Boy's Abyss - Ch. 179 - You

Dex-chan lover
Jul 21, 2019
The chapter is really confusing, is Reiji's real father really some random distant relative of Esemori who is never ever mentioned before that died of some terminal illness? Yuuko seems to think that it was actually Esemori who for some reason pretended to not know her and pretended to be a relative of his.
But then again, she is kind of delusional so maybe none of the above is even true and she got pregnant from having sex with some random patient who looked similar to young Esemori.
I'm glad for your interpretation because I don't even know what is going on with all of that right now.
Mar 30, 2024
4 more Chapters and we're finally free guys!
We just have to endure it a little longer.
Seriously, this is the best news I heard in a long while.

But damn, Rape, Cheating, Manipulation and Murder.
Didn't think I'd see them all, condensed into one chapter.
The last few Chapters are probably going to be rushed as fuck. 😂
Dex-chan lover
Jul 20, 2023
Ok my prediction is ofc is both reiji mom and “dad” going to die and after reiji kill the uncle he going to get with ole girl and they die together the end calling it right now
Active member
Jun 1, 2023
bruh, this really give me a headache
  • We thought the boy is Akira, but then when they say hi to each other, they being like completely strangers, the boy look young, can be a relate to Akira
  • We never know if Akira has a relate anyway
  • Akira said he never came back to the town and only back for the first time when his mother died
  • If the boy is Akira and pretended to not know Yuko, it doesn't make sense why he being in hospital in his old town while he already when to another city, can't he just admitted to the city hospital?
  • But then again, the last page indicated that boy might in fact is Akira
  • Not to mention Akira surprised face with "You knew?" can be implied that Yuko knew the boy is Akira pretended to be someone else
  • But at this point Akira already has a lot of experience with woman, then why he begged for a kiss like a virgin boy?
I have so many questions
Dex-chan lover
Aug 25, 2023

Let's remember Akira/Esemori is quite fucked in his head and has some schizo outbursts (Shino'oka also told Reiji, and us as well, he didn't have reasons to lie at this point when Reiji told her about how Akira "killed" Uryuu, when it was Yuuko who killed him), the Yuuko he hallucinated was basically inexistent. He also did hard drugs when he was in Tokyo and got hospitalized for an overdose.

Yuuko is not the saner tho. She was too overly fixated in Akira it's quite possible she would hallucinate with the Akira she got smitten with. Another thing: why should a young boy read adult novels?? Have the impression Yuuko sensed that patient was Akira.

But considering the "who's the daddy" discussion is a hot take, it's better to wait for the moment Reiji finds out the truth. At least Reiji did what he proposed... let's hope Mao didn't have a copy of Spring's Coffin with him protecting his sides.

So we are in the climax now. Only 4 chapters left.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 20, 2023
LOL this town is so cursed, it might be better if everyone got mercy killed

(tho i guess it's only about certain ppl rather than the community being cult-like and not letting ppl escape. wonder how diff of a 'vibe' it'd be if a similar story took place in a huge city versus a 'suffocating small town')
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 5, 2023
what the fuck just happened? I'm kinda interested how the author is going to wrap up, either everybody dies or everybody lives in harmony

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