Boukensha License wo Hakudatsu Sareta Ossan Dakedo, Manamusume ga Dekita no de Nonbiri Jinsei wo Oukasuru - Vol. 6 Ch. 23

Aggregator gang
Sep 5, 2019
“Lack Empathy”
I find it funny that this is coming from a guy who just cursed Douglas because he was stronger, kidnapped a child, burned down an inn and targeted innocent civilians
Dex-chan lover
Dec 6, 2019
What fantasy stories like this one lack are good villains. Im tired of glasses doods supposed to be intelligent when all they have is a fucked up sense of logic
Dec 6, 2018
This part of the story is a bit less complicated on the WN version. The MC only has to fight the bastard mage, by that time the "friend hero" is already so weakened that he can't get out of bed. After defeating the bastard mage and turn him over to the authorities, for kidnapping the daughter, destroying the inn and injuring the other lodgers, he loses his title of "hero" and is imprisoned.

Then the MC and his daughter go to where the "friend hero" is and finds him dying. Then MC applies his ability to undo curses, in the first try MC can't break it 'cause rebound curses are much more stronger than normal curses. So in the second try MC layer another dispel skill, using the two skills at once MC breaks the rebound curse. Then the "friend hero" loses his occupation, skills and characteristics as a hero and becomes a level 1 mob (basically he was reseted), but he was near death’s door so it will take time before he wakes up.

After that the MC leaves him in a kind of hospital, helps and pays for the repairs of his friend's inn and he and his daughter leave town to do quests and travel the world.
Feb 29, 2020

I despise the MC so much!!!! If you really want to protect your daughter then you destroy whoever took her from you!!! You ruthlessly kill whoever took her away... and you are not yelling at your enemy trying to reason with him, that's completely stupid. Your enemy took it from you, attempts against the lives of other people and also tries to condemn you to a horrible death, can you really afford to be hesitating to attack him with everything you have? In this chapter the author, or rather the editors... since this version is based on the LN and not on the WN, has disappointed me too much.

Mhh, while I agree that the MC has to do everything he can to take his daughter back, I don’t think ruthlessly kill the kidnaper is a correct solution. It can possibly led to a bad ending.

I mean... he kill the guy... and then what???
In the Manga the MC doesn’t know where his daughter is kept and as of now he has no way to find her (the cuckoo bird can’t sense her).
He only knows the glass guy made Alan & her disappear with a magic tool.
What if after he kill the guy, Alan (who is supposed to be with his daughter as they disappeared together) kill her for revenge?

I think “ruthlessly kill the glass guy” is a VERY, VERY, VERY stupid thing to do.
There is a reason why IRL the police uses negotiators when they must rescue hostages, instead of just start shooting with snipers & whatnot.

In this chapter the MC is being very much rational, and he is putting first the safety of his daughter instead of trying to get a quick revenge on the guy for what he and Alan did to him in the past.
I don’t know if it is the best way he could go about it, but he is not being disappointing at all.

At the end of the chapter we see that Ravi managed to let him know her location, so NOW he really can gives it his all, maybe kill the glass guy and rescue her. If he did before he would have been stupid.

Also, about the LN & WN.
I only read the WN and. As you said, the MC did act differently in this story arc; he was more aggressive.
But the situation was vastly different:
- The cuckoo bird in the WN was able to sense Ravi location, it guided the MC to the hiding place of the glass guy and let him know the exact position in the room where Ravi was located.
- As she was invisible the MC just could’t see her, but he knew she was merely some meters away and he could protect her if needed.
- As he went to the hiding place of the glass guy immediately, he took him by surprise when he wasn’t ready to “welcome” him (instead of being guided to a remote place by the glass guy himself as in the manga).
- in the WN it is stated Alan is bedridden (and not with ravi, pointing a knife to her throat as he could possibly being doing in the manga) so the glass guy doesn’t have a backup plan to threaten the MC with in case of defeat.

All of this are sone of the reasons as to why in the WN the MC can act much more aggressive.
The situation is different, and so are his actions. But in both cases he always put first Ravi safety.
Dec 6, 2018
@FumaHD I understand the part in which the "scenarios" are different from the novel, but the hesitant and weavering attitude of MC is what bothers me, yes, he doesn't know where the bastard mage has his daughter, then with all the more reason he has to defeat him and get the information from his sheepskin at the point of blows. Do you really have time to try to reason with the bastard mage? Even after the curse they put on him? I don't think so, trying to reason with someone who has resorted to such low and crawling methods doesn't make any sense.
Feb 29, 2020
Well, first of all trying to reason with him let the MC buy time (not that this is what the MC is trying to do in this case, just that usually it's one of the main reasons to do it).
Also, you never know what kind of info you can obtain when you let a villain run his mouth. Maybe you can even find out where exactly Ravi is located because of a slip of tongue.
What I mean is: it's not that the MC have to truly came to reason with the villain, but just the fact of trying to talk to him is a smart move. (buy time and obtain infos).

