This story pisses me off. It has gone and muddied the waters with all the characters.
I have gone from liking Himori to absolutely despising her. I hate how this most recent arc has Himori take advantage of both the MC's guilt and Akane's refusal to talk in order to have a pseudorelationship with him. What makes it worse is that she KNOWS Saito is uncomfortable with her advances but she continues to act that way because it benefits her. Beforehand, her relationship was more endearing because she was upfront and honest. Now (while it isn't her fault) she is a lot more manipulative.
Akane's sister was someone I despised but I am simply apathetic due to her reasoning behind her actions and her being a lot more mellow.
Satio is slightly frustrating because it feels like he's letting things happen to himself now. He has become a bit more passive to allow for harem hijinks.
Shise is alright. Her "tsun" act is fine because she is always lookung out for her brother. It also doesn't hurt that she's cute.
Akane has gone from alright to the WORST to fine and now finally at very annoying. Her tsundere flaw causes a significant amount of the issues. Hell, the reason why her sister was the worst girl and why Himori is slowly becoming the "worst" girl is because Akane REFUSES to communicate. Saito has shown himself to be understanding and accomodating whenever someone is honest with him. He is also shown himself to go the extra mile numerous times. His only flaw being is that he is extremely tactless, but Akane's refusal to be honest makes those situations so much worse.