@sleepyfoxscanlations Oh, you helped the quest alright. From the summary, Saeki seems in line with Takagi-san and...what's the other one... One with a guy always doing weird shit in his desk and the classmate can't keep her eyes off whatever he's doing. (EDIT: Tonari no Seki-kun, in case anyone was wondering).
Seems promising XD
About people coming out of the woodwork JUST for that, then yeah, sure. I mean, I belong to the group that cries NTR and runs away, but I also actively participate in the series up to that point, mostly. I like commenting...
About the jealousy thing, I didn't mean necessarily overused in THIS series, just overused in general. 99% of the romance I read, whenever I reach a point that I think "...we're about to add drama for plot progression, aren't we?", I swear to God I could bet my life's savings on "third person" and "jealousy" and by today I'd be richer than Jeff Benzos. I agree with you, jealousy is something we've all experienced. You know what else is something we've all experienced (more like 99%, probably, but I'd say it's the same with jealousy)? Losing a relative. Even a grandparent. It's literally the cycle of life, people die. Have one of the couple be really fond of that relative, have the relative die, have that put strain on the relationship. That HAS happened. When you're in so much pain that you push people away. And yet, nope, let's go for third person.
Anyway, it's just my personal take on that. I'd say I'm just as tired of it as you are of the NTR thing. I'm just fed up with it. I dislike drama in general (hence why I pursue Romance and floof), but I can understand the need of it for plot progression...kinda... But when 99.99% of drama is third person, exes and jealousy it's like "COME ON! You're an author, you're being paid for this, can't you think of ANYTHING different?". So I rant >_<
In any event, thanks for the answer. And for Saeki