"But if he did no extended story would be told, I guess."
and physiological aspect as well. I assume the mc hasn't ever killed or actually see a murder takes place without clinching his butthole. My point is that, seeing a murder action on TV is completely different than actually seeing it on your own. Hell, look up graphic shooting on YouTube (Rittenhouse shooting on BLM movement— BEWARE GORE AND BEWARE THAT I AM NOT TELLING YOU TO WATCH THAT FOR THE POLITICAL REASON, BUT BECAUSE OF THE GORE. THEY SHOWED REAL FLESH COMING OUT AFTER BEING HIT BY .223). I am typically rooting for mc that's not a pussy and will kill when necessary, but even just seeing that clip made me flinch, let alone being aware that you're about to kill someone for the first time when your life isn't in grave danger and that you're killing him based on your guts feeling and not evidence.