the start of Ian's redemption subplot. I was honestly very surprised the novel was heading to this direction, with 3 out of 4 getting their redemption. Since this is a spoiler, Jack the werewolf is semi redeemed due to Mel beating him in brute strength, then Ian gets his due to Mel speaking facts this chapter. Next is Jake. As for Peacock, I haven't read the spoilers in a while but he gets a rushed, neutral ending if I remember it right. Does the worst out of the 4 of them, gets sent to jail, once released, just magically moves on from Yuri. Eh. Don't really care. What's important is that out of the 4 of them, surprisingly Ian's got the best out of the 3 redemptions (he really DOES try to be a better king), Jack is rushed (since again, he got his because of the law of the jungle. Got beaten and subdued by Mel's dominance/strength), Jake... becomes a traveler (since you know, having MelxNine means he can never go home due to his allergies) but he sends letters!