Maybe something as simple as [April Fool] as prefix or suffix on the chapter's title. It is a complete waste of time trying to catch up reading backlog on this day, I swear.
Please make April Fool pranks optional for readers, not everyone wants to participate in it.
I mean, obviously, yes. But you also forgot that it should always come alongside the respective real chapter, conform to GMT+0, be flagged as troll-chapter in the API so ppl can filter them out, be removed/moved once the date changes, and not be utterly obnoxious (ie. autoplay sounds).
Some things are just basic common sense and etiquette.
Tagging the chapters would defeat the point. Look at this as an opportunity to let everyone else have fun and you get to take a break from reading manga (at least on MD) for 24-48 hours.
Once the event is over all the joke/meme chapters will be cleaned up and placed in a collection.
No? Definitely doesn't defeat the point. Unless you consider the point of april fools to be annoying, rather than humorous.
Think of it this way:
- On one hand we have MD's april fools joke, about premium subscriptions and funny ads linking to randomised titles. This is a funny, humorous and harmless april fools joke
- On another hand we have some group uploading actual chapters that are nothing but empty pages, or worse, real pages with fake translations spoiling stuff. But not uploading the real chapter alongside it. This is an annoying and obnoxious attempt at wasting everyones time and happy mood. Disqualified the title of april fools joke, and they are called spam-/troll-chapter for a reason.
- On a third hand we have a group uploading an old existing chapter (maybe even replacing it temporarily - acceptable due to existence of aggregators) that has fake translations or different pages, etc. This is a funny(?), harmless april fools joke.
I'd much prefer it to just be able to opt-out of them. Make it a hidden tag or something and let me toggle it off. Would make purging them the next day much easier, too.
Yes, opting out would be nice. Or maybe at least have some quality assurance that they follow common sense and april fools etiquette.
A lot of cry-babies here throwing a temper tantrum because they couldn't get their bottle on April Fools lol
Waaauh~! Waaagh~! [and other crying baby sounds

I do like MD Orange and the ads, though, so I'd appreciate if disabling April releases didn't affect my ability to "hook up with lonely anime waifus in my region" or whatever.
This ^
If they spent the time they did making this April Fools ads and orange membership drivel into fixing bugs or introducing long awaited features (genre filtering when?), they’d have an actual decent site by now…
The stuff MD's own april fools joke consists of is really not comparable time-wise. All they did was add a randomised "ad" field, a banner, and a page with fake premium options. The actual 'ads' themselves are very unlikely made by the devs either. Not to mention it's reused every year.
As for translated chapters, I
do notice a huge downtick in releases prior to april 1st. But they are doing it as a hobby and for free, let them manage their own free-time...