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  1. keatsta

    One Day Outing Foreman - Ch. 70 - One Encounter

    very lovely chapter, we should all cherish such moments in our lives when we stumble into them. seconding everyone in saying you did a great job translating the jokes too!
  2. keatsta

    One Day Outing Foreman - Vol. 9 Ch. 69 - Starting Point

    oooh, are you into joshi wrestling? 👀
  3. keatsta

    One Day Outing Foreman - Vol. 9 Ch. 69 - Starting Point

    I know for the proprietor of a place like that, Kewl0120 uses "mama" in Shima-kun. I always thought that had a good feel. Hanami is so nice~ My friends and I try to go every year in Toronto, but there's very few parks with sakura and they fill up very quickly. It's also a total crapshoot...
  4. keatsta

    One Day Outing Foreman - Vol. 9 Ch. 67 - Iron Man

    A nice sentimental chapter... this series doesn't just understand the joys of food, but also the joys of discussing food and working through the details and subtleties of why it's good. I hope we get some more chapters following the growth of his successor. Maybe his pachinko skills will...
  5. keatsta

    Ousama Ranking - Vol. 17 Ch. 221

    I'm still sus, I think it must be something he uses to mark people for other bandit tribes that he's allied with. seems like it, yeah... it feels like the ranking system is some sort of deal made between the kings of the world and the gods. maybe resulting from the previous wars between god and...
  6. keatsta

    One Day Outing Foreman - Vol. 9 Ch. 66 - Going To Tokyo

    Glad Numakawa recognized his pretense and started having a good time! I've had that complex sometimes when people come to visit Toronto. I want to act cool and calm in part because I want them to be confident that I know what we're doing and I know that we're gonna have a good time, but also...
  7. keatsta

    Ichinichi Gaishutsuroku Hanchou - Vol. 9 Ch. 65 - 3-Tatami

    good job with the room ootsuki, looks very comfy. I never really put much consideration into my furniture, I just got cheap Ikea stuff. I didn't even have a bedframe until my boyfriend complained. Other floor furniture appeals to me a lot too, maybe cause I'm a weeb, but it feels comfy somehow...
  8. keatsta

    One Day Outing Foreman - Vol. 9 Ch. 64 - Catching Fish

    One of the comfiest chapters yet, makes me really wanna go fishing... If you like this sort of content, this series was very nice Downloaded this The Eel movie too, curious about it...
  9. keatsta

    Sanda - Vol. 6 Ch. 50 - Please Take Your Time in the Small Waiting Room

    yall gettin filtered i hope it gets 100x weirder and more perverse from here
  10. keatsta

    Heterogenia Linguistico: An Introduction to Interspecies Linguistics - Vol. 6 Ch. 49 - Where Is A Doctor

    I think the goat will likely have some justification for some of the specific things it's doing, but in the end, also still just be a jerk.
  11. keatsta

    Someya Mako no Jansou Meshi - Ch. 27 - A Feast! The Vanishing Mystery Meat! ~ Juicy Fried Chicken Tulips ~

    I'm having homemade fried chicken tonight heheheheh... I don't think I can impose further and ask my host for tulips, though...
  12. keatsta

    One Day Outing Foreman - Vol. 8 Ch. 63 - Silent Night

    Next time you'll find someone better, Miyamoto... Also, chicken sashimi is one of the few meats I haven't tried raw. It really is a Japan-exclusive thing, I'd never consider it anywhere around here. I've gotten salmonella before and it is not a particularly fun time.
  13. keatsta

    One Day Outing Foreman - Vol. 8 Ch. 61 - Sweets Talk

    Fun chapter, I love talking about food to this extent when I'm bored. ALSO CONGRATS ON BRIDGING THE GAP TO CHAPTER 62!!!
  14. keatsta

    One Day Outing Foreman - Vol. 8 Ch. 60 - Good Dog

    Cute chapter! There really isn't anything Ootsuki can't enjoy on his outings.
  15. keatsta

    One Day Outing Foreman - Vol. 8 Ch. 59 - Walking Tour

    I used to love going for ultralong walks... in university I walked with some friends to another city, it took like 8 hours. My stamina has decreased since I got older though :(
  16. keatsta

    One Day Outing Foreman - Vol. 8 Ch. 58 - Master and Servant

    I definitely am STILL in full and sluggish mode D: but sometimes it's worth it :D
  17. keatsta

    One Day Outing Foreman - Vol. 8 Ch. 58 - Master and Servant

    very well timed, I just went for AYCE yakiniku last night lol. we didn't eat the meat in any order tho, it was just a free-for-all
  18. keatsta

    One Day Outing Foreman - Vol. 8 Ch. 57 - Kyushu

    I was eagerly awaiting for him to bring up Zombieland Saga, lol
  19. keatsta

    Hirayasumi - Vol. 7 Ch. 60 - The Asagaya Tanabata Festival Incident! Pt. 3

    I liked how Nacchan actually just missed the festival and was sad, there wasn't some sudden surprise twist where they convinced her to go. This series is really good about being grounded like that. Sometimes you just get caught up in your feelings and miss out on something good. It's something...
  20. keatsta

    One Day Outing Foreman - Vol. 7 Ch. 55 - Buying Clothes

    I think they just fuse with your face when you become a blacksuit lol Very fun and stylish chapter~ Made me want to try a seasonal matching test