Happy Holidays: Server Upgrades and Rule Updates

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Feb 3, 2018
"we try to avoid any action that would be considered policing scanlation"

*polices scanlation and scanlation groups, and forces Rapeman off the site*

Why do you lie?
Dex-chan lover
Apr 30, 2018
Mangadex is still getting DDOSSed!? Thats insane! Is it only being done by the same people?

Also, I don't think this counted as political, but I thought the picture of Vladimir Putin, riding on an assault rifle shooting bear, who was surfing on a shark, which was shown after every chapter of Ride-On King was absolutely hilarious. I laughed every time I saw it.
Group Leader
Jan 23, 2018
Merry Christmas MangaDex! Hope the staff are enjoying the holidays some way or another.
And here's hoping these new rules help you avoid more headaches in the long run.

(and, well, not to say I called it, but.... I called it)
May 4, 2018
It feels like scanlators are just slave to the readers now...
NGL, I feel bad for rapeman. To me, his credit page is a way for him to have fun with a boring and tedious task called scanlating. Now credit page has become a subject to MD's rule and soon, he leaving or deleting his works here would be of no surprise to me. But hey, it can't be helped, right? MD is more and more favoritising them customers but they don't give a flying f*ck about scanlators at all. I dare MD's staffs to creates more rules that oppress scanlators' right and a 1 page a day latest update page for English scanlation will come sooner than you expected.
Sep 21, 2018
@olsloanylonesome If you are gonna nitpick their decision, at least read the whole thing

"However, there's been an increasing trend of groups using the extra pages they insert into a chapter to circumvent the conduct rules we normally apply to the forums and our comments section, as well as adding content that completely derails the discussion of the manga into something entirely unrelated. When the content is political in nature, the comments tend to become offensive, inflammatory and an excessive amount of moderation work is generated for our already small team of mods."

Also they don't force that guy to leave Mangadex, any scanlation groups leaving Mangadex have been on their own terms and decisions. If he leaves because he thinks his right to spout offensive content is restricted, that's on him
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 1, 2019
"Any scanlation groups leaving Mangadex have been on their own terms and decisions"
Is this what people unironically believe these days?
Group Leader
Jan 22, 2018
Thanks for all your hard work, mangadex staffs~

Just want to say, Rapeman's credits ruined my experience reading the manga. I consider myself a chill guy, but too much is too much. By now, I'm just blocking it and pray someone else will do the God's work
Sep 21, 2018
@vidopnir Show me actual proof of Mangadex driving out and removing legit scanlation groups then I'll believe otherwise
Dex-chan lover
Oct 1, 2019
Well, i guess people destroying their own websites with draconian thought policing is nothing new, but it's still annoying.
I guess you won't have to worry about your bandwidth costs for much longer.

Anyone have suggestions for sites that don't drive off users and scanlators because they got their feelings hurt?
Jan 30, 2018
How can anyone actually defend Rapeman's edgelord bullshit? Like, really? That's the 'free speech' hill you want to die on? Go fight a real battle that doesn't involve defending a pseudo-intellectual 21 year olds racist rants on the backpages of a Chinese Calligraphy site and you might get a bit more respect.

Even if you believe his insane BS, you really want to defend a site removing a rant at the end of a vaguely-legal comic chapter translation and frame as a battle over free speech? Holy shit.
Custom title
Jan 19, 2018
Frankly, we could have simply applied the "don't make the staff's job harder" rule here, but this makes it more explicit. There comes a point where the amount of reports, 3rd party smearing, decision-making, internal arguments and so on that we have to go through in the staff every time there's a credits page pretty much designed to generate that exact sort of outrage simply exceeds the worth of keeping the credits page up on the site. People kept poking at that boundary and now, unsurprisingly, it's burst.

We have always had rules on what kind of content we're willing to host, and we have always removed chapters that break that line. So far, among other things it's typically been stuff like advertisements or particularly egregious "jokes" like the Christchurch one. Technically nothing particular has changed about that, except now that we have nearly two years of experience with what kind of (political) content generates what kinds of issues, we can save ourselves a good deal of time wasted otherwise.

As mentioned, we haven't changed any rules about what kind of discourse is acceptable, so people can feel free to post their political opinions where they belong. They just don't belong in credits pages at this point.

Also, just as a side comment since this is somewhat relevant and I suspect "protection of religion" would be used as an excuse otherwise: As something of an antitheist I insist that criticism of religion is free game here. There's a stark difference between religious tenets and the presumption of those beliefs for an entire people, though.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 8, 2018
First it was Jaimini's Box getting removed & removing their stuff and now this!?

Where can we find a Straw Hat wearing kid with a dream to usher the new age of Manga Scanlation to save us?


Custom title
Jan 19, 2018
@Renko posted:

First it was Jaimini's Box getting removed & removing their stuff and now this!?
You did say /s but, just in case, I don't believe JB has gotten removed from anywhere
Jan 18, 2018
@Renko Wouldn't be the first time Rapeman threw a tantrum and took his ball home. He did that over a year ago with Murenase. Also, I'm fairly hands off and think his childish memes are easily ignored, but apparently they really bother some people and I have to agree they have nothing to do with manga. When it becomes a situation where a person/group are trying to make it about themselves or something else totally unrelated to manga, I agree it doesn't belong. Scanlation at its heart is supposed to be about celebrating manga and authors you like. Flamebait credits pages have nothing to do with that.
Fed-Kun's army
Jul 3, 2018
People actually read credit pages,got annoyed by them and actually bothered complaining about it on an online forums for weebs? I honestly don't see where these people get the energy for the most mundane shit in life. I hope that this place won't turn into twitter 2.0 with the minority of supporters screeching about everything and actually being taken seriously instead of simply being ignored by the already busy moderation team but I know that's simply an inevitability at this point.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 8, 2018

I don't see their work in the site anymore.

Also, this is just my way of coping with the absurdity and ridiculousness of the situation.

My only fear is the early manga chapters and chapter updates translated by Rapeman are going to go bye bye with no replacements.

I guess the Kissmanga Pirates wins again I guess.

Damn them!!!

*dramatically shakes fist while lightnng strikes in the backgrounds*

Jan 19, 2018
If anyone actually cared what Rapeman had to say they'd follow him on Twitter or something and he'd have thousands of followers.

But they don't.

And he doesn't.

So this is his only platform to reach a wide audience. And now he has thrown his toys out of the cot in a rage and won't post here any more... because of something someone has done that is apparently offensive to him. Oh, the irony.
Jan 18, 2018
I actually think there's a point where this goes too far. Credit pages should be the translator's own space. If they do try to insert it in the actual manga pages, well, it's free game for any mod.
People can and will get offended by anything that it's not just a listing of the members of the team. Just look at the latest chapter (Ch. 37) of Gokushufudou. It shouldn't mean that they should be listened when making rules.
But well, who am I to speak of it, since my very own profile discredits me. Also, it's 2am here, so good night.
Custom title
Jan 19, 2018
@Renko posted:

I don't see their work in the site anymore.

Also, this is just my way of coping with the absurdity and ridiculousness of the situation.

My only fear is the early manga chapters and chapter updates translated by Rapeman are going to go bye bye with no replacements.
Yeah what I was trying to say is that we haven't removed a single JB chapter that they didn't explicitly want us to remove, and if they for whatever reason wanted their chapters up here again, they could. They haven't gotten removed, they've removed their own stuff.

Rapeman's existing chapters aren't going anywhere either, retroactive law enforcement is unreasonable.
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