Hiota no Kanojo ga Ore no Motteru Eroge ni Kyoumi Shinshin Nanda ga......

Jun 25, 2018
is there somewhere i can rate characters cuz i would wanna give that annoying ass childhood friend a negative god damn that was painful to read
Aggregator gang
Oct 11, 2020
This boring, the only good characters in this are the childhood friend and big sister. Not because of their boobs, but because there the only interesting people in this. While the child hood friend may be annoying and a bit of a tsundre, she has more character then both the main girl and class president. And the older sister is just perverted, but is also nice. Not the best character writing I’ve seen, but their the best ones in this manga. If that doesn’t tell you anything about how bad this is, I don’t know what will.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 12, 2019
The childhood friend ruins the story. Shes extremelly obnoxious, annoying and hipocrite
"dont do lewd things" *dresses like a prostitute*
. As soon as she gets on your nerves just skip to last chapter.

Its a 3/10 but if you removed that THOT it would be at least 6/10 (AKA readable). Also 'completed' but axed (with an "ending" but not where the story actually stopped on the source material).
Apr 21, 2020
Some of the worst characters I have seen till date.

The childhood friend is such a pain in the ass. You know your friend has GF then why is she becoming a third wheel. It's their personal time/moment so who is she to interrupt. She is not expressing her feelings but sticking between them is no problem for her. She can wear very short skirts and open buttoned shirts but when the couple have their moments it's unacceptable and ecchi. Total hypocrite.

The MC is so annoying and indecisive, he has a girlfriend but he isn't able to draw a clear line. He wants to enjoy the sexy moments but doesn't have the courage to grab the chance when his girlfriend gives him. He's like the embodiment of purity it makes me laugh. And he has all the time to worry about other girls other than his girlfriend.

The girlfriend is so naive as well she doesn't have any voice of her own and just plays along.
Aggregator gang
Aug 2, 2020
Got better towards the end imo. But the childhood friend needs to fuck right off.

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