Yes the artist has said on Twitter that the manga will be taking an alternative approach, with consent by both the original author and the editorial department.
"rapidly shooting in all directions"
Well, that's definitely a way to translate "bullet hell(Japanese shmup) tactics" 😆
Proof Yumiella has always been a gamer
Yes the artist has said on Twitter that the manga will be taking an alternative approach, with consent by both the original author and the editorial department.
Yes the artist has said on Twitter that the manga will be taking an alternative approach, with consent by both the original author and the editorial department.
"rapidly shooting in all directions"
Well, that's definitely a way to translate "bullet hell(Japanese shmup) tactics" 😆
Proof Yumiella has always been a gamer
From all these comments I've been reading, it seems like this is turning into a multiple ending game, will have to read the WN and LN, and then catch up on the anime.
p10 Alicia's heroine image -> Alicia's image as a heroine
p12 No need to worry though -> No need to worry, though
p12 I can heal a missing arm with my healing magic no problem. - I'll do my best not to lose them!!! -> [There's a singular/plural issue here with Alicia's response.]
p10 Alicia's heroine image -> Alicia's image as a heroine
p12 No need to worry though -> No need to worry, though
p12 I can heal a missing arm with my healing magic no problem. - I'll do my best not to lose them!!! -> [There's a singular/plural issue here with Alicia's response.]