I got curious to how much force it would actually take to stop Neiro, so I did some math.
I made a LOT of assumptions, and I'm not that good at math, and also since we basically have no information here, bear with me. Let's say before Neiro became 8 meters, she was an average height and weight Japanese woman,
5'2" and
117lbs. When you multiply that to match a height of 8 meters, you get 585 lbs. But Neiro is pretty well endowed in this chapter, so lets assume she had a Body Mass Index of 30, the minimum for being considered obese. The minimum weight to be considered obese by BMI at 5'2" is 164lbs. 5'2" is 1.6 meters, divided by 8 meters = 5. 164 x 5 =
820 lbs, which seems much more realistic for Neiro, but I'm certain she would actually be heavier. For now lets stick with 820 lbs.
Now here's where I really start to make assumptions. Using an
Inclined plane calculator, since I am way too lazy to do this on my own, we can get a very very rough estimate of how much force is hitting Sudoh-sensei. Because no way in hell im accounting for imperfections in the terrain , wind resistance, the absorption of her fat, and a dozen other things for a manga panel, we're going to live in a perfect world where Neiro is a cylinder on a perfect plane. Lets just say, going off of the panel of Chieri jumping into the embankment, is 20 meters in height, and because she probably rolled for a while, the slope is 150 meters long. Is it wrong? absolutely. Do I care? Not really. Anyways, intial velocity, acceleration, angle, resulting force, blah blah blah im already tired of typing this, her final velocity is 122 ft/s. 122ft/s (About 80 mph), 820lbs, is like, I don't know, 3100 lbf of force.
That's about the same as a 2001 honda civic going 45 miles an hour, by the way.
I really hope someone reads this for all the effort I went through.