Arakure Ojousama wa Monmon Shiteiru - Vol. 1 Ch. 6 - Sometimes, you must throw caution to the winds of love

Dex-chan lover
Aug 8, 2018
Her goals went from> getting him to molest her so she can get him kicked out of school > I want him to be my boyfriend so he'll fuck me like there's no tomorrow
Double-page supporter
Jan 1, 2019
Poor girl, can't even be honest to herself and than cries herself to sleep. Not that I think the guy got a better night than her.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 13, 2018
She brought this on herself. If she wasn't such a loathsome, scheming, tyrannical bitch, then it'd be a lot easier to feel sympathy for her, and she might not be so bad as girlfriend material.

Let's not forget that, in the first chapter, two background characters pointed out that she has already gotten a number of students expelled and teachers fired by her grandmother, the principal. If she could fix that glaring abuse-of-power character flaw, only then would she have a chance to snag glasses-kun.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 15, 2018
I feel like people are being a bit harsh on the female MC, we all have flaws, and let's be honest, when people get power, people tend to abuse power. Course, that doesn't excuse all the crap she's done in the past,
but I hate double standards. I don't see this sort of bashing on male MC's that are in the same position, probably because they're portrayed very differently. Rich and powerful guy, abuses his power, goes out with lots of girls before falling for female MC and tries to get her, is fangirled over in the comments. "He's hot, he's strong, he's defying authority/teachers." Or my most hated version "He's being a real man!" Me: "He's an asshole. How the hell does anyone like this guy?" Now this female MC? Well, very likely a virgin yet gets bashed as THOT and slut in the comments section.
Now rant over double standards over, my own thoughts.
She's an idiot, she knows he doesn't like her and she knows that they've been at odds, yet she deludes herself into thinking that he likes her and thinks the tsundere approach will get her anywhere. Thankfully the author doesn't favor tsundere and shows what really happens with a tsundere approach, a clean and clear rejection. It makes me feel good to see she got what she deserved.
If only I could see such things happen in harem manga, the Japanese obsession with tsundere is very annoying.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 11, 2019
@Tsudow "I'm siding with the dude here, what she's been doing to get rid of people she dislikes is just no. Though I do feel bad for her, she deserved it to some extents for her actions."
@udomsa33 "@Bufuman Why is it wrong to root for the dude? He did absolutely nothing wrong. Look at the girl's past actions, how was he to blame for disliking her? In his mind he would probably think this is just another one of her scheme to get him expelled."

I agree with both of you on this assessment, he lacks all of her personal thoughts if this was real life, she would come off as a true enemy using everything from sexual attraction, scene setup, power of her family, etc to personally attack and destroy him over the simple fact that he placed higher than her in school by his own efforts.

@Arythazin "@Bufuman The female character has been concentrating her efforts on getting someone expelled simply because he doesn't bend the knee and has superior grades. In chapter one for instance, she and her posse were blocking the hall, and since the guy was bothering her, instead of just clearing the hall they jeer at him, and she threatens him with possible expulsion. She is definitely the bad/'evil' (evil being kind of too strong of a word though imo) character who could cause you to feel schadenfreude when they fail. Honestly, I do wonder what people like about the FeMC in this, other than the fact that she is falling for a guy who she is also trying to fuck over."

I think evil is a very accurate word. Some of the people she destroyed through her abuse of power and family privilege were other school teachers who spent years in universities, money, and most likely their reputation is jacked so they won't get a good job because they are now maybe blacklisted in some criminal database as a sex offender to a minor or missing window in time of employment to raise a red flag. Imagine if it were you earning your degree, either taking out loans (or paying for it yourself or your parent's loans/savings), and trying to be an honest working stiff getting your life wrecked by someone who can access power to make it happen...wouldn't they qualify as evil if you did nothing to cause such a grievance?

