Seeing him cry in true repentance makes me want to forgive him.... BUT! Why did they never address his physical abuse!? He feels terrible about cheating, sure, I get that... But it's like he doesn't care that he struck her! Wasn't that head-wound what killed the actual host? Why is there no repentance for that!?
Because this world is in a time where they are just barely outlawing murdering people that get in your way? That would make sense... But I really wished this would be addressed T-T
@Kriztheotaku You are right haha. He did mention raising a hand in a list of his wrongdoings. It was so brief that I didn't even notice it lol. I feel like I can forgive him now, as fickle as that may seem! He is truly sorry for every mistake he has made! And he is determined to suffer for them. Completely forgiven in my book.
And now I'm ready for something new!! Bring on the new world and the new Su Luxia