I'd gladly read it. Thanks you.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 23, 2019
"Mommy milkers"?

Dammit Japan! What happened to being the politest people on the planet?
Dex-chan lover
Aug 16, 2020
Yeah i'm an expert in that working technique. Is truly very effective.
Mar 7, 2020
every time i read the comment section of a gender bender manga i always find empty people who get offendend and abuse of the word homophobia and transphobia, i'm sick of this.
Jul 23, 2019
remember boys and girls, the author claims that the MC is a 10 year old girl... yup... definitely 10 years old going by the drawings....
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 27, 2019
i hate that whenever there's genderbender manga, the trans/gay discussion always comes around with it, even if all i want to do is read and enjoy it
@Derrick93 same
i just want to consume entertainment without being annoyed or bothered by gender politics
doesnt have to be mentioned at all in the first place
Feb 14, 2018
@sjmcc13 This is a fantasy Isekai story not a doctorate on trans therapy, it's supposed to be looked from the Woody Allen "If I was a woman I'd spend all day groping my tits!" angle not the scientific Kinsey-whatever analysis.
It's a story about a guy who suddenly found himself in a hot girl body, which got him hot, which ended him to masturbation galore, which led to us laughing at him because we'd probably do the same in his situation while still feeling icked at the thought of getting the D like him, which makes it even funnier.

And having a knee-jerk response of "you omophobe!" from the get-go the moment someone just wants to enjoy the above in peace is inexcusable, period.
That's Twitter-tier level of garbage people, and that sort of shallow argument-enders don't belong here (or anywhere else, but let's start with here).
Dex-chan lover
Aug 16, 2020
"This is a fantasy Isekai story not a doctorate on trans therapy"
Thank you! Is sad that this need to be debated cause some people is so deep down their moral bullshit, or political ideology, they loose the ability to perceive an ecchi manga as a simple product of entertainement.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 3, 2019
@Mant thank you!
I mean, see this manga for what it is and not for some way to forward your political agenda.

Yuri route GET
Aggregator gang
Mar 14, 2019
@sjmcc13 I admit that I lost my temper, but it kind of amazes me how much open homophobia and transphobia there is amongst some of the readers of the genderbender genre. There isn't really any discussion that can be had with that sort of person. But since you're making some reasonable arguments, I'll explain myself further.

In my mind, the genderbender genre on this website can by divided into two types: Those where the MC returns to their original gender by the end of the novel, and those who stay as their new gender by the end. The majority of novels I've seen on this website fall into the second category. Now, the thing that the genderbender genre almost always gets wrong is gender dysphoria; the feeling of being in the wrong body. The majority of humans feel comfortable in the body they're born with, and those people are referred to as cisgender. Those who don't feel comfortable are not-cis, for which transgender and non-binary people fall under. The thing that some genderbent novels get wrong, is the idea that a cis person can be put in an opposite gendered body and not feel dysphoric. The novels where the MC returns to their original gender do sometimes depict gender dysphoria, but more often than not its played off for gags and laughs instead of the terrifying and crippling feeling it is. The novels where the MC is initially shocked by the change but then get used to it don't understand how gender dysphoria works; its not something that one can get used to, UNLESS the mc was originally not cisgender without realizing it. In summary, the point I'm trying to make is that there is no such thing as a cis person not experiencing gender dysphoria while in a different gender's body. That person would have had to be transgender or genderfluid, even if they themselves don't realize it at the time. As such, since the MC of this story doesn't experience gender dysphoria and actually seems to quite like being a girl, then there is no possible way that she could be called a man, because if she was one then she would be suffering from crippling depression and trying to change her body back ASAP. The reason why @Mant and @Iskarioth are being transphobic is because they are stating that the MC is a man, solely because she was one in her previous life. Despite making vague comments about it, she exhibits none of the symptoms of gender dysphoria and has zero interest in becoming man. They seem to think that because she was a man in her previous life she is one now, without suffering the effects of gender dysphoria. They think its possible for a cis man to be in a different gendered body and not feel uncomfortable, essentially arguing that gender dysphoria does not exist, which it does, proven by numerous scientific and medical studies. There is no possible way, logical or emotional, for the mc of this story to still be male, and to insist otherwise is denying the existence of gender dysphoria and grossly misunderstanding the story.
Sure, there are other genderbender novels where the MC might still be male despite being in a female body, but this is not one of them.

As for @The_H_Guy see above for why I'm not just throwing around buzzwords to make myself feel superior
Dex-chan lover
Jun 26, 2018
Was "Mommy Milkers" actually a part of the raws?
If so that´s hilarious.

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