Gaming rants/news (Mega Thread?)

Jan 19, 2018
I feel like I ruined the game for them.

If you have a ps4 get ghost of tsushima the multiplayer is about to come out in a couple of days or you can always go with monster hunter.
Most powerful member of the GFG
Super Moderator
Feb 16, 2020
Despite my name, I'm sadly not rich enough to have the big 3. I only have an Xbone S and the Switch (And an OG Xbox, but is kind of hard to find new games for that one lol).
Most powerful member of the GFG
Super Moderator
Feb 16, 2020
Alright, I'll prepare my knees for when I do the dogeza to ask for a new game.

Although, thanks to justforthelulz and Korsai, I want to try Ace Combat 7. Difficult decision since both games are pretty expensive.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2019
Yeah, it looks like Sekiro is <$30 and Ass Combat is ~$20. Expensive indeed.
^(Depending on where you search)

Btw editing a ping into a post you already pinged me in doesn't ping me.
Jan 19, 2018
Yeah, it looks like Sekiro is <$30 and Ass Combat is ~$20. Expensive indeed.
seeing as a us buck is 21 pesos yeah i'd say they cost a pretty penny.
I only have an Xbone S and the Switch
Then go monster hunter it's on the xbox.
Most powerful member of the GFG
Super Moderator
Feb 16, 2020
@bigtiddyoneesan @sterven
From what I remember when I looked up sekiro, it was about $1,900 MXN, AC7 costs like $1,600 MXN ($2,000+, if I go for the deluxe edition that has all them delicious DLC). I'll have to check out MonHun, but going in late and without friends makes me feel sad.
Most powerful member of the GFG
Super Moderator
Feb 16, 2020
I think the reason I liked AC7's gameplay was because it felt fast. I want to play a fast game that feels like swimming in water when you get used to it. Flowing through anything.

Works with Sekiro too lol.
Apr 23, 2018
I stopped with AC after Black Flag, the ship combat is great but the land missions were such a drag, they really didn't put a lot of attention into them. And the ship stealth can go to hell, whoever thought it was a good idea needs to be smacked.
Jan 19, 2018
it was about $1,900 MXN, AC7 costs like $1,600 MXN
Jesus Christ that's a lot of money man wait for a sale to get it thats what I do when looking for games. I only ever buy full retail when i've been really looking forward to game.
I'll have to check out MonHun, but going in late and without friends makes me feel sad.
Yeah but the community is friendly so you should have no trouble in finding some new friends in there but its up to you man I don't want it to seem like i'm pressuring you.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2019
@Richman @sterven
$1,900 MXN
$1,600 MXN
Wtf I just did the conversion rates. They equal $89.64 and $75.49 respectively.

That's fucking ludicrous. Is there some kind of premium on games in Mexico? Are you sure that you're looking at used copies? For reference, most 'full' release games cost $60 (1,272.27 Peesoos) in the U.S. on release (for standard versions, deluxe editions and shit cost more).
Most powerful member of the GFG
Super Moderator
Feb 16, 2020
Ah, you're right, I just turned on the Xbone to check the prices.
Sekiro is at $1,300, Ace Combat 7 is at $1,400 (Although it has a discount, so the price is actually $461 right now), and Monster Hunter World is at $894 with the Iceborn expansion added. I must have looked at some other game with a higher price that got stuck in my head.

The reason the games are more expensive is because of tax (for example, the price of Gold got higher a few months ago, if i'm not mistaken). I have to pay your army somehow, right? /s

I'll have to talk with my mom when my father is busy because he'll only say "no" without even trying to argue. (Even if I use my own money to pay for the game).
Jan 19, 2018
Yeah man that's why I was shocked when he threw out those numbers that shit is way too expensive to buy willy nilly best to wait for a sale or look for used copies.

I'll have to talk with my mom when my father is busy because he'll only say "no" without even trying to argue.

I'm the opposite my family always tried to make me spend my money.
Most powerful member of the GFG
Super Moderator
Feb 16, 2020
Lmao, i guess it is good for you. I think I have more than enough cash just in my wallet to buy all 3 games (maybe with the DLC too) but I have to basically make a business pitch to my father every time I want to try and buy something that "isn't important" (it isn't exclusive to just games). To the point where I often just convince my mother and buy it without asking.

Thank god for Microsoft for making pretty much every game backwards compatible.

Mom - Convinced
Father - Unaware he is going to get bamboozled
Game - Ace Combat 7 (Sorry sterven, maybe in 2 months)
Oh yeah, It's Gamer Time

What's my father going to do? Return the game? Digital. Kick me out? It's legally my house.

I have bought three games in one year with my own money, i feel happy.
Jan 19, 2018
Lmao, i guess it is good for you
Its not all that good honestly since I have to deal with the constant nagging of how much of a penny pincher I am but for reals what so wrong about being conservative with your money?
Most powerful member of the GFG
Super Moderator
Feb 16, 2020
There's nothing wrong, it is just that I'm always told "this is you money" and can't use it on anything. I get that I should prepare that money for the future (for stuff like food, taxes and shit), but I have little to no management of it, so I don't feel like I truly own it (Like I can count the times I've seen the actual numbers with one hand). I don't ask for much tbh, no new tv (the one I had previously was an outdated and burned plasma tv), no new console until the previous one literally breaks, not even books; most of my things are 2nd hand (which is not bad, it saves money). Heck, I even lend my parents money from that very source every so often. I think they still owe me some.

Of course, once I stop being a useless leech of society into a chad worker that gains his paycheck, then I'll truly have the opportunity to waste my money into whatever I want. But for now, I have to put up with it, I just get frustrated from time to time.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 15, 2018
Of course, once I stop being a useless leech of society into a chad worker that gains his paycheck, then I'll truly have the opportunity to waste my money into whatever I want. But for now, I have to put up with it, I just get frustrated from time to time.
It was the opposite for me. When I used to be a smelly NEET I'd have several money sinks I'd put much of whatever money I'd scraped towards. Nowadays I'm so paranoid of an accident draining through my savings that I hardly spend anything for myself other than the occasional manga volume.

That being said, having a pretty safe and steady income has made me much more relaxed when it comes to treating friends.
In highschool I used to get irritated just for lending money for a sandwich.

Blog over.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 17, 2019
I'll have to talk with my mom when my father is busy
I don't think I've ever met someone who calls one parent "mom/dad" and the other one "mother/father".

@Richman @sterven @Pantsman
IMO best thing to do is to save your money. We all need to have enough saved up for when virtual reality MMOs become a thing, as well as when we can upload our consciousness to machines and live indefinitely.

I'll see you on the Battle Bus.

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