GATE - Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri

Mar 15, 2018
Realistic you say... ? It feels more like a propaganda piece with little else to offer... so no, not realistic. This isn't far off, but at the very least, no one is saying realistic.
Aug 31, 2018
All these normalfags in the comments section complaining about the author. LOL, dont like it? Maybe suggest how it could be improved.
May 9, 2020
These manga chapters are coming in at a snail's pace .. Not to blame , the author is just doing his best not to mess up the drawing and make it flawless I guess ??
Apr 24, 2018
@Christopher, I'm saying more realistic then this shit, even if it's not realistic to you, I feels like this is what would happen if it happened.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 27, 2019
Those crying about realism or lack thereof; I guess you don't read much manga, because there are plenty of stuff where swordsmen cut bullets with with their swords, make shock waves (or whatever) barehanded, and little school girl kicks bunch of men high up to the sky. Though this manga and the novels manga is based on may not be as realistic as novels of David Drake, I dare to argue they are at least in par with American live-action movies where swords cut through plate armor like nothing.
Apr 15, 2020
That moment when a Magic girl can copy an IFR clearance better than you can.

I understand that pilots pain.
Mar 28, 2020

Ok, I’ll tell how it can be improved. Seeing as how you can’t see the flaws in this cornucopia of wasted potential, Incompetence, and Otaku Self-Pandering.

1. Remove the Shounen elements from Gate (a Seinen), things like the Male JSDF members acting like horny teenagers when around Animal women, the childish dialogue, etc. you can’t have these types of manga blend together without it being a disaster.

2. Either Remove or tone down the Ultra Nationalistic Propaganda even further. It’s annoying to see other nations and their militaries hold the idiot and villain Balls just to make Japan look like saints in comparison (even if Japan is snatching the Special Regions resources from the natives without them knowing their true value. And taking away their land by stating that the entire special region is a part of Japan) The Empire are portrayed as Barbaric Savages who use poor tactics to win their wars besides the typical (Suicidal) Charges and treat all non-humans like shit.

The Three superpower nations, anyone who’s against the JSDF, or anyone who has a political stance different from the authors, are Shown to be Arrogant, Selfish, Malicious, Incompetent idiots. With the three Super power nations in particular are shown to be are willing to secretly invade Japan for hostages, even if causing a major political incident from it. While also at the same time, getting their asses kicked by the Japanese because “they didn’t think they had it in them” despite having highly trained soldiers. Which in this story? Don’t act like it.

3. Remove the Otaku and Harem elements. This and Number 2 is what made Gate to be bad despite its potential. Every time an animal girl appears, every male JSDF member runs over to them and starts fawning over them like Horny teenagers instead of acting like professional disciplined soldiers. All the main characters except for the Main MC are female so they can fill up the Harem, no other males are focused on. It’s all Otaku pandering to their fantasies with woman. It honestly saddens me that the author brushes aside the potential of his own work just to pander to a certain audience and leave the others in the dust. But hey, he’s an otaku himself, so it’s no surprise.

4. Remove Itami as a character, He only serves to be the Author’s and other Otaku’s Self-Insert. He has a heart of gold, an Otaku who can disobey orders and get away with it, Acquires a Harem who serve as the other MCs, gets everything and suffers little to no consequences of his actions, and is loved by almost everyone. That’s really all he is, the only other thing I can say about him is that he has the stock Otaku personality traits Otakus are portrayed as in media. Besides Itami, no other JSDF character gets as much extensive focus, because Itami and his Harem is hogging all the spotlight.

How about you tell us why this Manga is good and doesn’t deserve to be tossed in the garbage bin?

