A Capable Maid - Ch. 45

Sep 20, 2018
Snap out of it Marie! Rachel is not that powerful and haven't been beneficial at all. Has she offer Marie anything for the things she's done. Nothing~~~ 😭😭

Rachel is a parasite!! Run away from her! Run away from the palace already 😭
Dex-chan lover
Aug 20, 2020
"That's a remarkable idea."

What the actual fuck? It's literally what the prince of the halidom said! Hey, if you give us food, we won't forget our debt. How the hell is this a remarkable idea? This is getting excessively pathetic.

"we have no choice but to import it from the East because it doesn't grow in Europe." So this is Europe. I mean, okay, I guess.

And you know what they could get in exchange? They could get land. They could get a portion of the halidom in exchange. There's obviously an issue of whether the halidom would agree (possible, although it depends), but it's not unprecedented in the history of...Europe... It's also very realistic and would look good. Hey, everyone, we now have this as part of our empire! We can start trying to convert the pagans over here! Look at us! We're helping this country and converting pagans!

And this idea of sugar seeds is crap because it directly goes against the ENTIRE purpose of the ban on other items. Don't trade anything of value because we don't want to interact with the pagans. The above idea of trading land completely solves that issue, while the sugar seeds is just a technicality that looks artificial as hell because it was literally made up in this chapter just now.

This is just generally going downhill, and it was never very high up to begin with.
Sep 16, 2020

Yeah, I don't even know what's going on here. How would such a rule even come into play? Who even has the authority to make decisions for all 'western' countries. Are you telling me the Pope is enforcing medieval trade embargos???
Apr 13, 2019
Holy shit, I really hate the blondie, in a way the black haired girl would be a better pair but she too has her shameless side ugh
Dex-chan lover
Feb 22, 2019
Wow such incompetence
People like that with no innate ability and only using people is supposed to be queen?
And how shameful

C'mon Marie
Enough being used by others
Dex-chan lover
Apr 15, 2019
blondie's got no tact, but from her perspective doing this makes perfect sense since Marie doesn't want to stand out and she seems to plan on upholding her end of the bargain.
Apr 3, 2020
Why are y'all ganging up on the blondie😂😂they're both being used by each other and the crown prince already knows the truth lol. Also, the decisions in this story are getting dumber🤣 first they couldn't figure out that fish could be enjoyable and now they have weird rules affecting the trading system. Why is Marie the only one making obvious decisions😂😂we need something mindblowing
Dex-chan lover
Aug 20, 2020
@sherlock0790 First, Rachel is not wrong. Marie benefits from Rachel being in a better standing with the prince.

Second, Marie HERSELF wants this. She wanted this deal herself before she had ever met Rachel.

Third, a leader leads. They do not necessarily have to come up with ideas themselves. They are supposed to manage other people and help to implement the good ideas. And that's LITERALLY what Rachel would be doing here. She would go to the prince with Marie's idea, [hopefully] improve her standing with the prince, solve a hunger crisis, reduce the risk of war, AND help out Marie.

Let me be clear. I don't even like Rachel either. But your specific reasons for complaining are crap.
Group Leader
Sep 24, 2019
Agreed, I don’t care if it benefits both of them. She’s becoming so dependent on Marie she’ll never let her go
Dex-chan lover
Aug 20, 2020
@shunnie Is it because she's literally doing what she agreed to do with Marie? Because she is.

The vast majority of people in here complaining about Rachel are giving her shit because she's keeping her promise with Marie. So far, she has not done anything against what she agreed, and everything she has done fits with that. UNTIL she does something actually bad, everyone is just whining that she's keeping her promise.

@Ashana You don't care that she's literally doing what she was asked to do BY MARIE? Because that's basically what you're saying. Becoming dependent on Marie? This woman who seemingly comes up with these "amazing" solutions to these problems that are stumping the political experts in the palace? Oh no! How dare she ask for advice from the one person who seems to have all the answers!
Double-page supporter
Feb 21, 2018
she should get a contract first...
oh wait, she's a slave lol
why is she even expecting her to treat her well and release her when she can imprison her for her ideas?
walking talking problem solver lol
Fed-Kun's army
Jan 30, 2019
@comeonnow0 Definitely agree with you. It's also like people are forgetting about the fact that the Prince has called out goldilocks everytime she "came up" with a new idea to try to impress the Prince. He knew almost right away that it was Marie who came up with it, and then LET miss goldilocks be the one to take the credit for it. I do think I understand what most ARE complaining about though, what goldilocks is doing is practically taking credit and achievements that don't belong to her rightfully. (similarly to how a noble in a war hide behind his commoner soldiers, but only the noble is hailed a hero after the war is over, not the people actually fighting.) However, as you've stated.. Marie knew exactly what she wanted when she agreed to work with goldilocks, her main goal in her mind is "don't stand out".... People seem to forget that xD

I doubt it will change this time either, Marie will let goldilocks take her idea to the Prince. I also have a strong feeling that this time (the 3rd time that its happened) the Prince is going to get supppper pissed.
Active member
Apr 16, 2019
Lol I like the comic, but how is a trade deal "a remarkable idea." Like...they're asking you for something and you didn't think to just...ask for something in return? XD
Dex-chan lover
May 18, 2018
People are shitting on Rachel too much.

Being able to recognise talent and then being able to use your pieces properly is a skill in itself.
Furthermore, she is still keeping her agreements.
For this sugar solution, I'd even argue that it's a joint effort. This sugar loophole is a bit of an ehhh, but I guess we can take it.

I do think that Marie and Rachel should wisen up a bit and realise that the Prince is catching on. In such a case, I do not think there is any shame in formally declaring to the prince that Marie is backing up Rachel.
Dec 14, 2018
I bet even if she became crown princess she will not release Marrie or let her go because she's to useful
Dex-chan lover
Aug 20, 2020
@Dadidu Honestly, people like you don't read very well.

Being released was NEVER the agreement, nor was it Marie's intention. Marie's cover story is that she is a war prisoner. That makes her property of the crown. The plan was for Marie to be transferred to the empresses' palace and to be in the empress' side, not the prince/emperor's side. She would still be available to the empress even if everything went according to her plan.

Also, I'm not blaming you for not knowing this, but she wouldn't be "crown princess". She would be empress consort after marrying the prince and taking up the throne. Crown princess means that she's the princess of the empire and could take the throne by birthright. She would be marrying into the empire's royalty, so that's not what this is.

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