Also, you have to consider the personality of the villain.

Based on my personality, if I were the villain and I have been beaten black&blue, I'll never reveal the information (or do something) the MC wants.
Why would I? I've lost, why should I be the only one unhappy?
I found kind of funny all that villains that after losing a decisive battle have a change of heart or spill the beans just because of a bit of a beating or torture or whatnot.
I mean, if they were normal people I could accept it (as they probably have a very low pain tolerance level), but if you are a villain act like one.

A completely different story is if the MC has available some kind of magic/potion that let him read the mind / force to speak the truth / force to his bidding, ecc...
In that case ok, sure go and beat him, force him to your bidding and make him do what you want. Go for it.
But that doesn't seem to be the case here. At least the MC never show this kind of abilities so I must presume he is not able to do it.

Another kind of villain (temp) who could be ok to directly beat to the ground is the one who "respect the strong". Usually after you beat this kind of guy he became your fan, and they usually are muscle-brain so trying talking to them is pointless.

In this chapter, to me the glass guy seems a bit of a psycho.
The kind that after you beat him could possibly self-explode in a last struggle. Not the kind that calmly answer your question after a beating.

I'll probably be wrong, but that's what it seems to me.

To be clear, it's not that I never agree with the policy "beat him first, ask him later" but I don't think it's always applicable.
Not in this case at least.


Jan 9, 2019
loli power maxi ultra plus bla bla bla love daddy
so Japenise seal of quality, crap like 99% of japenises things
Feb 4, 2018
This fight is much better here than in the WN.
The Mage is actually a good opponant for Douglad and could even beat him with his hex curse without Ravi power up.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 30, 2018
so Japenise seal of quality, crap like 99% of japenises things
@K- There sure are a lot of people on sites like this that just seem to be forced to read against their will. Are you being held at gunpoint? Do you think you could turn the tables on your captor?

Seriously though, I'd happily make fun of this old school Gohan plot development too. But the way you phrase stuff matters, dude. You can take a valid complaint and turn it into an absolute joke just by how you say something.
Dec 6, 2018
@Fumahd A normal person would at least consider that letting both the psychopathic hero and the bastard mage alive would just further endanger all the things he love. This is why I think he really need to stop "trying to patch things" whit those assholes. That kind of logic is sureal & annoying the hell out of me.

Before you comment that you could've had another approach in this fight, please notice what both the hero and mage's childhood personalities were: sociopathic and psychopathic. Both the hero and mage were complete assholes throughout the time that they were shown, and were the least entertained/friendly with the MC during their adventurer days. The mage harbored feelings for the hero and the hero used him as a tool. If there is no bullshit brainwashimg on the hero, it would not be a surprise if the hero was jealous and thought of the MC as another useful tool/battery.
And oh surprise! in the next chapters is reveal that not only the hero curses the MC, the mage too! What lovely pair of "friends"!

So I really think that given the circumstances, even though the MC doesn't know them as we readers do, trying to "reason/understand/dialogue" with them is useless... especially when he have already told him that the only possible outcome is that he takes back the curse. Very fucking comfortable for the fucking hero and the wizard bastard, right?

Well, first of all trying to reason with him let the MC buy time (not that this is what the MC is trying to do in this case, just that usually it's one of the main reasons to do it).
Also, you never know what kind of info you can obtain when you let a villain run his mouth. Maybe you can even find out where exactly Ravi is located because of a slip of tongue.
What I mean is: it's not that the MC have to truly came to reason with the villain, but just the fact of trying to talk to him is a smart move. (buy time and obtain infos).

And regarding your approach, I do not deny it... nor does it contradict my original argument of "destroying him", he can try to get the information out of him but he really can't start trying to reason with him, that's my main annoyance, and we are not going to say that the MC can try of "cleverly" tricking the bastard mage into "unconsciously" revealing the truth and be successful, right? The MC doesn't have the characteristics or the skills to accomplish that.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 12, 2018
So the story is:
Alan give curse to mc because mc is the strongest, then the curse got bounce back to alan. But in the name of friendship, edmund want the hex to be back to mc?!

What a rotten illogical character, its a karma because your friend giving mc a hex in the first place!!!


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