Cheating Men Must Die - Vol. 8 Ch. 157 - This Concubine's Daughter is Venomous -- The villain tattles first

Dec 7, 2019
For those saying there's other competition out there though- I think I remember that the premise here WAS that they wanted someone from the empress dowager's family. hence, these two.
sure it doesn't set things in stone, but they are really the two top candidates. Makes her "i get rid of one rival and it's mine! muahahha i am so naturally likable the only thing keeping a man from loving me is other women" mentality make a teeny more sense than other similar scenarios in webcomics
Apr 28, 2020
Is she stupid? if General Su's reputation falls just to ruin MC's reputation, she will also be affected by it and she wont become an empress she wanted to be.
Apr 30, 2019
@psychronia both of them are technically there to fight for the emperors attention to marry, so if he found out one of the candidates is seeing someone there’s not a big chance she would be chosen. She would probably be out of the running, not to mention be labeled as a whore, since in ancient times you’re supposed to be pure or whatever.
Jan 6, 2020
Imagine if the road to being an Empress in the was as easy as framing someone and coming in as a concubine looool the naïveté oof
Dex-chan lover
Jun 22, 2019
@nhattminhh i wouldn't say it's a plot hole, more like she's jumping waaaaay too many sharks/guns/hurdles/etc. i think she figures if her di older sister is out of the way, she can rise to prominence which will make it easier for her to catch the emperor's eye and become empress. like i said. lots of jumping the gun 😑 girl is straight up delusional
Nov 2, 2019
lol she's still wearing red.
I like the idea that the Emperor marries Su Luxia as a cover because he's not interested and neither is she so they just agree to cooperate.
Nov 24, 2019
@Psychronia It wasn't any of the emperor's business until mingyue dragged in the name of his imperial guard. The imperial guard that's supposed to be wholly loyal to the emperor and was supposed to be on duty skipping work to have an affair with a concubine candidate is a blatant disregard of the emperor himself. So once mingyue dragged his guard into it it was no longer just a noble lady having a scandal it turned into something that can undermine the royal family's reputation and authority.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 29, 2019

not rlly a plot hole but i think like mentioned earlier, her family is extremely prominent. its pretty obvious all families will try to marry their daughter to the emperor and basically she thinks that with support from most of her family AND by winning emperor's favor (while getting rid of big sister), she will have the emperors eye. shes also very arrogant so she probably thinks shes the only one fit to be empress.

not just that, this is a novel lu xia transmigrated into and is about the protagonist becoming empress. thats just how the storyline goes according to the author. so idk if ur asking why the sister would think that way OR if why would she become empress if her big sister loses favor but i answered both
Active member
Apr 26, 2020
I swear if I were to see a woman acting like that bratty sis I wouldn't ever want to see her again, she really thinks too highly of herself and thinks she can play with everyone's minds (which it'd be truth in your usual shitty manhua full of stupid males, but not here, lol). I hope she'll die tbh, she's bloody annoying, lol.

@nhattminhh I'm guessing that maybe the Emperor was supposed to choose a concubine soon (maybe even the Empress), so from his pov or maybe his aide's suggestion, that concubine/Empress should come from his mom's family -or maybe shimply because they hold a big power due to being the Empress Dowager's family (that's why harems are always so big, from time to time they have to add more people for political/ economical reasons, and not just because the Emperor truly liked someone), so maybe that's why she's being as delusional as to think becoming the Empress would be as easy as to frame her sister, also by her words I can tell that she thinks she can manipulate our baby so maybe she's just stupid, lmao.
Oct 26, 2019
Thank you for the chapter 😍❤️😍

Rip dear younger sister. Thank You for starting digging Your own grave.

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