How Do We Relationship? - Vol. 2 Ch. 16 - The Girl I Hate Most

Fed-Kun's army
Sep 6, 2019
I'm seriously amazed there are people still shitting on Kan after this chapter... The guy went through conversion therapy at a young age which fucked with his mind making him the way he is, he lost all friends and family because he tried his best not to conform to what they want him to be, he's become depressed, self loathing and potentially suicidal and all you people care about is he's just a little itsy bitsy mean to the MC... BOO fucking HOO.
Whats even more funny is those same people have been just as shitty if not more so to Miwa in these comments but nope he's the shitty one here.
Aggregator gang
Jan 23, 2018
*sigh* I guess a lot of people in these comments don't understand what it's like to feel rejected your whole life and then watch other people be accepted for the same thing. If you had to climb a mountain every day to go to school are you sure you would be a perfect saint about other people who got a drive in a car? Even if you don't really want to force those people to have to climb the mountain too, you're allowed to be a bit bitter. You're allowed to feel angry! Is Kan an asshole? Sure! Surprise! Human beings are flawed. Miwa relies on other people to the point that she is incapable of expressing her own opinions and standing up for herself. Miho-senpai is overbearing and wilful. Saeko can be oblivious to other people's feelings and pushy. That is what makes this manga good. If you can't see that, this manga is too mature for you.
Nov 5, 2018
Funny how people are shitting on a character's attitude when the translated manga is only just 16 chapters long. Characters can change, you know?
Jun 11, 2020
@Zhulok Yeah, bad things happen to people. The important thing in life is to find a proper and constructive outlet for that pain.

I feel sorry for the guy, but its no excuse to be a douchebag. "Boo hoo, someone has it easier and doesn't like conflict. I hate them more than anyone else on the planet."

His animosity is clearly inappropriate.
Double-page supporter
Jan 29, 2019
Kan is ok, nothing special.

But Miwa? Damn.
It doesn't matter if she is out of breath after a run, or shocked, or crying, or embarassed, she is just too damn cute.

Saeko at the end :) Looks like she expected/wanted to hear a different answer.
Jul 10, 2019
My bet is that Kan has the gay too, and he finds it extremely unfair that everyone hated him and Miwa get's to be coddled with everything she does.

it's just that Miwa is too damn cute Kan, nobody can help it
Apr 22, 2020
@Zhulok So you mean that, if im depressed and have a shitty life, that means i have a privileged to mess and ruin someone else's life, right ?
Aggregator gang
Apr 9, 2018
Kan is clearly suffering, but that doesn't give him an excuse to be an ass hole.

I'm glad Miwa confronted him at least. She's really trying to change. Slowly but surely
Apr 22, 2020
@hollyguild Well Miwa and Saeko might've experienced the same in their past too. Since Kan is just like them, he should have known better that they have it hard too and also had been rejected by people around them in the past, Kan should've also known this because they kept their relationship secret from everyone(except from those few people).He is already an adult, so he should have atleast be more mature and understand their situation, but instead he decide to harass them despited knowing their situation, this just show how fucked up he is. Sure human beings are flawed but Kan character is just too immature and stupid for his age. That's why i can't help but hate his character more as we got his backstory.
Fed-Kun's army
Dec 25, 2019
Kan is just being honest, as far as I know he is one of the better persons in their friend group. He doesn't hide his feelings and makes it very clear that Miwa is not helping herself by hiding who she is, it may be harsh but Kan is just telling the truth.
He is the the kind of person Miwa and Saeko need, he may hate everyone, but he hates them equally. For him every person is the same, anyone can be a bother to him. Yeah it may be a immature way of thinking, but he's barely an adult and, it doesn't really matter cause he doesn't discriminate.

Thank you so much by the chapter btw <3<3<3<3<3<3<3
Dec 24, 2019
I dont understand why you would snipe a series of SAD. I somehow get when it happened with chapter 13 - there was a long break after the previous chapter. But even then it would be much more sensible to first contact SAD and ask if they dropped the title.
But why continue now? That's not nice at all.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 21, 2018
Jul 21, 2018
Kan is an asshole but at least is a honest asshole.

I don't like him, but I can't hate him.
May 15, 2019
I dunno man , its ok to be honest but he's way too assertive. You can clearly see hes socially crippled , there are smarter ways to deal with people you dont like.

He is funny though , tbh if I knew a girl was lesb and she keeps flirting with guys inadvertently because she dont want to be disliked, I would shit on her too but in a nicer way

You cant blame someone for getting hit on but you can blame them for not giving a straight response. My ex was gorgeous and got a approached alot , she seemed innocent but she enjoyed the attention knowing she has me and those guys had no chance. It's humiliating when you flirt with someone and suddenly the partner shows up kissing your target asking who you are and leaving you in the dust.

Instead of straight up making clear she has no interest she wanted to be nice , beeing cruel instead. Oh man this manga reminds me of my college days

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