Death March kara Hajimaru Isekai Kyousoukyoku

Active member
Sep 4, 2019
So the MC is completely ignoring his harem while fucking every prostitute in every city/village he visits.
Thats as far as drama,harem genre goes. Basicaly ZERO. Another marketing scam with the fake genres.
The author made his harem and potential love interests completely superficial and irrelevant. Just there to fill space.
That aside hes the very deffinition of a modern candy-ass,castrated two-faced japanese, whos lost every bit of pride, manliness, samurai mentality that his japanese ancestors had.
The author projected every bad part of a modern japanese man onto this MC.
The fact that this got an anime adaptation proves how bad this manga/LN is.
Aug 9, 2018
"fucking every prostitute in every city/village he visits."
"hes the very deffinition of a modern candy-ass,castrated two-faced japanese, whos lost every bit of pride, manliness, samurai mentality that his japanese ancestors had."

So he's a castrated guy who fucks every prostitute he finds?

I really don't know how that works, but okay, Mr. Edgy Guy.

Apparently, to you, the definition of "manliness" and "pride" is killing random people just to test a new blade. You seem to think very highly of such manly people.
Active member
Sep 4, 2019
@Truerror I feel I'm completely wasting my time but never the less....
First of all here is what I think about this manga/LN.
Everything is predictable. There are some shallow plot twist but it's distracting rather than interesting.
MC is just way OP. I have read dozens of these new world stories but this one pretty much tops everything.
MC not only has access to Google but also Google Map with all information in front of him. Almost no
criminal or antagonist can escape. By the time we get to v15 it's been
almost 2 years since MC was summoned and how OP is he?
He can turn a person on the verge of dying back to a loli.
It takes only the power of one follower to almost kill a God. The MC himself can probably mass produce God killing sword
as well as having God killing spell. But since MC is actually not
trying to kill God but to become one his OP abilities are just there to save his harem and friends.
The food reference is overwhelming. I think the author is a foodie
freak. Easily 30%-40% of the story talks about food. There's more food
related lines than ecchi or harem themes, maybe even more than battle.Comedy along with ecchi is non existent!
There's food from morning to night. I find myself skipping literally chapters, not just pages of this garbage.
MC is a pacifist. MC is just reflecting non-aggressive Japanese
culture after WW2
rather than the feudal Samurai spirit. MC hates blood
and gore, he wants to defeat his enemy and capture them.
All crime and punishment is left to others and he need not bear any guilt or responsibility.
And I repeat his harem isn't really one because MC is a monogamist who loves to visit prostitutes for his s*xual needs. He has only one heart for a supporting character that is just there like a picture on the wall. To be honest, hes one of, if not the worst main characters any story could have. One word easily describes him and that is: hypocrite.
Clearly the author must be an engineer in degree and is absolutely not qualified to write a harem,adventure, narrative, or any stories in general.
Aug 9, 2018

"MC is a pacifist. MC is just reflecting non-aggressive Japanese culture after WW2 rather than the feudal Samurai spirit."

Well, then that's good isn't it, Mr. Edgelord? After all, MC did come from modern Japan. Would be weird if he instead reflects a culture centuries before his time. Plus, that old culture kinda suck anyway.

"All crime and punishment is left to others and he need not bear any guilt or responsibility."

Sounds smart to me. If someone else can do it, why should I?

"And I repeat his harem isn't really one because MC is a monogamist who loves to visit prostitutes for his s*xual needs."

How observant! You actually managed to spot the fact that this story should NOT have a harem tag! Now go complain to MangaDex. Or, well, anyone else who can actually edit those tags. After all, the author never said the protagonist has a harem. I really don't know why MD added that tag.

"...worst main characters any story could have."

Well, I personally would give that title to that female protag from the Twilight series. But, to each his own opinion. BTW, that WAS an opinion, right? You weren't trying to present that sentence as fact, right?

"One word easily describes him and that is: hypocrite."

Ah, aren't we all? Fun fact, I can't remember when, but I recall the MC himself once admitted that he's a hypocrite. If I'm not mistaken, it was in one of those prefaces the author puts before each main chapter (in the webnovel, that is).

But I do agree that we're wasting time here. Instead of being here, you need to spend time with your parents and a psychiatrist. You know, to, you know, work out your chuuni and anger management issues. Oh, don't forget to take an IQ test while you're at it. You seem to have trouble with logic. Could be a medical condition, you never know.

As for me, I could spend less time with you and instead do something productive. Like lolis and food. Or lolis eating food. Adieu aaaand blocked.
Aug 28, 2019
what happened to zena-san, you know the one they called his girlfriend. she just disappeared after chp 18
Aggregator gang
Feb 14, 2019

Could you even classify that as a conversation? You literally wrote one response, a reasonable one at that explaining what you find wrong with the manga and the main character. That's all it took for him to be personally offended, and he blocked you. LOL
Dex-chan lover
Dec 26, 2018
@konzolmester - I guess it's the first time you're reading an isekai slice-of-life manga/novel. There is quite a number of these rising to popularity.
You're probably too young for slice-of-life works, that's why you find them unfulfilling. Don't worry - when you'll be an overworked adult, taking a vacation in fantasyland with a catgirl loli on your lap will seem a lot better idea. For older people like me, Satou is a perfect representation, that's why this story is so popular.
It's normal that he isn't sexually interested in children, and holds himself back even when he is. It's normal that he wants a restful journey. It's normal that he is adept at utilizing other people instead of doing everything himself. It's normal that he doesn't have to kill from here till dinner. Even him visiting brothels isn't that unusual. It's all called "being an adult".

