Scrap that, kinda good for a oneshot if I compare it to the other ones I've read, especially the standard shounen ones. 8/10 on the oneshot scale.
Worse than expected, way better than rating indicates. Foreshadowing could've been done more efficiently though - but i haven't read Toradora, so i don't know whose fault is that exactly. Maybe there's an appeal in watching an avalanche in slow motion right down from seeing very first pebble move, but personally i prefer "gotcha" narratives.
Overall it was a nice read, and parting words can feel poignant at some level. I'd probably gave in to vocabulary a little, but it left me with nice, "summery" aftertaste. After all, at its most basic level, it's a slice of life story of one teenager's one year's one season.
edit: Oh yeah, if you do happen to have an opportunity, please go with official translation. Its better choice of words significantly adds to reading experience - for example, final chapter's closing line has been rephrased from ambiguously ominous "I will make you immortal" (which given the right context could very well be something a killer would say) to more fitting and appropriately moody
Blonde Koala girl falls for generic romcom protagonist #31.
Kidding aside, I find this quite sweet at times, and for romance, it does enough to pique my interest. I won’t spoil the ending but I’m on the side that didn’t like it or thinks that it could’ve been handled better.
Sorry for the people that have already read it when we first released the chapters a few years back. No archive upload function on mdex I think, so welp.
Can someone spoil the ending to me so I know if this is worth finishing? I don't remember where exactly I stopped reading but the story wasn't in a good place so I don't know if this is a ride I want to get back on...