5Toubun no Hanayome - Vol. 14 Ch. 121 - A One in Five Chance

Dex-chan lover
Nov 10, 2018
Nino Gang shall rest in piece
at least second best girl won, so there's that
If ichika or itsuki won then negi would really be a hack doe.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 8, 2018
Fuutaro himself said that he want to become "someone who is devoted to loving one woman his entire life." Take that you harem end trashes and let that to be your lesson to become decent men. Fuutaro is better than all of you. Women don't like unfaithful men or men that are into multiple women at the same time.

I am not a shipper so I don't care who win in the end but it is understandable how he chose Yotsuba. He chose the girl who changed and support him from the start. And she is a kind girl who always ready to put other people before her own happiness.

@Equa The title you said is not the accurate translation. Japanese is a complex language. Finally, harem is trash.
Dex-chan lover
Oct 3, 2019
Unless they're playing extra games, it looks like
(L->R) Nino, Yotsuba, Itsuki, Miku, and Ichika.

But these girls (now "ladies") do like making this game hard to play.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 23, 2019
Last chance to harem ending
please do it
or at least pick nino, she's best girl after all
Aug 22, 2019
Just read the whole manga in like 2 days lol, now waiting for the last chapter... When will it get released?? Next Tuesday I guess?
Double-page supporter
Jan 30, 2018

You act like you "respect" women but you really just shit on any relationship that isn't monogamy, you're just a moralizing jackass and a bully to anyone who thinks different.


But apparently any relationship with more than one woman or man involved is "unrealistic harem trash" to you and will devolve into ancient imperial harems where the girls all try to kill each other which is the dumbest thing I've ever read.

Also lol "Yotsuba would obviously get chosen because she was a selfless martyr instead of a normal girl who was okay with being selfish at times like her other sisters".

@Acolytus today in yet another episode of "I'll worship the author because my waifu won and disregard every criticism of Yotsuba's shitty underdeveloped character, flat "romance" and zero proper development of the stupid rushed ending with "hoes mad" and "butthurt cause your waifu lost"."

If you can't understand why the series went to shit post chapter 90 at this point you're just wilfully blind.

"Hurr the Author decides to shit on the other quints and their fans one last time with this stupid quintuplet game despite the winner being clear at this point, what a genius! Wasting over 80 chapters developing the three older Quints and ignoring Yotsuba and Itsuki entirely just for the stupid surprise reveal was awesome even if Yotsuba never actually changed or grew and her toxic mental issues got resolved in two chapters simply because her first love confessed to her and proposed on their first date!"

@Freestyle they already are. And so are most in the comment section. All the stupid retcons, the shitty red herrings that hinted that either Miku or Nino were the bride (the earring, Fuu wearing Nino's bracelet and the bride being good at cooking) and deus ex machina after deus ex machina that prevented any Quint from getting in Yotsuba's way. How quickly her mental issues and the Quints hurt feelings were dealt with (Itsuki getting 3 fucking pages after the confession for dealing with "Suddenly I now realise I love Fuutarou" and pulling a Yotsuba in the end being the cherry on top) and the shitty lack of romantic development between Fuutarou and Yotsuba (Plus the bellkisser stuff that was totally meaningless in the end despite supposedly being THE major clue for who the bride he was destined to marry was) just gets swept under the rug because "Yotsuba deserves it after all that she's suffered, hoes mad" even though there was literally only one fucking chapter of couple fluff with the two of them and ending with "suddenly proposal" despite it being their first-ever date.

The "best" part is that Negi was apparently a fucking liar when he said he hated girls that loved the protagonist from the very start and did nothing to work for their love when he picked Yotsuba as the winner after treating her as a platonic friend background character for the majority of the manga.

@Stannis Why don't you go back to defending Game of Thrones S8? After all who there has a better romance story than Yotsuba Bran?

Also, for those interested have a totally accurate video describing the shitty writing for the last 2 volumes arcs
Dex-chan lover
Mar 6, 2019
And it's another case of "how long can author-san drag on his badly written shojo manga". What a waste of time
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2019
Oh, man... I almost want to stop reading the manga right here, and just read the inevitable doujin which shows a "different outcome" to this quintuplet game that leads to a harem end.

My initial guesses are... from left to right: Itsuki, Miku, Nino, Yotsuba, Ichika. ...Comparing to the currently most upvoted theory on Reddit (Ichika, Yotsuba, Nino, Miku, Itsuki) it seems I at least got my favorite quint right? Surely it wasn't just the inevitable 20% chance of guessing correctly. 🤔 That slightly inclined head feels so "Nino" to me.

I kind of want Fuutarou to completely ace this game, by naming each quint one-by-one. Although if he does that, it'll probably gouge out the rejected quints' hearts a little more, knowing that he's someone who can "see" each of them.
Feb 4, 2019
just finish this already
jesus christ this dragged on too much, I poured so much of my time to this and I dont want to drop this.
even that bokuben shit is better than shit
Oct 10, 2019
idc what you or anyone else says MIKU STILL BEST GRIL. it's hard to stay mad at yots and fuu when they seem so happy tho <3
Active member
Aug 8, 2018
@miyako19 - You do actually realize that this a work of fiction, right? There's no need to get salty about things. You're coming off pretty judgemental for a person who wants to scream about the virtues of being a good person. People are actually pretty complex creatures. Each individual is a unique amalgamation of the experiences and events that shaped them. It doesn't make them "special" as some may have sadly concluded in more recent times; it just means everyones a little different than one another, while also, outwardly seeming so similar because of the facade they put up to maintain societal standards. It's one of the reasons making broad generalizations is often scoffed at. You can't represent a whole, because you're just yourself; and you can't really label the whole, because everyone is different.
It may sound super cheesy, but I feel like people are similar to colors. There's a a huge variety, and they all have different shades, but that's what makes such a cool picture as a whole.
I also want to take a second to mention that the idea of: "putting others happiness before herself (or yourself)" is not a positive long-term mindset. Nonetheless, it's something I feel a lot of people do, or can at least relate to. Love isn't, and should never be, a measure of who's willing to martyr themselves more. In any healthy relationship you should always put your own happiness first and foremost. Only then will you really be capable of sharing that, and loving someone else completely. I think if there can be one semi-decent takeaway from this story, it's that Yotsu (and even the quints) began to understand that near the end.
Hope you have a good day.
Oct 21, 2019
@1986ctcel Do you realize you're talking about a fiction about a love affair between a teenager who becomes the tutor of 5 quintuplets seriously?!
Talking about his writing as if it were realistic or worse in polygamy?!
You can criticize as much as you like, and I see that despite all your criticism you continue to do so.
What's a fact is that in this fiction Yotsuba will marry evac futaro whether you like it or not ^^
Mar 27, 2019
God, the salty tears in the comments are always the best. People saying the story is "dragged on" or "trash" just because their favorite girl didn't win. Mmm.
May 15, 2019
MIku, Nino, Ichika, Itsuki, Yotsuba

Also is no one gonna mention the amazing quintuplet survey corps

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