I played 1 and 3. I can't find any pirated copy of 2 anywhere in the nightmarket back in early 2000s.Digimon world 1, 2 and 3 for me. dunno why I keep coming back to these, eventhough I played most of the games you guys mention.
The Veldt soundtrackFinal Fantasy VI is pretty memorable. I still find myself humming bits of the soundtrack every now and then.
All played in Emulator, now in phones.Final Fantasy 4, Chrono Trigger, Secret of Evermore, Suikoden, Earthbound, Super Mario RPG
Probably. But I originally played them on a SNES. 😺All played in Emulator, now in phones.
Never quite liked jRPG, because one of my first game was Neverwinter Nights 2 and to this day, cRPG are peak of RPG genre for me. And NwN 2, BG 2 and PlanetScape: Tornment are still hold their ground in face of modern RPG (sometimes even being much better), especially nwn 2 with proper 3d graphics feels not really outdated.PS1, SNES, or even older more esoteric console.
Chrono Trigger is probably objectively the best I’ve played, but I got most entertainment from Star Ocean 2 on PSX.
Best pirate game to this daySid Meyer's Pirates on the Commodore 64.
2024 now, so yes it is old as ... most of in the thread, if not older.Trails in the Sky, if you consider 2004 games to be old
Did not know Tales of Eternia is actually Tales of Destiny 2. I guess because I only watched the anime for Tales of Eternia.Earthbound(Mother 2), Tales of Destiny, Tales of Destiny 2(Eternia), Lunar 1 and 2, Xenogears, Final Fantasy (6,7,8,9), Breath of Fire 2
There actually is a Tales of Destiny 2 on PS2 in JP, you can find a fan translation on the internet. Eternia was called ToD2 in America for some reason.Did not know Tales of Eternia is actually Tales of Destiny 2. I guess because I only watched the anime for Tales of Eternia.
Shining Tears x Wind is a good original animation too. I will not call.it an adaptation because it focuses on the bro, not the hero.