@jimkage "This serves this slut right, only reason this is funny is because it's on paper and they have cute reactions, irl it's fucking hell when there's some woman hell bent on destroying someone else's life. This series could have ended here, but since it won't let's hope she can better herself bit by bit from now on so she can have a decent relationship with him and he can start seeing her on a new light or else she's trash af if she still doesn't let go of her bs antics, also all the girl's genes in this manga apparently went to her because the other girls are not only small but lacking in all features. lmao."
@Sola "She brought this on herself. If she wasn't such a loathsome, scheming, tyrannical bitch, then it'd be a lot easier to feel sympathy for her, and she might not be so bad as girlfriend material. Let's not forget that, in the first chapter, two background characters pointed out that she has already gotten a number of students expelled and teachers fired by her grandfather, the principal. If she could fix that glaring abuse-of-power character flaw, only then would she have a chance to snag glasses-kun."

As someone who have actually seen this happen in life, there are times I can only wish the worst for them, but because of faith I try my best to forgive them and hope they try to repent and redeem themselves.

@gevudan "I feel like people are being a bit harsh on the female MC, we all have flaws, and let's be honest, when people get power, people tend to abuse power. Course, that doesn't excuse all the crap she's done in the past, but I hate double standards. I don't see this sort of bashing on male MC's that are in the same position, probably because they're portrayed very differently. Rich and powerful guy, abuses his power, goes out with lots of girls before falling for female MC and tries to get her, is fangirled over in the comments. "He's hot, he's strong, he's defying authority/teachers." Or my most hated version "He's being a real man!" Me: "He's an asshole. How the hell does anyone like this guy?" Now this female MC? Well, very likely a virgin yet gets bashed as THOT and slut in the comments section.
Now rant over double standards over, my own thoughts.
She's an idiot, she knows he doesn't like her and she knows that they've been at odds, yet she deludes herself into thinking that he likes her and thinks the tsundere approach will get her anywhere. Thankfully the author doesn't favor tsundere and shows what really happens with a tsundere approach, a clean and clear rejection. It makes me feel good to see she got what she deserved.
If only I could see such things happen in harem manga, the Japanese obsession with tsundere is very annoying."

While she's not a slut, she sure acts like one, and in the eyes of many you are what you present yourself. It must be the mangas I read but most of them tend most towards good and evil being very obvious with shades of grey on the plot situations. In her case she has an actual history of destroying both the careers and other students, not much of a stretch that many would consider this evil.

Actually she thinks her family connections and sexual blackmail would do the job delusion. What ended up happening is that since he doesn't give into the sexual blackmail she's getting the forbidden fruit, sour grapes mentality of lusting for something she shouldn't have and being bitter about it. Of course we can see things from her point of view since it's a manga, irl if you were the guy you wouldn't even consider any kind of double standards, you would feel the effects of an enemy, be on your guard constantly due to a survival level of paranoia.
Double-page supporter
Nov 18, 2018
is funny how some people feels bad for the FMC and bash the MC for this and then conveniently forget what she had done and has been trying to do since chapter 1, yeah she cried how sad, but is the bare minimum she deserved, she ruined people's lives and carers and she got rejected for being an asshole.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2018
"If you insist upon it, I might be willing to consider being your girlfriend!"
Now where have I heard that, before?
O kawaii koto...

But yeah. I feel no sympathy for her. Rather, I can empathize with being rejected and crying your heart out the following night, but she totally deserved all of this.
Firstly, she's basically been sexually harassing him. Secondly, she's done awful things to a bunch of other people before him. Third...fucking tsunderes man.

As far as I'm concerned, this is karma coming back to bite her with the power of puberty, and since it's a bad person suffering, this is just a comedy where Daffy Duck keeps getting his beak shot off.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 7, 2019
lol people are siding with the girl that uses her sexual prowess to ruin mens lives? getting them expelled by framing them?

fuck that, dis bitch deserves to cry
Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2018
Goddamn she's fucking thirsty af, also what other reaction could the guy have? he has told her that he's aware of her tactics she has used to expel other guys, there's no way in hell he would have fallen for that
Jan 14, 2019
I came here no pun intended, for academy purposes no to cry jokes aside let's hope that she learns her lesson with this savage answer.

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