She just slip what in her mind and that hurt both of them. Right ?
I don't think this part here need a double meaning. It actually make me almost miss what funny about it if i didn't watch the anime first.
@Rengar Since it started right away it was probably in rest mode or smth. And since the BL novel doc was open, the reason for why it had stuck in rest might have been because it wanted to know whether to save or discard the last changes to the doc.
(Or it's set 10 years back in time when lack of pw on laptop was a lot more common)
There's something so endearing that they don't really know what sex is, so the BL novel is just the dude getting stuck to tape. Makes me remember trying to write a romance novel when I was a teenager and cringing even harder.
電波 (electromagnetic waves) are normally used to denote radiowaves. In this particular case, though, it's slang for insane, coming from a 1981 murder case when the murderer claimed he was radio-controlled.