Y'all looking like some ugly ass clowns saying "iT's nOt InCeSt CaUsE tHeY'rE nOt BlOoD rElAtEd!!!"
It IS incest.
This mentality that as long as they're 'not blood related' is so toxic and gross, and y'all wanna pretend that it's okay because it's just a comic. It's still not okay. Let's not pretend that the media we consume doesn't affect us.
So many CHILDREN in foster care and adopted homes in REAL life are affected and traumatized by this gross ass mentality in real life.
The fact that y'all cant wrap the fact that adoptee children and foster children cannot be "real family" is destructive.
If you have access to read this, you certainly have access to educate yourselves via google about adoptee/foster care family structures, dynamics, and institutional child abuse.
Y'all make me sick, the fact that some of yall are FULL GROWN ADULTS defending this incestuous mentality and dismissing the truama of incest victims, and refusing to educate yourselves on such a revelant and serious topic in 2020...