Is the last page hinting at something big? Your guess is as good as mine!
A quick aside, now that I have my hands on the first volume, I can confirm it contains chapters 1 to 5.5.
Imagine my surprise, however, finding the extra stuff inside it! Here's a taste of some new lore:
-Guneashley went by the nickname "Gunny"
-The small kitchen knife's canonical name is "Anyway, Just Try Making Somethin' With"
-The Vane Goat has been the family business for generations, and its sign hangs by the horn of a giant black goat slain by a previous owner!
It also contains extra illustrations and names of all the weapons, including a few that haven't appeared in the story!
I definitely recommend getting the first volume for the art alone, especially the Melonbooks version that came with this cool acrylic standee.
Anyway, the next chapter is apparently scheduled for September(???), then I'll get to work translating as usual. Enjoy!