Dex-chan lover
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Oh yeah, this series is screaming Nice Boat ending for sure.
Who would’ve thought that Umimi, all excited and with her eyes sparkling as she happily searched through Riku’s room for porn mags, would end up with her eyes looking so dark in the last two pages?
It's fine to talk about the reasons she was dating Takt, but I really hope it doesn’t turn into some stomach-churning story.
I thought the peaceful rom-com with the two juniors would continue since Shizuku isn’t around right now, but I never expected a pitfall that could threaten that peace to be lurking here.
え? もう束の間の平和なラブコメは終わりですか?
Huh? Is the brief peaceful rom-com already over?
I want to see more of Riku flirting with the two juniors!!
Just because the two juniors are more popular than Shizuku, don’t make the bad move of lowering their appeal... please?
What was even the point of the manager?
For that matter, what was the point of the beach house arc?
Looking back, wasn’t that whole thing completely unnecessary?
In the end, it feels like it’s going to wrap up without them dating anyone.
Who was Shizuku again?
In these childhood friend stories, even with a parent's support, Shizuku still can't beat Umimi...
うみみの抱えている問題は結構早くに解消されてたと思ってたけど、「タクトと付き合ってた理由」というしっかりと大きい問題残ってましたわ。 頼むからうみみを曇らせるのはやめてほしい。
I thought the issues Umimi was dealing with were resolved pretty quickly, but there was still the big issue of "why she was dating Takt." Please, I really hope they don’t cloud Umimi’s happiness.
Umimi is still holding onto the disappointment from the Premier 12 final.
Well, it was revealed early on in the story that Umimi had problems at home, but I'm too curious about how that connects to her dating Takt.
Umimi, never mind that, just show your breasts.
高校生の息子とその後輩の女の子を夜に家に二人きりにしたり泊まっていかせようとする母親とか非常識すぎるんだが... 今に始まったことじゃない がとことん作者も編集もマジで何も考えてないだろ
A mother who leaves her high school son and his junior, a girl, alone at home at night or even tries to have her stay over is just completely unreasonable... This isn't something new, but honestly, both the author and the editor clearly haven't thought this through at all.
The first half was full-on rom-com with Umimi and Riku, but then at the end, Umimi suddenly becomes scary.
Once the highlight disappears from the heroine's eyes, there are only two options left for her: either she falls into darkness or gets clouded.
いや、これまで疑問だったのは「タクトと付き合っていた理由」でなく「リクにアタックしなかったこと」なんだよ。確かうみみは最初からリクが気に なってて、でもタクトと交際してたんじゃなかったっけ? それは最初から違和感あった。でもそれがどううみみの家族愛への渇望とつながるのか が分からん。タクトとの共通点は、共に家族に恵まれてないってことだが... その辺にシンパシーがあったのか?
No, what I’ve been questioning all along isn’t "the reason she was dating Takt," but "why she didn’t go after Riku." I’m pretty sure Umimi was interested in Riku from the start, but wasn’t she dating Takt at the time? That always felt off to me. But how does that connect to her longing for family love? The common point with Takt seems to be that neither of them has a good family, but... was there some kind of sympathy there?
元々うみみこういう感じあっただろ、海で雫を店長にし向けたのうみみだぞ? w
Umimi has always been like this, right? She’s the one who directed Shizuku to the manager at the beach, you know? lol
Umimi pouting on page 10 is way too cute.
一旦ヤッとこう。どう? 悪い提案ではないと思うんやけど
Let's just get this over with. What do you think? I don't think it's a bad suggestion.
Yako is pretty normal.Every girl in this manga is a landmine. Can we get one with no issues?
may I inquire what it was like?Oh yeah, this series is screaming Nice Boat ending for sure.
as far as we know...Yako is pretty normal.
remember when she stayed over at his house (or was it vice versa?) and she used his fingers to masturbate while he was sleeping? There’s always been something off about her.Is my memory THAT shot? Was she always like this or are we just now introducing this element of her personality?
You are expecting too much out of this manga. It WILL be stupid, and it WILL be a flashback arcPlease don't be yet another retarded explanation.
The raws for 53 are out and the answer to why is actually deranged LOLYou are expecting too much out of this manga. It WILL be stupid, and it WILL be a flashback arc
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. But it was the nicest of boats.may I inquire what it was like?