And to Kuokkanen: Except we don’t really see any of that happen in Gate. We don’t see the Empires soldiers reflecting and cutting the JSDF’s bullets, nor do we see them move at Supersonic or Hypersonic+ speeds. Even Itami, a normal human, can go toe to toe with an Empire soldier. Or even Yanagida, who took down a warrior bunny who was moving at superhuman speeds because of her races abilities, yet was still beaten despite having the superior psychical abilities. If normal earth humans can take on the natives by themselves, then clearly this was meant to be a realistic Novel. The only exceptions to this rule are the Apostles, and even then, they can only stop some bullets and get hit by others. And they can’t even do damage to a dragon, only knock it around.

I hope one day people would see this manga has flaws and drop the rating to a 7.
May 29, 2019
Just my 2 cent.

While this manga sure has lot of flaws from realistic side,
But ... due to it's popularity (maybe), it made lot's of good realistic fan made stories possible to popped up and gain attention by the realism driven fans,. filling the holes left by the author. (Go check it on Fanfiction yourself)

If this manga Never Existed, i might never find out 'Here we Go Again' .... a story made by an ex-combatant .... someone who literally had to deal with the chaos of war firsthand, meanwhile most of us never felt it firsthand. (maybe GATE's Author too, cz how JSFD do things very different from rest of the Militaries in the world)

But, let's think for a moment here .... This manga was made to appeal japanese audience,
Their society got different kind of taste, and way of view compared to whatever country we're living in.
and the important thing is ... IT WORKS .... this series Got serialized and got profit from it.

Meanwhile us .... Gaijins, Never become the part of intended audience .... we're just getiing lucky stumbled on this manga.
Some of us Love it, some hate it, and few of us skilled enough & got guts to made our own story using the same setting as GATE's Author used (Made One, but didn't go well)

I would like to see more enjoyable strories made by GATE's fanbase,
GATE won't change no matter how bad us Gaijins wan't it to fit our own perspective (Or Agendas maybe)
The only way to do it, by making our own version of it.

Short Barrel Out .....
Mar 8, 2018
This last delusional weeb.
Yeah sure i can't see the nationalistic circle jerk of the author and all it's flaws because i'm not from Japan, WHEEZE.

Basically what @BigRobot said, anyways it also happens in most manga/anime but especially in the Isekai genre dunno why. Nationalistic stuff + Japanese people/culture circlejerk where Japanese is the all mighty and superior in all regards (muh miso soup) even "their" gods are the strongest etc.

Another example is Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu which i had to drop the light novel due to being all of that.
Also, Japanese characters are the strongest and the good people, non Japanese (or the people in the isekai world) are evil and bad.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 23, 2020
This manga is straight up national wankfest bullshit, its sad and pathetic.

You know whats even more sad and pathetic? Non japanese absolute lords of autism who think that its amazing. Like that needs an amazing level of delusion.
Mar 27, 2020
I find it weird if another country never do anything to cooperate with japan or make them cooperate with another country for example using UN to press japan to share the gate and resource you can get from another world.

Regarding japanese food, i think it's a bit logical as you like and hard to stop eating food you usually eat more than a decade, just like how rice is a staple food for asians. But sometimes it annoys me too when the mc goes to another world and he just eat japanese food, it's like going to europe and eating ramen, sushi, etc.

IMO many people think about their country 1st, and as the saying goes " nobody is a villain in their own story", it's the same as god, no one with religion think gods from another religion is better.
May 29, 2019
WTH ... my long post failed to show up (o_O)

It also weird japan could go full banzai in this story, without US accompany them ... in the name of Collective Defence
( .... "Still, the Japanese military aren’t allowed to be solitary aggressors")
(Here We Go Again's Author also dumbfounded by GATE's Author way of deploying troops)

I guess it's another one of author's dream .... a military free of any political/diplomatic shackles, surrounded by Kemonomimi Waifus
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 27, 2019
> This manga is straight up national wankfest bullshit, its sad and pathetic.

