Hitoribocchi no Isekai Kouryaku

Fed-Kun's army
Mar 7, 2018
eh... Why is the title being: "Lonely Attack on a different world"?
I can see how the word "attack" came to be as the kanji 攻 means "attack". But isn't the word 攻略 means something along like a guide, direction, plan or strategy? Or like how to tackle the problem.
Eh, whatever, I guess somewhere it had already been decided with its English official title.
Double-page supporter
Apr 7, 2018
Reads lonely and loner in title and description, sees harem tag.... Okay then. 🙄
Dex-chan lover
Apr 2, 2018
It's starting to look like one of those isekais where a bad skillset is just overlooked and used seldom but begs me to believe it is what makes the mc able to live in the world. Am I to interpret that any minuscule labor is what grants you skills? I thought what you're given is what you'll live with hence his hate toward the goddess. Is the goddess just trolling him by not explaining the rules of the world she oversees?
Jan 18, 2018
Checking off cliche's in the summary in not a ringing endorsement lol
Active member
Nov 3, 2018
I saw Loner skill so I thought alright maybe once in all of existence we can avoid a shitty harem. But then I read the theme and a l r i g h t s u r e.
Feb 4, 2019
So I just read the first chapter of the novel so to give more context for the skills and what they cost.
Also remember that each person only got 50 points
The cost for different items
For items they cost 5-50 points with Consumables like potions costing 5 points and other items between around 5-30 points. Sets like the villager set, holy knight and great sage cost 50 points.
Martial arts like cane art shield art and swordsmanship all cost 10 points.
skills cost 10-30 points
basically all of the skill that are still remaining cost 30 points.
magic cost 10-30 points but all of the remaining one cost 30 points.
special cost 20-50 points. They don't seem to tell you the cost of the remaining specials.
Titles cost 10 points
As you can see many of the remaining skills have high cost and it is questionable if they would be useful so it is understandable that no one wanted to use more then half of their points for items or skills with questionable use
List of items MC got and cost
So the MC got
Stat dice - 10 pts
Villagers set - 50pts
contact lenses 30pts
cane arts - 10pts
Health - 30pts
Walking - 30pts
Gymnastics - 30pts
Sensitive body - 30pts
Temperature magic - 30pts
magic packing - 30pts
weight magic - 30 pts
movement magic - 30pts
ho-so-ren - 20-50?pts
Dexterity poor - 20-50?pts
Kino no Bo- useless person 20-50?pts
Hikikomori - 10 pts
Nito - 10 pts.
Loner - seems to be a title he already has
So a total for everything would 420-510 points approximately 8-10 times more points then what the other classmates got
There also the fact that he lucked out big time and got two maxs from the dice so his total stats are way beyond what any of the other classmates have.
So it won't be surprising if he ends up extremely OP
Some details about the description for the items and where they come from
For the skills and items there either doesn't seem to be a description or a short one sentence description like walking just says" to be good at walking" and both dexterity poor and kino no bo- useless persen just has "level rises slower." So for a good number it seems that you have to guess what they actually do.

The next part was kind of hard to understand but if I understand it correctly
Skills are created from the remnants of souls of people who have been recognized by god or have exceeded god. So the god doesn't fully understand what the skill do but knows that they are useful
Jan 3, 2019
there is no "GOOD"harem
since all they amount to is dead weight
and he absolutely can't get a friend that isn't female because "reasons"
Jan 3, 2019
because you asked if its a shitty harem
as if there is a good one , you can't ask a question if another answer doesn't exist
short answer : all harem isekai are shit
Aggregator gang
Oct 1, 2018
I tried to read the web novel and its one of the MOST FRUSTRATING WEB NOVEL TO READ so far... I had to stop reading this shit.
MC keep saying random shit even in his monologue LIKE EVERY 90% of the chapter. I know that he is a loner but his communication skill is beyond that, he don't listen to other people's talk and he can't even barely to reply back and forth between others. He can't even remember other people's name. So basically you read the novel while remembering the 'nickname' that he gave to the classmate and surrounding people and forgotten their real name since its shown less frequently.

The only good thing is the MC is not the generic weak/pussy character. Apparently he can go around 10KM in like less than 10 sec if I'm correct. His level is lower compared to other but seems like he is more OP than others. Oh and at the beginning where he jump into the ventilation system right before they were summon, that was the best part since I myself have read a lot of these Isekai Summon have not found a single novel that have similar MC with this kind of quick action even including those who were reborn and resummoned.
I would suggest people to stay with the manga and avoid the novel cause it's really really hard to read.
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 5, 2018
@me474 A good Isekai Harem actualy exists. It's that one where the an otaku and an old samurai are reborn into a body that already has another soul inside.
Double-page supporter
Nov 2, 2018
"Getting a cheat skill? Sucks to be you, they're all sold out." ahahahaha. Have to read this now.

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