Ano Toki Tasukete Itadaita Monster Musume desu. - Ch. 10

Dex-chan lover
Feb 16, 2018
Man really has to stand up for himself instead of just agreeing to whatever people say to him. If he's satisfied with what he has now, he has to communicate that to his girls.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 23, 2023
Pride is entirely from within. It is our measure of our own worth. Other people can influence it if we let them, but it is ultimately all about how we feel about ourselves. The MC is definitely proud. If anything, a character who gets angry at people insulting them and who tries to get back at them is very far from proud. They are so insecure that the opinions of others can provoke them to anger and conflict.

It's interesting to see a character who is emotionally mature enough to not need the acknowledgement of others to feel proud about themselves. Honestly, I feel like this manga is referring to the horrible work/life balance that most Japanese men have with their careers and how their society pressures them into it. "That man is 40 but still working an entry level job? How embarassing! He won't put in the extra effort to get promoted because he doesn't want the added workload and responsibility? What a loser!"
Dex-chan lover
Mar 7, 2019
But that's the thing, I don't think (at least from how I interpret his behavior) he is insecure or doesn't believe in himself. He knows he's strong and he isn't afraid to display his power when the situation warrants it. Remember when the house was burning down and he put the entire thing out instantly with a spirit summon that dwarfed everyone else's that we had seen previously (almost like the chapter was specifically setting up the reveal that he's crazy strong). He knows he's strong and I'm fairly sure he's made some side comments about how his power makes him weary implying something happened in his past that made him want to relax and take things easy.

Point being though, he's so sure of what he wants out of life that he doesn't mind all the people constantly berating him or putting him down because he lacks ambition. He purposefully doesn't seek grander heights because he's content with where he is already. A lot of you are confusing someone who is passive as someone who is a doormat. Do you make it your life's mission to prove a child wrong when they call you a loser? No, you just ignore them and smile it off like water off a duck's back. Their opinions are inconsequential to you (or should be) so why would you pay them any heed?

And again the important bit that Washio himself has stated, he could climb the ranks if he wanted to but that's just adding more responsibility and work for him to do which would take away from his current laidback life. What would he stand to gain other than people's respect, people who he doesn't really give a shit about? If the story does go in the direction of having him get promoted and "prove himself" I guarantee it will only be because his monster girl students convince him to because they feel it reflect poorly on them to have their BAE getting ridiculed. Alternatively but in the same vein, something happens that prevents him from helping his former students due to some bureaucratic bullshit and his low ranking excludes him from having a say so he climbs the hierarchy to ensure they are treated well. Either way, it will NOT be because he suddenly sees his current life as problematic and suddenly become ambitious. It will be in an effort to help people he cares about since otherwise he couldn't be bothered.
I personally read it as insecure. Standing around while someone talks down to you to your face doesn't communicate confidence imo. Disregarding it and walking away is a more passive approach that would communicate a sense of security in himself. He could also say: "so what?" or "it doesn't matter to me" if he wanted to engage it directly. But instead he just takes it.

I get where you're coming from - he is indeed powerful. But his actions don't come across as confidently indifferent - at least not to me. I appreciate the discussion though.

What does he gain from picking a fight with every random person who wants to talk shit behind his back? Dudes secure enough in himself that he doesnt give a shit about random people in the street, we should all aspire to that

That's not what I meant. I'm referring to the people that are talking shit to his face. The people in the background are whatever, and in that respect ignoring them is the bigger thing to do, yes. Hope that clears things up.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 28, 2018
"up to chapter 12 first others site"

TFW they don't bother to PR their site advertisement
if that's true, wouldn't that be a flagrant violation of rule 1.8 on MD's list. But they really don't enforce it so what can ya do.
Dex-chan lover
May 21, 2023
Doesn't he have severe PTSD from the war? By his actions and his own hands the girls country, homes and families were all destroyed and they were made into science experiments. He freed them and taught them but his guilt is still crushing his heart, spirit and soul like a fist.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 6, 2018
I get that this is a junk food manga, but the whole insecure (sometimes middle aged) man who is powerful but doesn't believe in himself has grown old for a lot of people.
I think my reply in another manga is relevant here:
Because this is the new wish fulfillment genre... Someone realized that those otakus, who were gushing over magical girl in 2000ies, are now old guys and still maidenless, so they invented genre where old, and somewhat unappreciated, guy gets surrounded by young and beautiful girls, who all for some reason or another, crave his di.. attention. Pretty simple.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 14, 2019
The huge boobs weren't coiled tentacles like some people thought
Dex-chan lover
Feb 3, 2023
She's just a monster...

She's just a monster...

She's just a monster...

She's just a monster...

She's just a monster...

Dex-chan lover
Oct 23, 2023
Hate this japanese trope of willingly being a cuck but i can't stop reading them
ah someone pointed this out before I do, yeah I don't get why they like this trope of lowering themselves when they're obviously overqualified
Dex-chan lover
Jun 5, 2019
That annoyed glare alone makes this worth reading. Originally I wanted to see a older not-Shota face mc get a harem

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