Follows list, Manga(coverart) view, sort by latest updated chapter - not working properly.

Feb 22, 2018
When looking at the follows list, under manga view to see the cover art(because my memory for titles/names is junk), sorted by latest updated chapter(firefox).
- it's not working properly with a language filter selected(english)
- It reports the latest update regardless of language filter.
If you go to your settings and select all for the languages, you can find the newest updates if you scroll thru the chapter list and it's not in your target language.
Switch back to your target language, and it still shows as recently updated, but you won't see any new chapters in the list.
If you look at it the follows list, under the latest chapter view, the language filter does work tho.

- moved to the bugs forum, didn't see it before I submitted this.

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