If you don't know what netcode means, it's basically the system that connects 2 players to each other through internet, japanese devs (Street Fighter, Blaze Blue, Guilty Gear, DBFighterZ) use delay based netcode, which means that there is a frame delay so that both players are syncronized, usually it's less than 6 frames, which is playable, but the problem is that this type of netcoed is unplayable if any one of the 2 players have bad connection, because the frame delay will be greater which means there will be a ton of lag, basically unplayable.
Now, this whole delay based netcode problem has already been solved, if you've ever played Killer Instinct or some new western FGs then you probably didn't have many connection issues and found matches fast, this is because 'murican devs use Rollback Netcode, which is a much improved version of delay netcode, but the you ask "why don't japs use rollback?" and that's an excellent question that is basically answered with "Nippon steel connection strong", Jap Devs say that since there are no connection issues in Japan, then it must be the same for everyone else, also, they don't want to pay for this shit.
So, i absolutely hate the netcode in DB FighterZ because i spend almost 10 minutes waiting for a match only to be playing at 15 frame delay and watching everything in slow motion.