@Kanashii @IceKatze Read again, she only does that when she is defending herself and not a single person died even then.
"summoning zombies, almost destroying the world by raising an evil dragon, stealing people's secrets through mind control, and turning people's friends against each other, "
1) Since when is summoning zombies an evil act? Do you even know what a zombie is? A Zombie is just an animated corpse. You can consider it amoral because you're violating tombs in the process, but evil?
2) No she didn't "almost destroy the world" stop being hyperbolic for no reason. She used the dragon to fight MC and ONLY MC, and she did so because she though she had him in control. She even bet her own life to stop the dragon herself
3)Oh what horror, she learned some secrets!!! And?
4) When did she do that exactly? Oh yeah to protect her secret, and once again only against MC, whom she was against at the time. And she does it because she doesn't like killing people.
"The notion that erasing someone's memories is a kindness is also super messed up, in a lot of different ways. But memories are one of the core fixtures of what makes a person who they are."
No it's not, once again you're exaggerating on the impact she is causing. She didn't wipe their memories out, she only removed the memories of herself from their minds, meaning, her actions have and will never change who people are at their core. You're trying to say that wiping any sort of memory has the same value but it doesn't.
Erasing the memories of being raped would allow a victim to live more peacefully, It wouldn't be remotely close to what you describe as an evil act.
As for you Kanashii:
"wasn't it said she was kidnapping travelers around the village, keeping them there for months or even years and finally releasing them after erasing their memories?"
Have you seen what she did to them? She merely made them tell their stories and leave, and she only "kidnapped" those who went against her. Go back to the first chapter of this arc, not everyone that went through that village got kidnapped, it's safe to say that if she managed to convince people to tell their stories willingly they entered and left the village with no issue.
She NEVER enslaved anyone.
She literally said that, that she only wanted to listen to the stories of the travellers. That she only manipulated the memories of the villagers to insert a false memory of her belonging in their midst. She only controlled the villagers to force MC to stay. To begin with the Zombies she summoned were only for adventurers to have a reason to visit the village. Every single thing she did, she did it out of loneliness.
You both seem to have a problem with the very nature of the actions itself rather than what she really did.
Something along the lines of, "Killing is always Wrong", but the one being killed is a mass murderer that has a machine gun and has the full intention on randomly murdering people on the street.
So, is killing people really that wrong in this situation?
The intent is worth far more than the action itself. Depending on situation even amoral actions can be the best alternative to solve a problematic situation. Or depending on results a bad action can easily be forgiven for having caused no damage. Which is the case here. She never caused any real damage to anyone, it doesn't matter that you hate the actions she used, if they didn't cause the damage you were expecting, are you really saying she still deserve the same punishment? "Defending the law for the sake of the law", Is this it?