"you can't swallow the saliva you spit out"
I knew a guy who would spit a loogie straight up and catch it in his mouth. We were never sure if it was impressive or gross. I mean, he's catching it in his mouth, but it came from his mouth...
@Tamerlane a chapter featuring these girls playing DnD could be superb. Imagine them all choosing their own races and taking it way too seriously, confusing the DM with logic from their home world, and utterly fucking up any attempt to work together. Also Erufuda has to play as a dwarf (oldschool bearded lady style).
@maffo666 Correct, the ML specifically said that the reps would increase by ten for each consecutive loss, and since she got up to 36 losses that means they played 36 games. They showed 6 individual games, so they most likely played each game 6 times, which of course the artist is not going to go and draw each game scene.
No, you're misunderstanding. The first loss was worth ten, then a second consecutive loss was worth 20 independent of the first 10.
So for eight losses it goes 10+20+30+40+50+60+70+80=360.