Cheating Men Must Die - Vol. 6 Ch. 115 - This Feng Wushuang -- the definition of goddess of benevolence

Apr 13, 2019
Excuse me that I slip back into my mother language, but kñelamadre que caraja más mamagueva es la Wushuang. There is being naive and there is being pendeja Olympic level.
Oh, Su Luxia, school this queen of bleeding hearts before she presses the reset button for mistake.
Jul 8, 2018
luxia's explanation of the "loophole" can sound smart and all but is honestly silly. like sure, i agree that it's not up to people who weren't personally affected by the villain's actions to "forgive" their misdeeds, but one has the right to decide if they're willing to support a recovering villain, which is essentially what wushuang decided to do. her actual sin here is being exceptionally naive, but then she was clearly meant to be super dumb and reckless in order to annoy the readers and make luxia's character look good and righteous in comparison. same goes for all the other female leads in this comic so far except for the very first one. it cheapens the story a lot. it would be much better if luxia actually had to struggle at least a little bit to win, instead of beating up a bunch of braindead npcs with her mary sue skills while declaring some skin-deep views on morality lmao. it's still entertaining, but i'm starting to wonder for how long it will stay so.
Active member
Feb 25, 2018

This series is about poking fun on the cliches found in Chinese webnovels. So characters like Wushuang and the rest are not created to annoy reader; they are meant to highlight just how terrible and dumb those characters if we see them from another point of view. Su Luxia is already an experienced transmigrator, so you won't see her struggle much here. And Chinese mc rarely struggle anyway, since they are mean to be OP.
Jul 31, 2019
The good thing about this whole entire series is that it does bring perspective to things. I’ve learned to analyze stories because stories are meant to make things look good when they are not. This arc highlights the important facts of how authors really need to fix their characters. For example, if the girl is naive, she needs to learn to fix herself and face some punishments and criticism. However, instead, she acts pitifully, which is deceitful of her. Her “ignorance” that the author created just goes to show that the author needs to work on the character development. Apparently, she’s supposed to be the main character. Then, as the main character, she needs to make her achievements, starting from herself. I always admired characters, such as Yona of the Dawn. Yona really was bratty at the beginning. She was ignorant since she lived kind of a “sheltered” life. I like her character development because she did become brave and strong compared to how she was at the beginning. Unless the author changes things, the story would just be bad and pointless. I guess you can blame the authors for making the characters bad, but in this case, it’s an “actual” world. The characters are able to make their own decisions.

In the previous chapter, the ignorant girl reacted to the word “kindness”. I’m going to assume that’s her weakness because she immediately changed her decisions from there.
May 12, 2020
Yass, queen! This entire speech is just fabulous. It highlights the handwaves that come with redemption arcs, especially when the party to be redeemed was/is a prolific murderer, AND the "Too Good For This Sinful World" MCs!

Not the party who was killed, not the party who had a loved one taken away. What right does Wushuang have to forgive the demon dude? Nada. Rather than forgive him outright, she should've been smart and said "walk what you talk" :///

The entire gist of this arc is just: Don't be a simp, don't be unnecessarily kind without reason, and lastly: don't be a wimp and improve yourself. At least don't be the kind of character that goes "Wuwuwuuwu, I'm sad because this and that" when the character hasn't even done anything to remedy the situation. It isn't even remotely naivety Wushuang has at this point: its just All About Me Syndrome wrapped in a veneer of kindness. All she ever talks about is how "He broke his promise :(((" rather than worry abt all those dead people, all the while professing her unrequited feelings for her master.

Sis, pick a side, do you wanna be a cultivator or a damn demon?
Feb 12, 2020
With that many faults in the story, arc I'm kinda glad that the MC stated before, that the original novel was bad, never came to a conclusion and the author of the novel didn't know what to do about it and just ended things.
May 24, 2020
There are arcs I liked more than others, I originally thought I would find this boring but it is actually refreshing with such a desperately dumb but not necessarily evil FL and having to deal with a character like her. I am having fun and really looking forward to the epilogue ~

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