Dad Is a Hero, Mom Is a Spirit, I'm a Reincarnator - Vol. 3 Ch. 18

Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
@Kardelune I doubt apologising would do anything. He needs to find a way to set the dead spirits free. Those spirits have been suffering for 200 years now. Saying sorry would change nothing. Like Rovel said, the king needs to ask his ancestors how to deal with it. Apparently the ancestors had a plan. It must have also included how to get rid of the burden of the dead spirits. Until then he can just keep enjoying the curse, knowing his children also share it.

However, if you look at the last page, it's quite obvious the king regrets absolutely nothing. Any apology from him would be 100% phoney as well.
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 24, 2019
Why does he want the power so much? He was worried to see how his boys were suffering, he was down to realize the real reason一 yet what's pushing him so far? Just properly say it, there might just be another solution or way you don't know of.
Feb 28, 2018
This type of "for the kingdom's sake" is never for everyone that lives in the kingdom, it's always for the power of the royal family and nothing else.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 18, 2018
I don't know. Somebody, who says "I still need it!", even after now knowing tha background, might by burdened by something, that forces him to act. Maybe there is a very solid reason, why he needs that power. Could be an extinction event, the sealing of an arc-demon or something. Welp, it would help to talk about it.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 16, 2018
@Psychronia Origin is only going to act if Ellen says humanity can get wiped out, otherwise she's just gonna sit this one out and let humans sort this mess out themselves.
Apr 10, 2019
Am I allowed to transmigrate to assassinate the king and free the trapped spirits? Please tell me am. I want to fix this mess. And for those people saying to make the entire royal family disappear, the children have nothing to do with the king’s shitiness. No one can control what family they are born into. At most, the king and the masterminds behind the “we need the power of the spirits” bullshit need to be taken to the landfill, and that’s it.
Double-page supporter
Apr 20, 2019
I really hope the curse spreads to the rest of the city to the point that a few people die, just so they can usurp the royal family and put an end to this curse
Dex-chan lover
Nov 10, 2019
They just realized now..? >.>

and what's with that decision? If I knew the spirits hated my guts and my lineage becomes the house of Hades, I'd sure as hell just stay away from them completely.
Dex-chan lover
Aug 20, 2018
Royal family : So we are despised by the spirits because of our ancestor doing huh..
Also royal family : I'll fuckin do it again
Dex-chan lover
May 26, 2018
Also, also, why didn't Origin show up back then? Obviously she very reasonably hated this guy's guts, but at least show up to end the spirit's suffering. Are spirits not allowed to kill humans?
This is just pure conjecture, but Ellen is only half-spirit and yet the agony from being so close to the spirit shades overwhelmed her. Imagine what a pure spirit like Origin, with a far more attuned sense for the supernatural, would feel in the presence of those shades. It's all too possible that we'll be told in a future chapter that no amount godlike spiritual power can protect even the Queen of Spirits from the agony of sensing the horrific suffering of the dead spirits, hence why she never and will never approach the royal family herself to resolve the matter (basically, it might kill her outright before she could do anything).
Dex-chan lover
Apr 6, 2018
@MarqFJA87 I could buy that, but that's more of an issue in the present tense.

The curse wouldn't have happened if Origin and her fellow spirits didn't inflict it on the king of that time though, and my main question is about before that, when the spirits that died were still suffering but alive.
Dec 9, 2019
uh oh my spidey senses are sensing some anti-spirit magic bullshit

not bullshit as in it's bad but as in it's a cheat power
Dex-chan lover
Jun 30, 2018
@Cyoteblack Well, no, it's not necessarily that simple. Even if he did learn something from this, if it's even slightly true that they really do "need" the help of the spirits, rather than just desire their power, then that need is there either way. It wouldn't go away just because someone learned their lesson. In the best case, they could look for a way to put these twisted spirits to rest and make amends with the others but it definitely wouldn't be an easy route to follow.

I'd absolutely agree that he's probably going to go about all of this the wrong way though. His son seems placed here in the story to try and do things the right way.

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