Darwin's Game

Jan 26, 2019
I’m at chapter 14, MC is still keeping this stupid old fashioned japanese MC mindset about not killing anyone. Really annoying. His luck about all people he meet is a good guy and they turn into allies annoy me too. If it was me i won’t definitely not ally with this kind of coward and childish character who don’t look at the reality ahead.
Anyway with this kind of setting i doubt that shuka and info broker will die in this manga, at least not until towards the end after an ultimate death battle. Pretty safe until then. If we fellow the normal setting they will probably gonna team up with the police force, keep participate in games, killing some traitors policemen, trial after trial, after beating the last boss they successfully left the game~
Hope that’s not this kind of mangas.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
The author must be accepting bribes from Armalite. He only knows how to draw one fucking non-pistol gun.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
Why wouldn't you use basically a Door-Door fruit immediately? Why are you dumb as a rock?
Jan 13, 2019
The author wrote himself into a corner by giving MC a crap power. What good is making any gun if everyone else has magic cheats? His power isn't even used optimally because the only things the mangaka thinks about making are guns. Why not make cars or bombs, or carbombs? This guy could be the greatest terrorist ever by making unlimited napalm, mustard, sarin, incindiaries, and if all he needs is to have a blueprint he can find blueprints for the atom bomb on the deep web. Why does he need this kung-fu training when his power is manufacturing warheads? Go to a fking military base and get your hands on some fighter jets, then get rich off selling copies you make.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
if all he needs is to have a blueprint he can find blueprints for the atom bomb on the deep web
Yeah so he can blow himself up too, and end this story and its shit logic

Sep 9, 2018
The soldiers wanted some rocket launchers.... and here I've been waiting and waiting and waiting and mc is still just making goddamned flashbangs and frags and katanas. And that one machine gun. C'mon dude. You're smart, use some of that motherfucking creativity Zeppelins are made for going up in inglorious flames. Or just sink the cruise ship and let the pirates drown trying to get to the damn treasure vaults in time. Easiest win, right there. There's plenty of lifeboats on that cruise liner, the only real potential trouble is those mutant whales that got foreshadowed, and the potential movement of the battlezone radius below the surface...
Feb 4, 2018

Why not make cars or bombs

Because he can't ? I wonder if people read the manga or just look at pictures sometime.
2 reasons here, his power is not infinite :

1 : He can't create complex stuff. things like car, phone, computer, bomb, etc is too hard for him. It's said in a previous chapter, before the Island arc.

2 : Because the more complex/hard it is too make, the more it's tiring for him. He would pass out after creating one car, if he could make one.

He IS really strong now, but not godlike cheated.
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
1 : He can't create complex stuff. things like car, phone, computer, bomb, etc is too hard for him. It's said in a previous chapter, before the Island arc.
If you think most AKs are less complicated than most bombs, you're a fool.

A basic bomb is literally a timer/switch and explosive material. An AK47 has 10 separate parts that do completely different things. Not to mention with guns you also have to craft the bullets, which have tons of ingredients in them from the alloy of the bullet to the primer and powder to the cartridge.

The manga already has plotholes everywhere other than whether or not his powers are logical or not (not to say this is a bad thing).
Jan 25, 2018

A bomb? Maybe, depends on the bomb I'd suppose. A nuke is probably far too complex, but if he can make grenades I suppose a hunk of C4 should be possible. I remember that there was a size/mass/volume and duration limit, so sadly I don't think he'd be able to stockpile enough to just blow away ALL his problems though. Not that that wouldn't be an entertaining idea lol.
Aug 23, 2018
He knows what's he's talking about and it's the truth, mangas are full of plotholes because the people that is writing this have zero knowledge about actual firearms
Dec 20, 2018
Electronics have tolerances on an entirely different level from an ak47. Mechanical devices like guns and grenades may have 20 or 30 parts, the timer chip on a piece of c4 could have several hundred components. I would be incredibly surprised if someone could remember the exact design to a timer board from memory in a high stress situation. A simple circuit like that of a flashlight or taser might work but i dont think he'd be able to create a smart explosive even if he was an electrical engineer
Feb 14, 2019
That's why I steer away from most Survival manga, even if they have good ratings. I don't really hate shitty plots, but I can't stand shitty plots that take itself too seriously. I actually think that readerbase of these mangas are more gullible than chinese manga readers.
Most if these ad hoc comments actually make 0 sense. If you think tha an explosive, which can be made with a simple 8bit counter, a clock, and a explosive (which even neckbeards can do in their garages) is more complex than a gun, with all its precise adjustments, sizes and fittings. You are utterly moronic and delusional.
A c4 is just a plastic explosive and some sort of fuse, hell if you want you can just use any time of cheap digital clock if you have the electrical knowledge (which can be done with 30 mins of internet research).
If you pull the chemical complexity ad hoc, as an engineer, It just makes me sad. Even a c4 is nowhere near as chemically complex as steel making (as even less than 0.1% of alloy elements can completely alter it's properties (this is the big reason why we use so much steel in the first place). I can guarantee you that different parts on a gun have different steel compositions, as they operate on different engineering requirements and loads. Let's not even talk about geometrical complexities. What impeded MC of walking with a bunch of clock arduinos and building the chemically simple explosive? Hell, you can build it with simple manure and a bunch of off-the-shelf reagents.
Jun 5, 2018
i like people from this comment section
please remember he is not the only one with super power. even if he creates a bomb, some enemies would still survive and if he fails creatin that he will die and manga got axed
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
@shinobanana If you read anything at all, you'd realize we weren't debating about the possibility of some number of parts. The possibilities can be endless and thus the conversation goes nowhere at all. We were debating about the minimum or the basic number of parts each of the weapons would take.

@sukets I more or less agree. If you take the most basic of guns they're going to be more complicated than the most basic of explosives. It's a fucking pointless argument if you cherry-pick things from both sides and try to compare them that way.

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