Youjo Senki - Vol. 12 Ch. 33 - Devil of the Rhine V

Dex-chan lover
Jul 10, 2018
Been reading the yen press light novel translations. Gosh but the manga is the best variant for this story.
Jan 20, 2018
Considering how the original web/light novel medium is such a text heavy piece of work the manga version has done a fantastic job that isn't at all inferior to the original. I absolutely love the long chapters and the wait is painful but worth it for this. From what I have read from the web/light novel I highly anticipate the next chapter.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
"Fixed fortifications are a monument to the stupidity of man." - George S. Patton (United States Army Officer)
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
Everything about this manga is absolutely captivating. Cinematic even.
Jan 23, 2018
@SakamotoDeath I would argue that this is not mobile Warfare but more a variant of Defense in Depth. They give up part of they frontline to lure the enemy out of their trenches which allows them to be trapped and annihilated. This could open a gap in the enemy frontlines making a breakthrough possible. But this depends on how the trap is designed and if the enemy can be lured in.
Apr 21, 2018
I wonder when the next chapter comes out. So close to catching the anime
Jan 21, 2018
"we will make them collapse from blood loss by bleeding them out"

Pretty it up all you want. but he really said that.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 6, 2018
I didn't watch anime, I only read light novel.

There's a lot of adaption going on here.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 27, 2018
I love this chapter because it really shows the trust between Zettour and Tanya.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 20, 2018
Im glad she is thinking about where the enemy troops could have went after the attack
Dex-chan lover
Jan 24, 2018
that is exctly a strategy used by Hitler. Create a gap in your line, invite the enemy to enter the gap then clost the gap from behind the enemy, attack from all direction. This tactic almost never fail, in fact they almost reach Moscow fighting Russian using this tactic, until Hitler underestimated the Russian winter. Instead of retreat, Hitler keep pushing deep into Russia territory even though its almost imposible to send a supply during winter, meanwhile Russia is sending a soldier from Siberia which is already accustomed to fight in winter condition.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 25, 2018
Since bleeding cause negative health gain, they bypass evasion and armor value. It is perfect strategy again player with strong defense if you lack nukes.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 8, 2019
Uhm.... I don't think that was Hitler you are talking about.
For once, Hitler endorsed the plan to go south, instead of going straight to Moscow.
And second, all those plans were made by the high commands. Hitler simply said he liked the plan to go south better and later gave the order to go south.
But of course, generals don't like taking orders from a corporal, they still pushed to Moscow despite the logistics not keeping up. Emphasis on it being not Hitler who wanted to push to Moscow. Even after the war, some of them still thought they could have won the war had they gotten to Moscow. Poor fools, they didn't think of Moscow as anything more than Paris (BURN!)
And no, it's not impossible for the logistics department to do their work in the Russian winter, it's actually for possible than doing in the autumn and spring, considering how rain and melting snow/ice make the roads deteriorate in such speed I bet you can't imagine. So the icing on roads actually give the moving of materials, personnels and weapons more propable, and is atually good for the German while it's taking a hard toll on the Russians for they started their offensive right on the day with lowest temperature taken during that year's winter, which, if you didn't know, is at the start of that year's winter (according to Raus, a German general in the field at that time). Which is to say, whatever muster of force they were doing, it's already done before winter really sets in.

The actual reason how the German couldn't keep up lies with how they went for Moscow, instead of stopping a little to take the region making a lot of food and oil for the Russians. That, and how the generals kept on pushing on and on, despite the freaking logistics aren't keeping up. That creates a situation where front line commanders keep screaming for reinforcements but the logistics can't send men there in time.
Another problem is that the advance is way too reckless, even before winter. If you know history, you will notice how Germans attacked Brest and moved on quickly after just 7 days (the original plan was for 3 days), yet, the fortress only fell after a month after that. That's a case of leaving a pocket of enemy resistance and move on, leaving everything to the units coming later to deal with. Happens the same to prisoners of war. After surrendering, the Germans just pointed west and left the prisoners walk by themselves, without a guard. That means later units have to restrain them and bring them into camps, if there were still honest ones not sneaking back into woods to rejoin their comrades.
If you still can't see what I'm saying, I was talking about 2 problems with the Germans from the start of the war, their tendency to advance with abandon and their habit of stretching supply lines. All of this, showed even the their campaign in France, where they had to stop before Dunkirk, leaving the British to do their miracle with some ease. Not to say the French defenders didn't contribute a lot back then though.

Sorry for the ranting. Just couldn't stand misconception at such basic levels.
Dex-chan lover
Jul 19, 2018
"lets bleed them out by bleeding them out" yeah that makes sense... They just wanted to use a big word, but used it wrong by the sounds of it.

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