Ani to Imouto no Shitai Shitai Shitai Koto - Vol. 3 Ch. 16 - Page 16

Double-page supporter
Sep 23, 2019
Usually in real life incest baby always have some "problem" right....
well good luck with that~
its actually a pretty slim chance for only one generation but of course way way, way, higher than people who aren't related.
i wonder if this mad(woman)? of an author is going all the way. im disgusted and intrigued.
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Dex-chan lover
Oct 12, 2018
I think she's being fully honest as to how she feels and what she thinks oniichan's concerns are. It might seem like she's intentionally still trying to manipulate him, but I don't think so. It just kind of seems like that because she's somewhat insane and codependant.
Gaslighting is almost never intentional. It's always built off insecurities, almost no one intentionally tried to manipulate people using gaslighting outside of serial killers and psychopaths. Just because she's sad and feels earnest, doesn't mean that her words should be ignored.

Don't use 'emotional reasoning' as justifications for a persons actions. I know that goes against the current social norm but just because someone's emotions are making them anxious, nervous, sad, etc, it doesn't justify anything that they say or do. Someone's own emotional and mental state is something only they are responsible for, and when that starts to affect others like, oh say her brother agreeing to impregnate her to go along with her delusions of reality, yeah it's a BAD THING and is emotional manipulation regardless of intention.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
Go on Onii-san. What's the worst that could happen.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2019
Usually in real life incest baby always have some "problem" right....
well good luck with that~
Not always. Frankly, the chance only increases by a tiny big... it's only when it happens over multiple generations that the issues develop....

The real issue is that they haven't solved their other problems before trying for the baby.

Namely parents and financial issues. She forgets that she's still young and actually has a lot of time. So she doesn't need to really rush.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 1, 2023
Oh boy oh boy. This's just wow lol. they went full wincest, and now mommy is coming back with a chip on her shoulder to nock down their family pins. How will this turn out. The drama is going to intensity.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 1, 2023
And thus bloodline is kept pure.Alabama deed on the way .
But why the hell are Japanese mangakas so obsessed with incest? Just wondering 🤔
Because sisters are hot, and Japanese woman are rather gorgeous. Growing up with a gorgeous sister, or a beautiful childhood friend. Easy to understand.
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Dex-chan lover
Jun 1, 2023
When there was a time skip followed by them moving apartments, I thought they had cut their parents off. I’m surprised they hadn’t and the mother might show up again.
Their mother is showing up again. Lots of drama incoming. Parents am I right lol.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 26, 2023
Holy, MC really transformed into an emaciated version of Sakurai from Uzaki-chan.

Gee, I wonder what the mom is gonna have to say about the daughter she adores wanting to start a family with the son she hates. Surely she will support their decision and wish them happiness. Surely she won't call them disgusting freaks who arent thinking properly about their futures!
Dex-chan lover
Apr 22, 2019
Usually in real life incest baby always have some "problem" right....
well good luck with that~
blood siblings / parent-child has 25% chance. And it is the highest for the first generation. It will be rising for every generation in "Royal Inbreeding" (the family only consists of inbreeding)

But not far in the future, defective born children will be as rare as childbirth death, if the religious people don't against it. Human gen editing and creating a Coordinator Human (Gundam SEED reference) will be a common thing.
Jan 20, 2018
Usually in real life incest baby always have some "problem" right....
well good luck with that~
Common misconception, it is higher on a relative risk basis when compared to non related parents, but on the absolute risk sense it's still a very small chance of issues at least for 1st generation inbreeding, the risk rises considerably if compounded.
At the other end of the scale there are risks associated with outbreeding, inter-racial couples have far higher risks of birthing problems and health issues. and for subsequent generations the originally evolutionarily adapted gene complexes that balanced each other out are thrown into complete chaos.
A simple example to visualise is the genetics for tooth size vs jaw size; think what would happen with large teeth in a small jaw or small teeth in a large jaw.
Although my example is a bit of an oversimplification the principle can be applied to other organ systems such as the brain, these issues are quite real.
Another example could be genes that predispose to cancer in one population which over millenia genes that down regulate this risk have evolved within that population. There have even been a few studies that found more homogeneous populations actually had lower cancer risk (I speculate this might also relate to tissue type compatibilty).
3rd-4th cousins have even been shown to have higher fertility which might be an indicator of an optimal breeding range trading off the negative effects of both inbreeding and outbreeding depression.
To be clear I'm not actually advocating for breeding your sister but the risks of doing so are over blown as some form of scaremongering, people even freak out about cousins marrying which has even less risks involved and has been practiced by people in pretty much every human culture, the associated problems only come from compounding intergenerationally.
No, deformities and different types of illnesses happen through multiple generations of incest, on the first generation between siblings altho the risk is higher than normal it is still only 25%, if there are no recessive negative genes taken into account, then most likely the result will be a normal healthy baby.
blood siblings / parent-child has 25% chance. And it is the highest for the first generation. It will be rising for every generation in "Royal Inbreeding" (the family only consists of inbreeding)

But not far in the future, defective born children will be as rare as childbirth death, if the religious people don't against it. Human gen editing and creating a Coordinator Human (Gundam SEED reference) will be a common thing.
It's not 25%, if you work through the actual probabilities it's lower than that. it's only 25% chance that two sib;lings will share the same allele from one parent. if these siblings had a child you would only have a 6.25% chance of the child being homozygous for this allele and double if they share both parents. After that you still have to calculate the actual risk of having significantly deleterious recessive alleles in the first place.
Incest is fine as long as don't hurt anyone else, and making a child that is 99% going to have problems is definitely hurting the child
Yet people with actual genetic diseases still go on to have children? The number of estrogenic, mutagenic and carcinogenic toxins in our environment continues to grow but people do little about it. The exposure level of microwaves from phones and wifi in a classroom is enough to permanently damage the egg follicle cells of a teenage girl, but the effects from that won't properly be detectable for maybe 20+ years?
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