I've seen worse. At least American ones. Japanese "national wankfest bullshit" makes for a change.
Nov 9, 2019

This is very expensive equipment usually used by a NRBC specialized unit, convenient that he just had it with him I guess.
Jan 28, 2019
Update ch 95 yet?
Want to know lelei explanation.
Verrryyy curious
Dex-chan lover
Apr 28, 2019
@Chalibard Aren't they acting as a scouting unit in a mostly unknown world? Doesn't seem too farfetched to me.
Mar 28, 2020
Why would they give very expensive equipment to some scout group without better escorting? The JSDF I imagine wouldn’t like to just handing out equipment that is very costly to make, to a guy and his Harem (plus unimportant fellow JSDF members) who have proven themselves to be very reckless. They would give him a cheaper Radiation measuring tool to use.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 27, 2019
> The JSDF I imagine wouldn’t like to just handing out equipment that is very costly to make, to a guy and his Harem (plus unimportant fellow JSDF members) who have proven themselves to be very reckless.

Whuut? Within JGSDF Itami has a reputation of being a slacker, running off from training, and being a bottom performer in special forces.
Mar 28, 2020
>Whuut? Within JGSDF Itami has a reputation of being a slacker, running off from training, and being a bottom performer in special forces.

That too! Why give such an important piece of equipment to an unreliable, disobedient soldier who puts his hobby over his job and sucks at everything but is extremely lucky with the women and has the plot armor? I also said reckless because he flat out attacked Zorzal out of the blue when his emotions came over him.
Feb 10, 2020
With all of these comments stating that this manga is literally just a piece of propaganda for the JSDF, you're right, in fact the JSDF actually officially endorsed this series as they collaborated and did a little recruitment campaign around GATE. There are rumours that the JSDF might have partially provided funding for the anime adaptation. So this is literally just an over glorified elaborate recruitment campaign for the JSDF
(and the JMSDF in the sequel GATE: Weigh Anchor)

Don't act like you've never seen a Hollywood movie or played any video games that portrays the United States as this super moral heroes of peace, love, and justice. It is absolutely everywhere. There is no escape from it. This also applies to every other country out there with their stories, film, video games, etc. that portray their armed forces. There is no stopping the propaganda machine no matter how hard you try.

But do I care?

All I'm here is to enjoy the fun concept of a Modern vs Fantasy/Medieval Military/Societies and the rofolstomping of the other world's armies by the modern one (JSDF). It may not have the most in-depth, nor the best storytelling out there, but it is passable for what's it meant for. Though at times the situations and scenarios that arise in GATE may become a little bit complete bullshit and just downright ridiculous, I am willing to overlook this as long as I get my share of fluff and modern vs fantasy/medieval military action.

Though there may be other stories out there that does modern vs fantasy/medieval stuff and not get political, GATE has its own charms and uniqueness. Though GATE is a piece of ultra nationalist right wing propaganda, it is a fun read if you ignore the political stuff and plot holes as GATE originally started life off as a online web novel on a website for amuture writers. GATE will very quickly fall apart if you try to deconstruct it.

So with that being said, please stop bitching about politics. Nothing is going to change as GATE is already an established story and it is officially endorsed by the JSDF. No amount of complaining in the comments section of a aggregator site with questionable legality will stop the propaganda. All I see here in the comments section is people bitching about politics and plot holes (and yes, I looked through all 9 pages of comments starting from more than 2 years ago up to 6/11/2020 before coming to this conclusion). It is starting to look a YouTube comments section. Not many people actually talking about the chapters themselves without trying to deconstruct it and bringing in politics.

That being said, GATE is right wing military propaganda that originally started life as a shitty amuture web novel and I do not expect it to be good. If you are looking for a well-structured story with a good plot with no flaws then look elsewhere because it is not here. But if you are here for the modern vs fantasy/medieval stuff and are big military nerd/geek/otaku, then you are in the right place.

It may be shit and a complete total mess that is barely being held together with duct tape and superglue but it's a fun read that I would personally recommend.

(EDIT: Grammar and Spelling errors)

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