As for harem being irrelevant to the action - it does not matter. Cute girls are their own reward.

Finally, I think you will understand this work a lot better if you accept that the MC isn't a brave hero or a wise wizard. He is a rogue, having roguish adventures where he outwits everyone.
Active member
Sep 4, 2019
@fannan Promblem with your theory is that this is NOT slice of life. Even if it were the author wouldn't know how to write one.
The fake harem is just a small issue from the long list. The main issue is that the MC is just not interesting at whatever he does.
The story is very haphazard with no direction towards anything really. And that is a big no-no when you use the genres drama,adventure,isekai.
I'm sure there are methods of making a bad LN/manga popular with the right propaganda.
I hate to go personal with presumptuous anonymous people but I'm 31 and I have over 50+ isekai mangas in my bookmark.
And as you said I like to read them after work or at weekends.
Group Leader
Jun 7, 2019
Okay, seems the comments section here is quite interesting. It was quite fun to read this after catching up on the story, so I though I might reply to some of the questions some people asked cause I have nothing better to do...... I really need to get a life.

@Sniperking She was never explicitly stated to be his girlfriend, instead it was shown that they have a mutual romantic interest in one another. As someone else already said, she will appear later.

@rudeus_greyrat Please mark your reply to Sniperking with a spoiler tag using brackets as some here, myself included, haven't read the novels. Edit: nvm seems the spoiler tagging doesn't work rn.

@melatoninlol One day the big tiddy onee-sans will appear before him... at least in his dreams or at a brothel.

@Truerror @flannan Don't bother guys, he doesn't want his mind to be changed. He is still posting to you because he is here to antagonize and troll you.
Active member
Sep 4, 2019
@EpidemicGuy And you even admit you are here to stir shit up. Even if you are bored please stop it. Thank you.
@flannan No one call's this slice of life because that genre is not included by the author. He did include a lot of other genres that is nowhere to be found in this Manga/LN/anime though.
Group Leader
Jun 7, 2019
@konzolmester I never said I was here to stir shit up, I was simply trying to end what you guys started. You wouldn't be here still if you weren't trolling or if you didn't feel a need to defend yourself, as you have clearly stated you don't like this manga. I respect that you are defending yourself, but I also respect that they are defending their views... albeit they aren't doing so in the best manner. Besides, for all you know I said that to them so that you guys would stop flooding this comment section with a debate that should have ended long ago. As is clear by how I responded to others, I'm here for fun conversation, and your debate has turned very sour and is just a bunch of people hurling insults at each other now. I love debate, but at this point all you guys are doing is having a shitty back and forth insult slugging.

Also, I never said I didn't agree with some of what you said. I agree with some of your criticism, but I agree with the defense just as much. It seemed to me you keep coming back because they tag you, so I figure get them to stop and you won't keep feeling a need to defend yourself or your views on this manga. I recognize that you didn't start the insulting, but you have stooped to that level making you no better than them in that regard.

Before anyone starts saying I need to quite acting like I'm someone better than you, I'm not doing that. I just want to end the pointless debate flooding this comment section so I can see what other people think of this manga without seeing 20 messages from a few people arguing. I'm in no way a morally upstanding guy, my political views are enough to show me that. However, at least I can admit that and not continue arguing for over a month in a fucking manga comment section with a bunch of random people who probably just want to argue for the hell of it.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 26, 2018
@konzolmester - I assure you, Ainana Hiro and Aya Megumu are not visiting this site and aren't putting tags on the manga. Tags are arbitrarily assigned by mangadex and its uploaders.
For reference, this is a page for LN's translation: - it has "slice of life" tag, and the manga is faithful to the light novel.
Active member
Sep 4, 2019
@flannan Interestingly every second website I checked didn't include slice of life while the other does. Never trust a western website.
Nevertheless the manga and anime are not slice of life material. Not one iota!
To begin with the amount of action and pacing in story involved already excludes the affore mentioned genre completely.
Truth be told many LN reader say the author ran out of ideas early on to continue the action genre and he went with "slice of life".Basically he went lazy.
But hey! At least he didn't drop it like most author do.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 26, 2018
@konzolmester - as a WN reader, I feel this impression is very wrong. This novel started as slice-of-life, and went more heroic and dramatic as the story went on.
Disclaimer: unlike many other works, WN and LN are visibly different, so it is understandable LN readers might have got the wrong impression. But the WN was there first, and serves as a more reliable guide to the author's thought process.
Dex-chan lover
May 10, 2018
Could someone spoiler pls, if MC fucks his harem and if this isekai was just a dream? Will he return to his world empty handed without waifus?

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