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  1. Nick_Asano

    Killing Morph - Vol. 4 Ch. 35

    @gigabarto Negative opinions are as integral to a comment section or review page as positive ones. And once you've read far enough it's hard to just "not read it". I hold off on writing negative opinions for the same reason that I hold off on writing positive ones; because I'm lazy. But if...
  2. Nick_Asano

    Philosophy Thread

    What if Satan actually exhibits great, great empathy and is running hell not because he wants to, but because God told him that if he doesn't he'd put someone else in charge? Someone with a complete lack of empathy and the desire to cause as much pain and suffering as humanely (and inhumanely)...
  3. Nick_Asano

    Killing Morph - Vol. 2 Ch. 14

    Don't u dair dishonor Spider-Man in that way1!!
  4. Nick_Asano

    Tell us, what's bothering you ?

    I went to Braums to pick up milk (which serves as equal parts restaurant and grocery store) and saw perhaps 40 to 50 people sitting at tables in close proximity, ALL without gloves or masks. Not only that, the cashier who checked me out wasn't wearing a mask or gloves, either, and he didn't use...
  5. Nick_Asano

    False progression & false enjoyment

    @iwannachew You could be onto something. I think a lot of obsessions start out as something genuine. But then we pigeonhole ourselves and all we know how to do is dig straight down. In Minecraft I was the kid that dug straight down until he hit lava and killed himself. It wasn't dissimilar in...
  6. Nick_Asano

    False progression & false enjoyment

    I feel these are topics that aren't discussed nearly enough. What is false progression? Have you ever done something that you felt was progressive - like debating people on Reddit/Twitter, or platting a video game, or paving the way to "social success" on sites like Facebook and the now deceased...
  7. Nick_Asano

    Last Letter Game

  8. Nick_Asano

    Celebration thread- MangaDex is fast again!

    It's much faster. I still have to wait or refresh the page sometimes, but I no longer have to wait up to 30 seconds for a page to load in and I don't have to refresh it more than once. I believe that persisting issues exist on behalf of my computer and my internet provider.
  9. Nick_Asano

    Make it possible to REALLY hide the menu

    You know how you can "collapse the menu"? Well, there's still that bar with the white arrow that never goes away. I propose we change that. Make it possible to COMPLETELY hide the menu when reading manga, at least for PC users. After all we can still press "t" to reverse it. I don't how easy or...
  10. Nick_Asano

    online dating

    You'd only be lonelier. You can't see the other person unless it's by video call. You can only speak via keyboard, phone call or voice chat. There'd be too many elements missing from your relationship. It'd be like playing an MMORPG without the paid subscription. Find someone irl or learn to be...
  11. Nick_Asano

    Favorite comic book?

    Some of us have read so much manga that at this point it's really an unhealthy obsession that's taken over our entire lives, but what about American comic books? Which one is your favorite?
  12. Nick_Asano

    Tell us, what's bothering you ?

    My cat has been scratching herself bloody, so to prevent that I put tape on her feet, hissing, mewling, struggling and all. I can see it on her face that she's going to piss n shit the first chance she gets so I leash her and pin the leash with a weight in the kitchen so that it will be easier...
  13. Nick_Asano

    Country Balls vs Country Humans

    @pandascepter Fascinating... I choose humans, 'coz I can't dance for sh*t.
  14. Nick_Asano

    Country Balls vs Country Humans

    Like, dance events vs people?
  15. Nick_Asano

    Rip dio

  16. Nick_Asano


    @vinsegas I'm in top shape and I strategize my meals carefully, so weight/nutrition isn't an issue. @hazzack I believe you, which is why I'll only be doing this once. @BlackGeneral I already tried sleeping on the ground and taking cold showers. I found the pros to be massively outweighed by the...
  17. Nick_Asano

    BEASTARS - Vol. 20 Ch. 171 - You Threaten Me As You Look at My Lips

    @SotiCoto Silencing the H in herbivore is more commonly a American pronunciation than an British one. In my experience as a American I've heard some people pronounce it and some people omit it.
  18. Nick_Asano

    Why you love forum so much ?

    Love is a strong word. I used to be addicted to Reddit, so you could say this is my metaphorical Nicorette gum.