Some warning:
This gets going early on (ch 2) with a huge dose of "fat = ugly = bad" stuff with an absolutely horrid caricature of "fat-ugliness" in a character who is, objectively, despicable and detestable, but who is also constantly discreetly sneered at by the protagonists for being fat and ugly as if that were among the greater of her sins.
The plot of those chapters would be just about fine otherwise, but it is god. fucking. awful. stuff. Feels like something dragged out of a 50-year-old grave of bad caricatures that we've buried and put behind us.
More broadly speaking, this entire thing is a really interesting mix of some pretty good and some really dumb ideas. All in all, it feels like it was written by a relatively bright nerd who spent a lot of time thinking (perhaps somewhat excitedly) about both real life and their made-up world, and as a by-product of that also ended up with a few bad personal pet theories, a few certain conspicuous failings of introspection, and possibly some dire need of an editor around the edges. Of course, the author may not be like that at all; I'm just trying to describe the sort of dissonant feeling I get reading this. Like I end up just shaking my head in exasperation every two-to-three chapters at how insensible or insensitive something is, at the same time as I'm nodding my head through other bits that seem quite sensible and aware, at least for the genre.